'People Are Saying', pieces of wisdom at street level in Buenos Aires


Collaboration Nº1187. Heard by Vane Moreno

Collaboration Nº1187. Heard by Vane Moreno

In Buenos Aires the story and the anecdote are taken care of. The man from Buenos Aires feels like the protagonist of the scene with a talent that is difficult to imitate. And, luckily for the traveler and the snooper, at an inconspicuous volume. In a café in Palermo, the curiosity of Tatiana Goldman and Ezequiel Mandelbaum lit the fuse for this project on December 8, 2011. “At the next table there was a couple who were talking, it is clear that what they were saying was more funny than what we said and we stayed listening. Were loose sentences, out of context, but funny and interesting Mandelbaum remembers.

His close to ten million followers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can blur the analogical origin of his adventure. "It didn't start as something digital, but as a much more analog idea of ​​collecting all the phrases that one hears on the subway, on the bus, on the street...", says its founder. Nine months later he already had 150 phrases, and although the initial idea was to publish them in a book, they considered changing their route. “Che, what happens if we share them? From there began what is today La Gente Anda Diciendo, which is a delirium”, admits Mandelbaum with a smile.

Tatiana Goldman and Ezekiel Mandelbaum

Tatiana Goldman and Ezequiel Mandelbaum creators of 'People are saying'


And that's how this encyclopedia of sidewalk aphorisms started, of clueless anecdotes that hide more than what they say (but they tell the truth). "If you ask anyone about friendship, life and they know that it will be read by millions of people, they will surely try to be interesting, funny, intelligent... It's much nicer when someone who doesn't know you're listening , you suddenly hook him saying something very from within, and that is what is produced on the street, ”he explains.

Their improvised haikus must be true phrases, heard on the street, anonymous and have "something" interesting. “Ultimately it is being able to dive into the history of an anonymous ”, he summarizes. An idea that has permeated a very active and participatory community. “The first sentence that we shared of those that were sent to us was from a couple who were walking down the street and the man said to the woman: Marta, we have to buy a bible. Because of how the project has been changing now, perhaps it is not so interesting, but we think: how crazy, they are going to do an exorcism, what happened to that couple… Now they are more complete sentences”.

Collaboration Nº827. Heard by Luciano Russo.

Collaboration Nº827. Heard by Luciano Russo.


Xoel López already sang it: "Without the words tell me what we have left...". Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Uruguay, Chile, Spain are some of the countries that have participated so far. “When there is a word that is Buenos Aires, they ask from other countries, it is very interesting because the same people answer it. It happened a lot and it's very nice. The original idea was to record the way we speak and that way is full of invented words or "lunfardo" (slang that emerged at the end of the 19th century in the city of Buenos Aires)”, says its founder.

A simplicity that crosses borders. “People Are Saying has two books and it happened to me to take it to Colombia, and they bought it and a lady told me: I don't understand, I don't understand, when reading the sentences. But there was something that equally fascinated her, want to find out what it said , what it meant or that, perhaps, beyond not understanding a particular word there is something that is common to all, certain things are understood beyond the word”.

Originally heard in Portuguese Pra onde a gente est indo Não sei more let's follow that face that walks confident.

Originally heard in Portuguese: - Pra onde a gente está indo? - Não sei, but let's follow that face that walks confident.


“Remember when Felix Baumgartner was the guy who jumped out of the stratosphere? When that news happened, we published a phrase from a girl who told her boyfriend something like… It was spectacular.”

People are saying

" There are several phrases that have their history . There are some that over time are not even funny but they seem interesting to me. One that opens book one, I heard it and it was very contextual. There had been a very strong storm in Buenos Aires, many trees had fallen and the street had been cut off, cars could not pass and some boys had started playing paddle (shovels). And they were playing in the middle of the street, I passed by and one told the other very happy...".

People are saying

People are saying

"... And it was that, it seemed very strong to me. Although it is a very innocent phrase represents a type of current childhood where boys do not play in the street and where a fallen tree offers them the possibility to do so", explains its founder.

"A phrase that we also remember is: Two ladies in a bus and one tells the other...":

People are saying

“The phrase was very successful, for me it is very much in the style of People Are Saying because on the one hand it is very funny , the friend so sincere to tell her che, I opened my eyes this is happening . And on the other hand it is very strong, embodies the whole problem of parents and children, communication, drugs... many things".

Two volumes of People Are Saying have emerged from this adventure, linked to the prophecies of the "end of the world" in 2012 and the appointment of Pope Francis. Available via the Internet and Volume 2 at Madrid Panta Rhei bookstore.

Also in paper version

Also in paper version

We do not resist and we look at the list of favorite corners in Buenos Aires by Ezequiel Mandelbaum, in love with bookstores that are cafeterias.

- Patio del Liceo Gallery, Av Santa Fe 2729 (gallery with shops of all kinds and a café for a drink).

- Café San Bernardo, historic bar at Av Corrientes 5436.

- Falena, bookstore and cafe, Charlone 201.

- Eterna Cadencia, bookstore and cafe, Honduras 5574.

- Café Varela Varelita, Av Scalabrini Ortiz 2102.


Make yourself comfortable in Falena

- National Brewery, Arevalo 1588.

- Benaim, restaurant and brewery, Gorriti 4015.

- PIBÄ Brewery, Cerviño 3833.

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Follow @gentediciendo



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