In Jorge Drexler's suitcase


Drexler in Accomplices of Mahou in Madrid

Drexler in Accomplices of Mahou in Madrid

Where do you feel at home when you return to Montevideo?

The truth, when I go back to Montevideo Where I feel at home is at home. I live traveling a lot and going to restaurants a lot and, when I'm in Montevideo, I prefer to be at my brothers' house, which is where I most want to be. on the boulevard, the waterfront of Montevideo, is a place where I feel at home . It is a promenade in Montevideo that is twenty kilometers long, very long, very beautiful, next to the river.

Montevideo waterfront

Montevideo waterfront

You are a wine lover, how have you been approaching that world?

Yes, I think I'm not very original in that. When I came to Spain I began to really like wine because in Uruguay, in 1995, wine was not yet very developed. The contrast was monumental when I arrived in Spain, the wines were super good and very cheap. It was much more accessible; In Uruguay, drinking wine when I was thirty years old was a luxury, and it was a luxury, if I wanted to drink a good one, a very expensive luxury. I like it a lot, I'm changing regions... I don't know much, I've never done an official tasting course, I've tried a lot with friends who know I have talked a lot about wine, I have been to many wineries in many countries… I bring wine from almost all the countries I go to, where there is wine, because there are countries where there isn't. In the list of things that one asks for in the dressing room, we always ask for a local wine . Except in Brazil, where he tells you: if you want, we'll bring you a local wine... (laughs). There are some good Brazilian ones, but not many.

Could you recommend us one that you liked?

The last one I had was in Peru, which caught my attention, it was a Bolivian Tannat. I liked this one but I don't know much about it. I am going to recommend a Uruguayan wine: Tannat of Bouza . Any red wine from the Bouza winery, I like it a lot, it's one of my fetishes. And there are many Spanish wines that I go through: Art is one that I really like now. I think it's from Bierzo, I really like Bierzo wines.

Bouza Winery

Bouza Winery in Montevideo

Do you have new trips planned to write and disconnect?

Yes, now i'm starting to write . I'm entering a period of composition. I'm coming back from a very hard tour now through San Diego, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico... I haven't fully entered yet, but I've been going for a couple of months, and I'm realizing that I'm like unfolding the antenna to capture things. As I am a very scattered person and I am the father of a large family, with three children... I still have to escape, and I probably will: to write, to be alone, to be alone for a few days. The last time I went to Cantabria, to Somo beach . And I'll probably run away somewhere.

Somo Beach

Somo Beach

Do you like places with sea views?

I really like surfing. And the previous album, which was Dancing in the cave, was a very based on a type of expansive energy , physical, as an imminent reaction to the advent of fifty years, let's say. That he was taking advantage of the body as much as he could. So I went into the water and wrote, I went into the water and wrote, I wanted to write from that feeling of bodily happiness which then intends to flood the entire album, at least through dance. I don't know where I should go on this album, in which I'm starting to write, probably towards a more introspective side, but I would like to go to a place with the sea to take advantage of suffering a little. Composing is a very hard activity with the spirit and with the body.

"Surfing is one of the most powerful experiences for me"

I become very unstable when I write, that's also why it's good to leave. One has very large and very unfounded mood swings. One day suddenly you write something that you think… you are super happy, you call and show it to two friends, you send it to your dad and if someone has the misfortune to fall into your house at that moment you show him an unfinished song . And the next day you wake up and think: how did I show this that is still unfinished!? It may be fine at the moment, but it's unfinished. And then you are very impulsive. And if you can't close it, if you spend a couple of hours and you can't close the circle, if you get distracted by anything and then you have to leave, leaving a song unfinished is a very hard thing. So I get little into composing. I don't write all the time, I only enter when I know I'm going to have a few days of continuity I only go into that room if I know I can stay for a few hours, because it scares me. It is not a pleasant activity , it is not a pleasure, it is a necessary activity but… You ask someone: Do you go to a psychologist? Yes. He's hot, he's super funny? No. It's important, but it's not a fun thing. You go looking for something and you expose yourself a lot, every time you start, you expose yourself to the void... I try to write from the blank page, from scratch. Do not enter with presobvious tricks, you try to get rid of everything to start from a new place in each song and that makes you very dizzy.

Speaking of the power of surfing, you will like the book: 'Wild Years' by William Finnegan.

Surfing is one of the most powerful experiences for me. If it's not my favorite activity, it's one of them. . All my brothers surf, it is a collective activity, and we had a kind of code that everyone understood. We all studied, we all surfed, we all made music and we all liked girls. Music kills study, surf kills music and girl kills surf, it was like the last activity, it was the tetralogy. But that has been moving over time (laughs). And everyone understood that if there were waves, you stopped doing what you were doing, and sometimes surfing took last place. And then sometimes surfing kills relationship. It is very difficult, surfing does not have a schedule . You can't say okay Tuesday and Thursday from five to seven I go, even in that it is a spiritual apprenticeship, it demands of you a very great availability.

Where did you surf?

In La Paloma in Uruguay, on the Atlantic coast. It is a very good area. And I, later, everywhere I go on tour there are waves and I have two days. I was in Peru now, I have a problem with my leg and I couldn't go surfing in Peru but the last time I went, yes, the day of the concert at five in the morning we went surfing, I'm not going to do it anymore on the day of concert in Peru because it is an ocean but in Costa Rica, in Brazil, in Panama, in the Canary Islands, in the north, the Basque Country, Cantabria, Galicia, in Uruguay, in Ecuador. In all the places that there are waves and we can go.

Corcovado National Park is located on the Osa Peninsula in southwestern Costa Rica

Corcovado National Park is located on the Osa Peninsula in southwestern Costa Rica

Do you recommend any book that is in your suitcase?

He is very hooked on the book that is going to come out now, the last of a trilogy: The Enemies of Trade by Antonio Escohotado. He is the author who wrote the General History of Drugs, which is the most powerful drug encyclopedia out there . I always recommend getting to him for the talks, you put Antonio Escohotado on YouTube and there are a lot. Look for the talks of the enemies of trade, they are so disconcerting, the book is as disconcerting as was his General History of Drugs in the eighties, which generated a lot of controversy. And time has proved him right. And another book, by Víctor Lapuente called The Return of the Shamans. Very interesting, a political analysis of the moment.

Is there a city that you always want to return to?

There are many cities that I love. San Francisco is a city that I like very much and that I recommend all the time, I arrive and I am already happy. And another Cádiz, which I love, I go there a lot.

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