Looking for a couple in love, protagonist of a stolen moment in London


Kissing colors and art transform a street in Valencia

The Mystery Couple of London Bridge Station

As we reported a few weeks ago, the Valencian Moret Street , in the Carmen neighborhood, replaced the dirt and neglect with outdoor art, thanks to the intervention of a series of graffiti artists, photography and painting who, led by Calza, have managed to make this road stop being a "transit street", to become a "street where everything happens" . And where will it continue to happen? For now, they plan to add a new intervention in the street for before summer . "I have to close the artist and agree with him on the image to be reinterpreted," explains Calza.

Meanwhile, the activity has neither stopped nor is it expected to, and has crossed the barrier of the analogical to spread in the digital universe in search of a couple in love , protagonists of one of the images reproduced on the walls of the street, to whom one day of August 2012, at London Bridge Station, Alfonso stole a moment from them, that of a kiss.

Kissing colors and art transform a street in Valencia

Anonymous couple wanted

"Individuals and groups from different parts of Europe have been involved in the search, more specifically, groups from London and England , although we really don't know if they were from the country", acknowledges the photographer. "If we found them, the objective would be invite them to Valencia, give them the trip and that they emulate the kiss in front of the mural and thus close the circle".

Calza is optimistic about the movement that he is having on social networks. "The trickle in the networks of the hashtag ( #kissmevlc ) does not seem to turn off and remains active day by day", he assures in reference to the almost 500 photos of different couples only in Instagram .

And it is that in the Calle de los Colores, there is only one prohibition, that of not kissing in front of the mural of the anonymous protagonists. A) Yes, a stolen kiss provokes more kisses that, in the future, will lead to a timelapse. "With the number of photographs that there are, we could already do it, but it would be nice to let a little longer period of time pass and publish it with an anniversary, either of the photograph, or of the mural".

Follow @mariasanzv

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