The Eiffel Tower in the nude: the best perspectives of the iron lady


The Eiffel Tower naked the best perspectives of the iron lady

The Eiffel Tower in the nude: the best perspectives of the iron lady

1. Sailing on a boat down the Seine River upon waking, early in the morning, the image of the tower gently zooms in to see it closer and closer.

two. Controlling your silhouette in XXL version , on the Champs de Mars lawn while having a French picnic with the three essentials (a tasty fromage, a delicate vin, and a crusty baguette) .

3. An awesome low angle view of its more than 300 meters high from one of its enormous pillars.

Champs de Mars

In XXL format from Champs de Mars

Four. A dizzying sight! from the new floor of the first floor of the Tour Eiffel. A transparent glass that allows you to walk through 57 meters high with a great feeling of emptiness, not suitable for the squeamish!

5. Imposing view from the Palais de Chaillot, in its esplanade Libertés et des Droits de l'Homme. Between its two wings, flanked by the golden statues and gardens of background trocadero . It is one of the most clichéd images but without a doubt essential.

6. In a fun tour of Paris with skates that are organized on Fridays and Sundays. you can enjoy a tour of all the monuments at different speeds on your rollers.

From the esplanade Liberts et des Droits de lHomme

From the esplanade Libertés et des Droits de l'Homme

7. From some of the surprise meeting points of the famous diner in white . In recent years, part of the guests dined at her feet with its golden light accompanying the evening.

8. A sunset on the Place de la Concorde . From its entrance on the side of the Hôtel de la Marine, it offers an extraordinary ensemble with the tower, the Egyptian obelisk and the elegant fountains.

9. On July 14, the Tour Eiffel is the protagonist of the impressive fireworks that celebrate the National holiday of France . Every year music and colors dance to the rhythm of a different theme. Some corners of Tuileries Garden at the height of the Arc du Carrousel , allow a nice view of the show.

From the Place de la Concorde

From the Place de la Concorde

10. a snowy winter , on a Sunday morning reading the newspaper and savoring a chocolat chaud on the heated terrace of the Chez Francis brasserie in the middle of Place de l'Alma as if it were a set of a feature film and you the main character.

eleven. One night in the milongas that take place in summer in the quays of the seine . Dancing tango you will watch her sideways at each step of your favorite Gardel melody.

12. From the tower itself. Going up little by little in the elevator you will reach its top, if you manage to get there late in the day, just before closing, you will have it all to yourself.

Do not miss the view from the Seine

Do not miss the view from the Seine

13. From the Tuileries Ferris wheel , you will see it and you will not see it… behind the Grand Palais in its successive laps. You can see it from different angles while you spin the wheel, without a doubt something romantic and kitsch but very special. One of those things that you have to do in Paris at least once in your life.

14. From the Parisian bridges. A sunny day on the pedestrian Pont des Arts , foggy in the majestic Pont Neuf or a clear night stationed on the imposing Pont Alexandre III.

fifteen. During the intermission of a classical music concert in the Theater des Champs Elysées. You can see it from the elegant Avenue Montaigne.

Alexandre III Bridge

Alexandre III Bridge

16. Through the airplane window when you arrive, before landing at Orly with the excitement of guessing it in relief hidden in the clouds. Or from the same plane when you leave with sorrow, reviewing the photos you have taken...

17. From metro line 6, in the uncovered part, when passing the height of the famous bridge Bir Hakeim . Meanwhile, a man plays a nostalgic melody by Tiersen on his accordion, recalling the soundtrack of Amélie.

18. At the top of rue d'Abesses tasting a chocolat-banane crêpre, in the heart of the Montmartre district. You'll get a special view of the Tower from afar, with a close-up of the rooftops of Paris fading into the distance.

From metro line 6

From metro line 6

19. From the air in a helicopter flying over the parisian sky either. A view of the west of the capital that will leave you speechless!

twenty. Taking a breather on the magnificent terrace of Café Marly located on the Cour Napoleon at the Louvre . Choose your table well if you want to see it in the background while having tea and some macarons.

twenty-one. From the side across the street shown in one of the short films that make up the film Paris je t'aime by director Sylvain Chomet.

The streets of Paris that lead to the Tower

The streets of Paris that lead to the Tower

22. As a goal when you go jogging along the Seine, its imposing presence will serve as an incentive to not stop, it usually works!

23. If you can't see her tête-à-tête, get up close to her in the 19th-century documentary Panorama pendant l'ascension de la Tour Eiffel by the Lumière brothers, or the short film from the 1920s paris qui dort by Rene Clair.

24. From the Arc de Triomphe you can contemplate it in its entirety, since you are not at a great height you will appreciate a very close general view of Paris and a splendid image of the monument.

paris qui dort

paris qui dort

25. On spring days, during an exhibition break, having a classic jambon-fromage sandwich on the terrace of the cafeteria of the Musée d’Art Moderne.

26. As by chance, it will surprise you in different streets in the 7th arrondissement (rue Saint Dominique, rue de l’Université…), getting lost on a Sunday bike ride.

27. From your tiny attic in your Erasmus year , with all your friends crowding the window exclaiming in multiple languages ​​every time it flashes.

The rooftops of Paris with the shining Tower

The rooftops of Paris with the shining Tower

28. A dynamic and fast picture from a motorcycle along the Avenue of New York.

29. Breakfast like a real king, with a silk robe included, in one of the luxe rooms of the Hôtel Brighton located on the famous rue Rivoli with its wonderful panorama as a stage.

30. Transporting yourself thanks to paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries such as the magnificent work of Jean Beraud Entrance to the 1889 Exposition Universelle of the Carnavalet Museum or “Jean Cocteau à l'époque de la grande roue” by **Romaine Brooks that you can enjoy at the Center Pompidou **.

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