How does chef Diego Guerrero disconnect?


Rum Zacapa

How does chef Diego Guerrero disconnect?

“I am less productive if I spend the day working. I have learned that it is super necessary to leave the kitchen to go back in” . With this statement, as blunt as it is evocative, begins the little journey that Diego Guerrero proposes to the spectators. A change of scenery that, in his case, does not mean taking the suitcases, but draw your guitar or turn on the speakers and let the mind fly by itself. The chords, the melodies, the ostinatos and the game of timbres of the music is its true plane , his ticket to any other place where he can reflect, get away from everyday life and reinvent himself as a creator.

This entire process is not just another fetish since this award-winning craftsman of ingredients and mixtures has starred in one of the most exemplary catharsis in the recent history of Spanish cuisine. It was in 2014 when he decided to leave his comfort zone and the two Michelin stars that he held in one of the most traditional restaurants in Madrid, the Allard club, to refresh his mind and embark on the personal adventure of DSTAgE . “We realized that in order to improve we had to leave the restaurant, look for inspiration and start from scratch,” says Guerrero. Two years later, the reward of being recognized, once again, with two Red Guide stars showed that the impasse had been worth it.

Throughout this careful documentary piece, Diego Guerrero emphasizes the importance of his particular escape route: "I always listen to music," he says with a smile . A reality that all those who have worked with him or who have simply wanted to get closer to him have experienced. And it is that one of the most repeated anecdotes in interviews, photo sessions and receptions is when people ask him to turn down the volume and 'come back' to earth. "I need a soundtrack around me" he justifies sympathetically from the living room of his house. In this way he defines the constant presence of this art in his life, not as the protagonist of a moment of rest, but as the best companion both to create and to maintain the rhythm of work in his kitchen.

Another aspect of Diego Guerrero's funny personality that is revealed is how funny he is when he hangs up his chef's jacket. "I like to go out, I like to disconnect, I think it's necessary" he adds. Hence, he is happy and carefree listening to a concert or simply toasting with a Zacapa rum cocktail in which he demonstrates that good drinks are not only present in the cellar and bar of his temple in Madrid. An overwhelming and creative personality that has surprised Kamilla Seider, chef-host of this series: “Diego is even cooler than I thought,” she says.

With The Art of Slow , Ron Zacapa reveals that behind each creative gastronomic concept there are not only hours of effort, but also time, reflection and inspiration. That is, things cannot be done in a hurry. A concept that is the basis of the process of creating it since this Guatemalan distillate , one of the best rums in the world, is created by combining excellent raw materials with careful aging. And it is that to obtain this unique and gourmet flavor, Rum Zacapa It is made with the first pressing of sugar cane, better known as virgin honey, and is aged at more than 2,300 meters of altitude, in what is known as 'House of the Clouds', using barrels that have previously aged Bourbon, Pedro Ximenez and Jerez.

_ All the videos of this project can be seen on the Ron Zacapa website and are starring these culinary geniuses. _*

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