Romantic Cádiz: the city becomes tender


let's live beautiful

let's live beautiful

I know that there is nothing better in the world than travel in love . I think so because I know traveling is understanding and because traveling you stop believing that you are the center of the world. Believe me: that is the only recipe (and what is a relationship, if not a journey?) for travel hand in hand.

A romantic getaway to Cádiz only suitable for two

A romantic getaway to Cádiz only suitable for two

And I can't think of a better place where travel in love that Cadiz , homeland of the chirigotas and that Carnival (one of the Treasures of Cultural Heritage in Spain) that lights up its streets with all the colors of the world. Cádiz, the Cádiz that we will talk about today, is that ancient city that starts in Puerta Tierra, the capital of the Bay; the one you have heard so many times name as " cai ”.

A handful of neighborhoods full of civility, happiness, culture and “ potholes ” (as they call the bars here) and an impossible light that illuminates each of its 126 viewpoints . From the arches and walls of Pópulo, the oldest neighborhood in Europe; to the taverns and the truth in every corner of The neighborhood of the vineyard . I don't know of such a place, anywhere. Homeland of the Caleta beach , flanked by the castles of San Sebastián and Santa Catalina, and the church of La Palma that closes the street of the same name, packed with smells of saltpeter, nettles and little fish.

Sunset in Cádiz

This really is living beautiful


Because there is no better time to share silence (how nice it is to share the silence...) that a quiet breakfast , and because reading together presages a future full of joys and tarantos. A perfect place to **have some olive oil and tomato muffins for breakfast is La Clandestina ** (José del Toro corner with Cardenal Zapata), where the sisters Maria and Lola Martin Arroyo Lopiz They combine literature, vinyl, warmth and love for culture: Reading is sexy!

To continue with the literary route (and take the first steps through the streets of Cai), it is time to visit Quorum in Calle Ancha and second-hand bookstores Raymond . To get lost.

The Clandestine

The Clandestine


With an old book under his arm, he visits the temple of civilized drinking : the Chamomile Tavern of the master Pepe García Gómez, standing since the beginning of the last century and faithful to his absolutely radical proposal: only and nothing more than wines of Sanlucar de Barrameda . No Coca-Cola, no beer, no snacks. Only chamomiles, cut sticks and a century-old mahogany wood bar from which it is impossible to separate: this is Cádiz.

After going through the feduchy street we arrive at the Plaza de las Flores where another tavern is hidden, ** La Sorpresa ** de Juan Carlos Borrell and Maria Jose where flats from Delgado Zuleta and dishes of wild bluefin tuna are served (in addition to classic tapas such as salted mojama or its academic Gilda) of almadraba from Barbate in sashimi, carpaccio or tartar.

Chamomile Tavern

drink and live

To eat absolutely well there is where to choose, from the perfect frying of Paquito Drone in that sentimental homeland that has been mine for so many years, which is ** El Adobo on Rosario Street ** (marinated dogfish, acedías, sea bream, belly, mackerel with periñaca or “papas aliñás”) to creativity with a sense of * *Mauro Barreiro in La Curiosidad de Mauro ** (in Veedor) .

And going, of course, through the two timeless icons of the “very noble, very loyal and very heroic” Cádiz: The lighthouse , the seafood tavern founded by Gonzalo Cordoba that still, still, continues to believe in fresh products and short drinks —and also in La Viña you hear every day how life explodes in ** Casa Manteca .**

Kisses, two chamomiles and some pork rinds in this pothole that represents, like no other, the true spiritual reserve of Andalusia

Butter Tavern

The joy of eating and living


There isn't. Neither the sunset of so many sunsets in Madrid, "perfect in its blue and acacia color" (Ignacio Peyró), nor the gold and white of Florence, nor even the infinite melting pot of shades from any terrace in the Djemaa el Fna square in Marrakech. None like the sunset in front of La Caleta and the lighthouse of the Castle of San Sebastián... and this perfect blanket of boats and hopes.

It is time to abandon. The most comfortable thing is to seek shelter in one of the apartments that populate the center (a piece of advice: look for a house with an Andalusian patio) but as the perfect icing, I can't think of a better plan than to wake up in front of the indigo and silver from the Atlantic offered by the views from the Parador Hotel Atlantic , next to the Genovés park.

This is living beautifully.

Parador Hotel Atlantico

Parador Hotel Atlantic

A romantic getaway to Cádiz only suitable for two

Land with the smell of saltpeter, endless sunsets and 'beautiful living'

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