X-ray of traveler with dog


X-ray of traveler with dog

X-ray of traveler with dog

In Spain they travel with a dog, at least once a year, 6,915,463 people . That is, 64% of people who live with a dog in their home he cannot conceive of spending his vacations without them. At least, this is what Habits of tourism with a dog says: the dog-friendly opportunity for the leisure and tourism sector in Spain, a study carried out by the company Dog Vivant for which it has carried out 2,912 digital surveys (169 to accommodations that accept customers with a dog and 2,743 to people who live with one or more dogs).

A series of conclusions have been drawn from their investigations that describe the traveler who sets out to discover the world with his furry, four-legged best friend, who describe you:

X-ray of traveler with dog

You do not contemplate spending a few days without him

- You travel with your dog because you like spending time with him and why don't you contemplate a few days off without him (93%) . Plain and simple. Although it is also true that you can be one of that remaining 7% that does not separate from him out of pity or because he does not have anyone to leave him with.

- You go to see the world with your dog and you go away a lot. At least, that's the way it is if you belong to the 20% of respondents who claimed to make more than six annual getaways. You don't get it wrong either if you belong to the 45% that makes between three and six getaways per year; and there are (35%) who say they travel once or twice a year, at most.

- When you run away, you usually spend three to six nights away from home (46%) ; although you would probably like to be the 27% who spend between one and two weeks traveling and a little less than the 22% who are away one or two nights.

- You spend an average of 72.6 euros per person and night, although, of course, this is like everything else and the data varies from one autonomous community to another. For example, Catalans are the ones who spend the most per person and night (76.2 euros), very far from the Extremadurans who, on the opposite side, are the ones who spend the least (54.4 euros).

- **You inform yourself online (79%) ** and you also pay attention to your friends and their recommendations (9%) .

X-ray of traveler with dog

You choose natural environments for your getaways

- When you search the internet, **you usually consult mainly websites specialized in dog-friendly resources (70%) ** or generalist reservation pages (65%) .

- Do you prefer the mountains or the countryside (55%) , but they do not rule out that you are part of the 36% that opts for the coast or that rare 9% that says yes to the city destination.

- What you pay most attention to when choosing a destination is that have areas and activities to enjoy with your dog (73%), in the offer of dog-friendly businesses that there are (59%) and in the opinions of other travelers with a dog (47%) .

- That there is a dog-friendly means of transport to your destination and in the destination itself is something that does not matter to you because you usually travel in your car (97%) . What's more, you have many (many) ballots to be part of that 88% who have never taken a plane with their dog.

- What type of accommodation do you prefer? You love rural houses (83%) and tourist apartments (56%), followed by the hotel (37%), the campsite (31%) and the motorhome (12%).

- And yes, you have red lines because you consider it essential that **your accommodation allows your dog to sleep with you in the room (86%) **

X-ray of traveler with dog

You usually travel in your car

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