The video to marvel at the force of Niagara Falls from the air


The video to marvel at the strength of the Nigara Falls seen from the air

When nature and its force are hypnotic

The author of this wonder made video is Jessica Peterson , responsible for the Global Girl Travels website, who, ten years after her first visit to Niagara Falls, decided to return. This time with the intention of recording the immensity of it, she explains it on her blog.

The more than three minutes of video run between curtains of water droplets , rainbows that contribute to increase the beauty of the landscape and images of the precise moment in which the water precipitates into the void. Then, with her bravery, she follows a course through which tourist boats equipped with red or blue plastic enter, which, like raincoats, try (many times unsuccessfully) to protect them from the wind and water.

“My hands were shaking as I maneuvered my little drone dangerously into those sheets of fog. If you are a photographer, I recommend that you jump out of bed to shoot at dawn. It is magical to see the sky light up and a hole break through the mist,” writes Peterson.

According to the Niagara Falls website, it is the combination of height and flowing water that makes these falls a place of great beauty. And it is that, the Canadian Horseshoe Falls (one of the two falls) measure 57 meters and have a volume of 168,000 cubic meters per minute , which would be equivalent to filling a million bathtubs every 60 seconds.

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