The Finnish Forest of Madrid: trip to Finland without leaving Rascafría


Forest Finlands Rascafría

A lake that changes with the seasons

Christmas makes Madrid a special city, you saw the streets of light, the smell of roasted chestnuts and Christmas carols that have been heard despite the pandemic.

Many things have been lost in this year full of restrictions and fear, but if there is one thing that no one has been able to take away from Madrid, it is the snow in the sierra, a scandalously perfect white coat that takes over the forests of the northern sierra every year.

One of the most picturesque places to escape this Christmas in Madrid is without a doubt scratchy There is the unusual forest El Potario, baptized as the Finnish Forest, which receives that name due to the curious resemblance it bears to the forests of Finland.

We have arrived at the Paular Valley, possibly the most beautiful natural space in the entire Community of Madrid, a place that you have to visit at least once in your life and that at this time is simply a show.


Do you hear that? It is the silence of the Finnish Forest of Rascafría


It's not hard to find this forest It looks like something out of a fairy tale. The starting point is recommended to do it from the Monastery of Santa María de El Paular, named as the first Charterhouse of Castile. It dates from the 14th century and is well worth a visit before starting the route.

The monks who inhabited the monastery They took advantage of the waters of the Lozoya for fishing and grazing, although they were also dedicated to the production of paper. This last activity is the one that connected the monks with the forests, including the Finnish. It is said that it was these monks who supplied the paper for the first printing of Don Quixote in 1605.

Following in the footsteps of the Carthusian monks you have to cross the Lozoya through the Bridge of Forgiveness, an 18th century bridge that replaced the 13th century medieval one that previously existed.

The path that from here takes us to the Finnish Forest is known as the Paper Path; the monks walked this path from the Monastery to the Paper Mill currently in ruins. Be careful at this stop, it is not allowed to approach the ruins but you can see the remains from the gate.

Monastery of Santa Maria del Paular Rascafría

Monastery of Santa Maria del Paular, Rascafría


From the Mill there is no loss to the forest, You have to follow the path until you find a small stone bridge that marks the limit. The poster is easy to find.

From there you reach a small wooden cabin with red windows that was once a sauna. Yes, a sauna inside a cabin in the middle of a frozen forest, something that is part of the Finnish DNA and that we have found in Madrid.

Currently the sauna is not operational but with the snow it has become one of the snapshots of the trip. We could almost bet that many Christmas people have come out photographing this curious cabin.

The air here is as cold as it is clean, and it entangles between birches, poplars, yews and holly trees, a vegetation very typical of central and northern Europe. In front of the cabin is discovered a small jetty on the banks of one of the loops of the Lozoya.

Forest Finlands Rascafría

A sauna inside a cabin in the Community of Madrid!

This lake has a unique look in winter, when the tops of the trees are covered with snow and the water freezes. As a curious fact, the water has a historical importance since in the past it was hydraulic energy that was used by the Carthusian monks for the operation of the mill.

The jetty will make you wonder if you are really in Rascafría or in front of the very Finnish Lake Saimaa. With a little luck and if the cold presses your only traveling companion may be silence and solitude, so Frozen lovers have a gold mine (now that nobody sees them) to let out the artist they carry inside. At this time of year it is easy to find snow everywhere so it is important to be prepared.

The lake can be bordered since the path that runs through the Finnish Forest is circular and there is no possibility of losing it. It is very difficult to think that centuries ago this beautiful place could have been so hidden and only known to the locals and the monks of El Paular.

It may be for this reason that this natural space is in such good condition, like much of the Sierra de Guadarrama. Also, the landscape changes so much according to the season of the year that you will not be able to resist going back when the weather changes.

Forest Finlands Rascafría

The Lozoya or Lake Saimaa?


Going through the Finnish Forest requires hardly any effort and if you are not one of those who go crazy with Instagram stories you will have time to discover other wonders very close to the place. We recommend three additional plans:

Enjoy the snow in Cotos

You have the Port of Cotos a stone's throw away so a good idea is to go prepared for the snow and enjoy it like a small child. You don't have to be a ski master, renting a sled or simply going on a route are great ideas to enjoy the port.

Discover the Purgatory waterfall

From the Puente del Perdón you can follow the route to the famous Cascada del Purgatorio, although for this we recommend going with appropriate footwear since it is not completely flat terrain and the distance is approximately 6 kilometers.

The Aguilón stream is one of the tributaries of the Lozoya and in this place it has an impressive drop of about 10 meters. You won't be able to stop taking photos.

Purgatory Waterfall

Purgatory Waterfall

Eat at Rascafría as if there were no tomorrow

If you are one of those who prefer to pay tribute to yourself at the table instead of walking, Rascafría is an epicenter of Madrid's food porn. The red meat of the Sierra de Guadarrama, which is said to be the best in the Community of Madrid, is the protagonist here so do not hesitate to search an entrecote or a good sirloin steak on the menu of any of its restaurants.

A reference? the pylon (Ibáñez Marín, 52) but always with prior reservation. To tapas, without a doubt tascafría (Pza. de la Villa, 31) and its croquettes are a sure bet.

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