Bali will not open its borders to foreign tourism until 2021


Bali will have to wait

Bali will have to wait

The health crisis world has fully affected the sightseeing , especially to those most frequented destinations, as is the case of the island of Bali (Indonesia) , whose economy has suffered a great impact in recent months.

In Bali, the closure of borders has not only generated considerable decrease in sales volume of small and medium-sized enterprises, agricultural cooperatives and the craft industry, but has also meant the dismissal of 2,667 workers in the tourism sector.

Woman in Bali temple

The opening was scheduled for September 11

It seemed that if you got control the rate of coronavirus infections , restrictions on visitors would be lifted. However, that opening of borders which was discussed in May will not materialize, surely, until 2021.

It is true that Bali, following the guidelines and policies of the central government, has achieved good results in controlling the spread of the virus: it does not have a very high number of new positive cases -4,446 in total- , reports high cure rates -3,881 people, 87.29%- and the mortality rate is relatively low -52 people, 1.17%- , according to data from the country's official tourism website.

But these data, unfortunately, have not been enough to reach the third phase of adaptation to the new normality after COVID-19.

During the first stage, which began on July 9 , they resumed certain activities -related to health, customs and religions, commerce, transport, restaurants and stalls....- in a limited and selective manner and intended , in exclusive, to the local community.

With the second stage , which started the July 31st , the list of activities was expanded, including the tourism sector, but only domestic tourists were allowed to enter.

Instead, the last phase scheduled to start on 11 of September and from which it was planned to extend the freedoms to the tourism sector, including the arrivals of foreign visitors, has been postponed. As the central government has communicated, Indonesia will still extend the travel ban until at least end of 2020.

Woman in Bali

International tourism will not be welcome in Bali until 2021 or, at the earliest, the end of the year

In turn, they have established new requirements mandatory for the national tourists who visit Bali:

1.Provide a certificate of negative results of the test for the detection of the coronavirus. The document will be valid to enter Bali during the 14 days after issuance.

two. Tourists who do not grant said certificate will be forced to undergo a PCR or a rapid test in Bali . While they await the results of the test, they will undergo a screening process. quarantine at a place determined by the Government of Bali. Those who test positive will be treated at a health center on the island. All the costs, from the test to the admission to the hospital, will be borne by the tourists.

3.Before departure to Bali, every tourist is obliged to fill out the application LOVEBALI, portal where you can also submit complaints or report problems during your stay.

Four. when they do tourist activities in Bali, visitors will be required to: wear a mask ; Wash your hands with soap and running water or use a hand sanitizer ; maintain a minimum safety distance of one meter; submit to body temperature measurements ; Clean personal items, such as mobile phones, glasses, bags, masks, and other items, with disinfectant liquid as needed; be willing to be examined by health workers in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19; Already Avoid physical contact when greeting.


Tegalalang, Bali

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