How to get a job in the tourism sector


Work while traveling? Yes I want. Those would be the words of anyone whose passion has a lot to do with packing their bags. If you consider yourself an inveterate traveler, you already have the essential requirement. The CN Traveler Course in Digital Marketing and Communication for hotel, restaurant and tourism companies maybe it's just the last push needed.

Landing in an unknown place has become one of the main pillars of our leisure , perhaps that is why some are skeptical about the idea of ​​making it a profession. But Confucius already said: "Choose a job you like and you will not have to work a day in your life". More than one would be surprised to discover the wide range of possibilities that the world of tourism in the professional field.

It just takes the right training to get off the ground, literally and figuratively. This course "It provides angles, points of reflection and something that I think is important, agitation" , this is how Anabel Vázquez, travel journalist (and much more), founder of Laconicum and part of the teaching staff, clarifies. And it is that the course encompasses the disciplines of marketing and communication in particular, but the entire tourism sector in general.

Breakfast table at Mas Palou

From hotels to restaurants, tourism encompasses infinite worlds.

“Through online classes and content manuals, as well as exercises and assignments, the necessary tools are acquired to develop professionally. in the digital environment , working in parallel with specific lessons from hotel management, tourism brand and protocol and hospitality ”, is how Ángela García-Monzón, journalist, product manager and course tutor summarizes it in general terms.


Those who have not yet had a first contact with the tourism sector, professionally speaking, should not worry about concepts that, at first sight, can be frightening. This course is to delve into the other side of travel, to invite those who do not know and also to provide more tools to those who are already familiar with it.

That is, a new world for people interested in marketing or communication focused on the hotel, restaurant and tourism field , and a way to redirect the ambitions of those who are already considered professionals in the sector.

Have you ever stopped to think how many people are involved in a single trip? We take planes, we stay in hotels, we eat in restaurants, we make cultural routes... Perhaps this is the opportunity to understand how the agents involved in a simple leisure activity have a lot to do with the result of what will be our great trip.

Hotel Caserio Aldeallana

Have we thought how many people are involved in one of our trips?

“In this course you find many personalities, many ways of understanding this territory and many, many travelers with much to tell and share ”, says Annabelle. It is in the latter where the most exciting key to our training resides: in sharing experiences, anecdotes, obstacles and memories. Each trip is a faithful representation of ourselves , a cover letter, therefore it is the best way to learn from a professional.


However, behind all that poetry, there is also practice. When we finally decided on a discipline, thinking about the future is peering into the abyss . But we just need to recap how often we travel in our daily lives. There we realize that trips have no expiration date , we will never tire of discovering new destinations, of experiencing Stendhal's Syndrome over and over again, of keeping alive what we now call the spirit of 'wanderlust'.

“It is a sector with infinite possibilities for develop professionally and, furthermore, enjoy it ”, says Ángela who, aside, emphasizes that it is an area in which new challenges are constantly present, “from tourism branding projects and destination marketing, to the repositioning of hotel chains, putting together boutique projects anchored in sustainability, to provide digital personality to independent restaurants…” The possibilities are so wide as the ambitions that each of the students wishes to have.


“It is a sector with infinite possibilities to develop professionally and, in addition, enjoy it”

When we ask Anabel Vázquez about the future of the profession, she cuts to the chase: “Everything. It is a world that welcomes, in turn, many worlds : hotels, agencies, destinations, airlines, communication agencies, related brands…”. Choose your traveling profile and make it yours. Meanwhile, we will continue packing for leisure, for love, for friendship, for family, also for work … Any reason is good. Booking a few tickets has been shown to generate much more profit than loss.

The CN Traveler Course in Digital Marketing and Communication It is an all-in-one, a complete and broad vision of what the world of tourism is and, although the future cannot be predicted, we agree with Anabel on an irrefutable truth: “ We will never stop traveling , is part of what builds us, and we want to do it well and with purpose”.

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