Restaurant of the week: Bo.lan



Bo.lan, possibly the best Thai haute cuisine restaurant in the world

We are probably before the best haute cuisine thai restaurant in the world And yet, not all those who come attracted by his fame are equally convinced.

It is not that the uninitiated diner in Thai cuisine will not enjoy a meal at Bo.lan but, just as to appreciate the subtleties of Spanish haute cuisine, it is advisable to know its traditional cuisine, those who know this gastronomy well will enjoy the nuances more and refinements of Bo.lan's cuisine.

In the same way that it would be difficult to appreciate certain nuances of Dani García's cuisine without ever having tried Andalusian cuisine. because the fact is that culture shock is served: Bo.lan is a Thai haute cuisine restaurant, which uses mostly ingredients that are difficult to find outside of Thailand and has european prices, in one of the cheapest cities to eat well in the world.

And, to top it off, served the old fashioned way over there – that is, all the dishes at the same time – something that scandalizes the European foodie, accustomed to its dozen services in the tasting menus.


Most of the ingredients are hard to find outside of Thailand

A menu that tries to balance the four pillars of Thai cuisine –sweet, salty, sour, spicy– in what is an authentic palatal gymnastics exercise and the six important techniques –steamed, cooked, grilled, raw, sautéed and fried– with the families that make up a Thai menu: salads, nam priks, stir-fries, curries and rice dishes.

An extremely complex exercise in which food must be seen as a whole, a whole. And for this they use very fresh products, mostly organic.

Fresh, sharp and tasty dishes. Here there is no mercy with the tourist and chiles are used sparingly. That does not mean that all the dishes are spicy because, as in all Thai cuisine, balance is sought after.


The menu tries to balance the four pillars of Thai cuisine: sweet, salty, sour and spicy.

Thus, powerful and authentic dishes parade before the diner's eyes: the longan –a kind of lychee– stuffed with pork and shallot with palm sugar, the soup with fresh coconut milk -the difference is abysmal- with beef shank, galangal and green chili, or the monumental version of the chicken panaeng curry.

Clean, no-holds-barred flavors and unconventional recipes that move away from what most of us understand by Thai cuisine.

the wine list, Eternally punished in Thailand for absurd tariffs, it is very expensive and the wide range of quality beers is a good alternative. The service has always been meager and the details almost non-existent. But remember, this is Thailand.


Salads, nam priks, stir-fries, curries and rice dishes make up the Bo.lan menu

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