Beyond the center of Madrid: we eat the northern neighborhoods


Yes, we have done technical stop by Fuencarral and we have discovered true wonders of foodporn while we go through the metronorth.


It is strange to remember that until a few years ago the entire residential and business area that encompasses the area of Las Tablas, Montecarmelo and the round of Communication It was simply a huge wasteland.

It seemed that Fuencarral was the limit of Madrid with the municipalities of the North until the boom , redefining the landscape by building new neighborhoods where it has been shown that they like good food.

Behind the mountains

Here a Portuguese-style cod is served in its most purist concept

In Montecarmelo you will find what is possibly the best Portuguese restaurant in the capital, Tras Os Montes (Senda del Infante, 28), a Sunday classic for those looking for cod Portuguese style in its most purist concept.

There are up to 25 different ways of cooking cod, that's not counting other pretenses on their menu such as the feijoada waves grilled meats.

Walk to The morale we meet one of the essential Asturians in Madrid, Bear (Avda. De Burgos 214) which we have already told you about on occasion and which is a must-see on your gastronomic route to the north of Madrid.

The charming covered terrace of El Oso

The charming covered terrace of El Oso

Of course, if you want to live a true gastronomic experience, your destination is Filandón (Ctra. El Pardo to Fuencarral, km. 1.9), a very elegant restaurant located in the middle of the countryside and raises grilled meat to the nth degree.

A feast of grilled meat in Filandón must also always end with your cheese cake, possibly one of the best in Madrid.


This photo says it all


The tapas in Alcobendas It can become a declaration of intent. Especially if we stop at El Gran Mesón (Fuego, 34), one of the essential tapas bars in Alcobendas.

With popular prices and sizable caps, this bar with character knows very well how gather a group of friends around a cold beer and a portion of ear or homemade croquettes.

Another popular option is Ayllon Restaurant (Marqués de la Valdavia, 117) for its torreznos, perfect for fat lovers.


This photo says it all

If we seek to sit at a table, Alcobendas can boast of having great references in its territory. In fact, The morale It concentrates restaurants with cuisines from all corners of the planet and suitable for all budgets.

We can not stop visiting its newly opened Shanghai Mom (Estafeta, 2) with its sidereal kubak and its fantastic dumplings, or the new york burger (Avenida de Europa, 10) which, in addition to being selected as the most beautiful restaurant in the world, offers hamburgers worthy of the gods themselves.

In order not to fail, we can still take advantage of the sun's rays that remain on the terrace of A’Kangas by Urrechu (Pza. De la Moraleja, 4), with a higher price but with some cocochas that can well make you forget your pocket.

In addition, we cannot forget two great classics that never fail in Alcobendas. On the one hand Machine (Pza. De la Moraleja, 1), one of our favorite Asturians in Madrid that has a branch in La Moraleja. An Albariño with some razor shells or with its salad and forget about the passage of time.

another classic is Aspen (Pza. De la Moraleja, s/n) with one of the most requested terraces in the area. With the spirit of mountain cuisine, it has two essentials: their hamburgers and their splendid apple pie.

Aspen steak tartare La Moraleja

Steak tartare from Aspen, La Moraleja

The route through Alcobendas has other very interesting options such as Illunbe's San Sebastian cuisine (Avda. Brussels, 9) where the tortilla stick has a deserved fame. De Cháchara (Palestina, 8) is one of the coolest places, highly acclaimed for its ceviche and oxtail croquettes. And to go for wine, The Chatería (Dolores Ibárruri, 21) offers very good pairings with traditional cuisine.

By Chchara

Ceviche and oxtail


Saint Sebastian of the kings is one of the municipalities in the north of Madrid where it can be said that they know a lot when it comes to leaving Caps and portions . In fact, its offer of tapas bars is so extensive and we have eaten so well in so many places that It is difficult to make a selection.

What is certain is that to start a gastronomic route through San Sebastián de los Reyes you have to start from Or Cachelo (Avda Moncayo 2), a Galician restaurant where the best of Galician cuisine makes an appearance in the form of Empanada, with rice in lobster broth, xoubas with Padrón peppers and Cascoporro shellfish.

The other face of Galicia is found in Orecanto (Somosierra, 18), for tapas or eating in the lounge and pronouncing the magic words: Betanzos tortilla.

Lovers of torreznos will find in the video owner (Avda. Andalucía, 2) a complete oases of pleasure for the palate, well known for its generous caps and for a daily menu of 12 euros with which a regiment could be fed.

There is also fabulous tapas in another must-see in the municipality, La Esquina de Sanse (José Hierro, 18) which, when a few rays of sunlight come out, allows you to enjoy its terrace with some broken eggs or a grilled ear quite successful . Oh, and lengthening the evening with some copichuelas is the most normal thing.

sanse's corner

Here everything is product

When it comes to sitting down at the table, a restaurant that never fails to Saint Sebastian of the kings it is without a doubt alder (Gregorio Marañón, 6), a tribute to grilled meat where the Iberian secret is silk and the homemade desserts They are part of your backbone.

Other very good alternatives can be found in the marisquito de Luis II (Isla de la Palma, 37) with a final firecracker from his pomace cake or in the grilled meat and fish at El Pradal (Lanzarote, 26), although it is a little further from the centre.

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