El Ancla del Lago, the new Casa de Campo restaurant from which to caress the summer


Restaurant El Ancla del Lago Casa de Campo Madrid

El Ancla del Lago is that restaurant capable of satisfying cravings at almost any time of the day

A ball of gin and tonic in hand, a sheet of water occupying your field of vision; in the background, fragments of the silhouette of Madrid, with the dark slate dome of the Almudena Cathedral demanding attention; at your feet, some ducks have come out of the lake tempting fate in search of food; and above your head, some trees move to give you a light breeze, just enough and necessary to catch your breath, relax your body and feel that everything is passing. The coordinates of wellness lead to the terrace of El Ancla del Lago, one of the new Casa de Campo restaurants.

And it is that since the month of January, there are already two anchors that can be seen in the largest public park in the capital. One, the mythical, the one that in 1979 ceded the Spanish Royal Naval League to the people of Madrid. Since then, its wrought-iron silhouette has rested in the northwest area of ​​the lake.

Restaurant terrace El Ancla del Lago Casa de Campo Madrid

This terrace is, at the moment, the closest you will get to feeling like you do on summer afternoons

Nearby, the other has been installed, the second, which is not an anchor as such, but this restaurant that borrows its name and whose terrace is, at the moment, the closest you're going to get to feeling like you do on summer evenings.

It has the capacity to 150 people, but at ease, with good separation between some tables that start their working day at that from 09.00 and extend it until 23.00, welcoming from breakfasts to 'afternoons', going through lunches, lunches and dinners.

The menu from El Ancla tastes like Madrid, with its bravas, its tripe and its tortilla; and also to share, thanks to portions that, being generous, cry out for us to recover that pecking that we like so much. Because one does not want to leave there without trying its crispy and creamy ham croquettes, but not without giving the eggs with eels a little pinch or without enjoying the cuttlefish.

Impossible to dare with everything if those grilled fish and meats that are making you famous begin to appear on the pages of your menu: grilled beef, 1 kilo veal steak, sole… Charcoal preparations. And add and continue: Homemade beef meatballs, oxtail, turbot, Galician-style octopus... Sharing was serious.

as seriously as its rice with lobster, immense, superb and tasty. And brothy. So that the (visual) feast begins from the moment it makes its appearance on the table, continue to breathe it in while it is served and hold on to each spoonful. And may it never end like that summer that we are dying to enjoy and from which, for now, we can snack on some sensation at the El Ancla restaurant.


Because offers a round proposal capable of satisfying cravings at any time of the day. A breakfast or the lunch after touring the Casa de Campo by bike? You got it. A appetizer Sunday with the family? Yours is. Nail glasses in the evening with your friends? Essential, especially on days when the sky turns pink. A food special? It is the site. And if the food is just for the sake of it, too. Or do you need a reason to give yourself a tribute?

Restaurant El Ancla del Lago Casa de Campo Madrid

His rice with lobster, immense, superb and tasty. and soupy


The location, surrounded by nature, feeling that the asphalt, and even the last few months, are far away. Feeling that, for a while, we have left Madrid.

Address: Paseo María Teresa, 2 (Country House) See map

Telephone: 91.354.36.07

Schedule: Every day from 09.00 to 23.00

Half price: 25 euros

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