The Portuguese Alentejo: one of pousadas and vineyards


This year the Alentejo brings prize

This year the Alentejo brings prize

We chose four of them for you to dig your pillows on your next getaway.

1)Pusada Crato: the old monastery of Santa María de Flor da Rosa houses an architectural complex of various styles that includes a glass palace and a Gothic church.

Pousada do Crato the good taste of architecture

Pousada do Crato: the good taste of architecture

2) Pousada Beja: Located in the heart of the historic center, this 12th-century Gothic convent converted into a hotel boasts high ceilings, antiques and local crafts.

Pousada Beja a gothic convent turned into a hotel

Pousada Beja: a gothic convent turned into a hotel

3) Pousada Arraiolos: An old 16th century convent located in a town known for its subtle cultural heritage: rugs.

The Pousada of Arraiolos

The Pousada of Arraiolos

Pousada Evora: Between the Gothic cathedral and the Roman Temple of Diana, the former convent of Lóios has 36 rooms dating back several centuries.

The Pousada de Évora next to the Temple of Diana

The Pousada de Évora, next to the Temple of Diana

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