Segura de la Sierra: route through one of the most beautiful villages in Andalusia


Segura de la Sierra route through one of the most beautiful villages in Andalusia

Segura de la Sierra: route through one of the most beautiful villages in Andalusia

Despite the fact that Wales is the European country that concentrates the most castles in its territory, if we talk about region or province, things change. The region with the largest number of fortresses in Europe is located in the province of Jaén , between mountains, natural parks and olive groves. It is not uncommon to walk the path of the nazaríes simulating the path they made in the Middle Ages towards the kingdom of Granada and finding a castle presiding over each of the towns they pass through.

Each town in Jaén hides a history of battles, intrigues and dynasties , X-ray of a land that has a lot to tell. With that premise we enter Segura of the Sierra , one of those towns that dazzles and hypnotizes. It is the only town in the province of Jaén that has entered that list of the most beautiful towns in Spain and we give a good account of the reason.

The streets of Segura de la Sierra

The streets of Segura de la Sierra


Segura de la Sierra is a town of snowy houses, that seem to hide among the pine forests, hardly wanting to take away the prominence of the challenging castle that watches from above, perhaps out of respect or prudence. This is how it has been for centuries, in a small town that grew bigger with the passage of the Muslims through Spain.

The route through Segura de la Sierra is usually done from below, but we find it more interesting from above, from the castle . The visit is not free since the castle is in private hands . From the beginning, its good state of conservation can be seen thanks to the restorations that have been carried out. Its height could point to the 13th century, although it has earlier elements such as the entrance tower, which is earlier. During the tour of the castle, you can perceive at all times that sense of grandeur and impenetrability.

The castle, which in its beginnings was an alignment of several fortresses, hides inside a cistern, a parade ground and some Arab baths, a sign that important personalities resided in that castle. You can also visit the Chapel of Santa Ana , a nod to the Mudejar art of the 13th century and an example of the mark left by the Order of Santiago in these lands.

The impressive castle of Segura de la Sierra

The impressive castle of Segura de la Sierra

Another gift offered by a visit to the castle is the possibility of enjoying one of the most surprising panoramic views of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas Natural Park . Mountains, pine forests and pure air entering directly into the lungs at the top of the fortress, evoking a time when the view from above was like a sentinel.


Once you've visited the castle, it's all downhill, through the peculiar streets of the town . In 1972 Segura de la Sierra was declared Historical Artistic Complex and its walled enclosure can be visited through the doors that are still standing, to unravel all the historical richness that it keeps.

There are several stops to make. When passing through one of the gates of the wall the town hall appears with its imposing Renaissance portal that was once the Jesuit College . Later is the Church of Santa María del Collado, of Romanesque art and composed of three chapels . It had to be restored in 1814 since Napoleon's troops burned it down, but it still retains a Recumbent Christ by Gregorio Fernández priceless . In front of the Church is the call Imperial Fountain, a fountain with the coat of arms of Carlos V dating from 1517 where tourists stop to take the required photo.

Going down Church Street you get to the Arab Baths . We have to go back to the eleventh century (although some point to three centuries ago) to imagine these baths, one of the few that are preserved in the region, in their fullness. In addition to having been restored, the visit is free and, together with those in Jaén capital, they are the only ones that exist in the region.

Segura de la Sierra route through one of the most beautiful villages in Andalusia

Segura de la Sierra: route through one of the most beautiful villages in Andalusia

Segura de la Sierra was the place where it is said that the poet Jorge Manrique , probably because his father was the administrator of the encomienda of the town, although there are no documents proving said birth. Jorge Manrique's house It is also found on the route through Segura de la Sierra, a 14th century building with the coat of arms of the Figueroa family on the portal, insignia of the writer's family, and the Cross of the Order of Santiago. Jorge Manrique in fact has his own viewpoint, next to the Town Hall, with a sculpture of the author reading in front of a priceless view, something that has earned the town the title of Picturesque Landscape.


To sit at the table in La Segura, you have to do it with the idea that you will not go hungry. We are in the land of EVOO with Protected Designation of Origin, Sierra de Segura , where wild boar, partridge and rabbit show their faces in many of their dishes, some of them from centuries-old recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation.

The gastronomy of Segura de la Sierra is closely related to that of La Mancha, especially with neighboring Albacete. Here we meet with garlic in all its forms, from "Ajoatao" to "Ajopringue" or "Ajiche" , accompanied many times with slaughter product or with cod, depending on the third party . In this region they are true experts when it comes to taking advantage of garlic through imagination.

Segureños love tapas, this is not a “tourist thing”. In addition, there are several places where you can eat tapas and portions for those who do not want the formality of a table and a tablecloth. And also with a terrace to enjoy the views. The viewpoint of Peñalta (San Vicente, 29) with its home cooking and its delicious croquettes and The safe table (Postigo, 2) with its lamb chops and its galianos are two good options. In this second you can even stay and have breakfast. Of course, it is important to book.

The bullring of Segura de la Sierra

The bullring of Segura de la Sierra


Segura de la Sierra has a The square-shaped bullring is one of the oldest in Spain. a. Yes, it is not round like the others.

The Nuestra Señora del Collado church has a Recumbent Christ by Gregorio Fernández , whose predecessor was Alonso Berruguete. Berruguete was born in the Palencia town of Palas de Nava, where they say Jorge Manrique was also born and not in Segura de la Sierra. Lots of coincidence, right?

You can do thousands of activities in nature in the Park of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas , so called because it comprises the three mountain ranges.

The brandy is part of the identity of Segura de la Sierra . Remember this when you finish eating. Friend's advice.

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