Why you should visit Ljubljana


Reasons to travel to Slovenia

Reasons to travel to Ljubljana


The capital of Slovenia has about 300,000 inhabitants Y your center is very manageable . If you hurry, you can visit the most important parts of the city in 24 hours doing all the routes on foot, without the need to take any public or private transport. even better still if the tour is done by bicycle , because you will have more time to enjoy the bars and restaurants you visit. Without a doubt, it will be one of the most interesting days of your life. That the experience is brief does not mean that it is not intense.

Look how beautiful you are Ljubljana

Look how pretty you are, Ljubljana

One morning visiting the castle, the dragon bridge and the historic center of the city (East area) and stroll after eating through the riverbank of the Ljubjanica river and the Trnovo neighborhood (south zone), reaching spica , the so-called “beach” of Ljubljana, weather permitting. It is a plan that can occupy half of the day. The other half can be invested in an afternoon in the park Tivoli (west) , with several museums and art galleries inside, return to the center to dine by the river, near the Cathedral, and spend a night out in one of the squats in Metelkova (north) .


There are not hundreds of spectacular streets, like in Rome, Paris or Budapest, because we have already said that it is small, but it is inexplicable that there is no image of this city that is part of the collective imagination, even more in the age of Instagram.

Façade of the Emporium Galleries

Façade of the Emporium Galleries

When night falls, the Preseren square It is probably one of the most charming in all of Europe. In it are several emblems of the city, located at the foot of the famous Slovenian capital castle . Its beauty is due to a communion of elements: a baroque church, that of the Annunciation; the statue of the poet Frances Preseren , which gives its name to the square; the triple bridge and the glossy facade of the Emporium Galleries , a department store from the beginning of the 20th century, make up the postcard brought to life by the hustle and bustle of the people who walk through the place . Novi square is not short.

Novy Square

Novy Square


A menu of the day Neboticnik , the cafe located at the top of the so-called "skyscraper" of the city costs less than ten euros. For dinner, ace appetitive , considered one of the most expensive restaurants in Ljubljana and located in a cute interior courtyard, you can go out for less than 60 euros per person, with a wide menu to choose from.


The cafe located in the "skyscraper" of the city

A more tourist option, the restaurant Strelec which is located inside the castle and combines the taste of the Adriatic and that of the Alps, does not exceed 60 euros either. Two of the most recurrent snacks in this city full of students are very popular exports in other regions of this part of Europe: the Cevapcici and the Burek.


Inside the castle and over the city


As we have already said, the pedestrian and the bike are much more common than the car. Jams and heavy traffic are conspicuous by their absence. Still, it has a kind of eco-friendly transport : an electric vehicle called kavalir . It also has about 540 square meters of green areas per inhabitant They are also very well preserved. There is natural gas in 74% of homes and it complies with the zero waste program, whereby 75% of its waste is separated into materials for reuse. With all this we also say that it is a capital whose streets, rivers and lakes are especially clean.

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Preseren Square

Preseren Square

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