Why surfing is the best prescription your doctor could give you


Good for health, good for spirits

Good for health, good for spirit

Surfing produces a unique disconnection, without forgetting the pleasant benefits that physical activity produces . The Doctor Barucq is one of the doctors Biarritz that prescribes surfing in his consultations , because "in a prescription you can write other things that are not medicines", as he pointed out for a report in El Mundo.


There are many surfers who say they never get sick. A swim in the sea takes away many more things than you can appreciate and the satisfaction of sliding down a wave is indescribable. This alternative model is on its way to becoming a benchmark, something that does not take surfers around the world by surprise, who have accepted for centuries the medicines that nature gives us.

A surf session instantly change mood . There are factors that are mixed when I step on the shore such as water, sun, and air. These, together with your board, coordination, determination and the waves, make you secrete hormones as the adrenaline, dopamine, endorphins and serotonin (the 'happiness hormone') .

A set of happy people

A set of happy people


Looking for close opinions, we have spoken with Rafael Selles , physiotherapist, physical trainer at HealthSport Santander, responsible for FES medical services, (and also a surfer) who told us this:

“I see physical activity as essential as part of a rehabilitation or as a regular habit in the population to avoid pain . Besides, as a surfer, I consider this sport increases these benefits by communing with nature ”.

"I hope that these initiatives that use our sport for various therapies continue to prosper, specifically that of use surfing as medicine . It has all the elements to not be a fad and yes, an effective reality (as long as it does not disassociate itself from the professionals who guarantee safe practice) ", qualifies Sellés.

happiness is this

happiness is this


In Spain we are not exempt from all this that comes from the neighboring country (and its indisputable nucleus, Biarritz). There are several platforms that use the benefits of surfing as a tool . For example, the NGO Kindsurf promoted by the model Almudena Fernandez and the professional surfer Aritz Aranburu , which uses this sport for social activities; or the #SurfingEsVida campaign of the Spanish Surfing Federation, which uses this sport to contribute benefits to people with cystic fibrosis.

The surf it's news, it's travel, it's adventure, it's nature and it is one of the oldest sports known. None of this is so important if we say that surfing is health... and it seems that it is.

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Happy and toned legs

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