And the best city in the world to live in 2019 is...


girl smiling in vienna

There are many reasons to smile in the city with the highest quality of life in the world

One more year, and there are already 21, the consulting firm Mercer has launched its ranking with the he cities with the best life in the world , developed with the purpose of helping multinational companies and other organizations to fairly compensate their employees on international assignments. The report, which assesses the social, political, economic, cultural, medical, environmental and educational environment of more than 450 cities has concluded again, for the tenth consecutive year, with the same winner: Vienna .

follows closely Zurich , while third place is shared by three cities: Auckland, Munich and Vancouver, metropolis that has been ranked highest in North America for another ten years. **Singapore (25), Montevideo (78) and Port Louis (83) ** retain their status as cities with the highest quality of life in Asia, South America and Africa respectively.

As for Spain, Juan Vicente Martinez, director of Mercer's Career Client Solutions area, indicates that both Barcelona What Madrid “they continue to maintain their attractiveness as destination cities for international assignments, keeping up with other European and Western cities”. Right now, they are in the stalls 43 and 46 respectively, with the capital rising three places since 2018, while Barcelona maintains its position.

port louis

The city with the best life in Africa is Port Louis, in Mauritius

If we look at the European map, on the other hand, we will see that it is the cities of the old continent that continue to have the highest quality of life in the world , with Vienna (1), Zurich (2) and Munich (3) occupying the top positions in the ranking. It's more: Up to 13 of the top 20 positions on the planet are occupied by European cities. In addition, as mentioned in the report, the three largest European capitals, **Berlin (13), Paris (39) and London (41) ** maintain their positions, while **Minsk (188), Tirana (175 ) and St. Petersburg (174) ** continue to be the worst positioned.


In this edition, Mercer has drawn up a specific ranking on personal security; It analyzes internal stability, crime, law enforcement, limitations on personal freedom, relations with other countries, and freedom of the press. Also in this case, the highest positions in the ranking are occupied by cities from Western Europe, with Luxembourg as the safest city in the world . After this they come, sharing the second place, Helsinki and the Swiss cities of Basel, Bern and Zurich. The last position of the 2019 personal security ranking, 231, is occupied by Damascus , and just one position above, at 230, is Bangui , city of the Central African Republic.

In our gallery you can see the ten cities with the highest quality of life of the world .

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