Tuscany: when reality is stranger than fiction


Tuscany when reality is stranger than fiction

Tuscany: when reality is stranger than fiction

The Toscana is one of the twenty regions of Italy. Its eponym already gives an idea of ​​its historical importance and antiquity: was first known as Etruria , for being the home of the Etruscans; later she was called tuscia and finally, Tuscany.

This land of great hills and green meadows that stretch out in all directions, towns of incomparable beauty, delicious cuisine and monuments of great historical importance and magnificence - not in vain in florence , its capital, had Stendhal his famous syndrome- it is one of those places that will make you dream and make you feel like the protagonist of a European costumbrista film. Welcome to Tuscany.

If there is a land that allows you to feel tranquility and fascination at the same time, have historical interest and offer excellent food, that's Tuscany. It is not uncommon for her to be the protagonist of so many movies and works, and that a large number of artists chose it as a place of retreat to keep inspiration alive, since it is full of landscapes that revive the imagination. Under the Tuscan Sun It is, without going any further, an example of what many feel when they step on this land full of color.

Under the Tuscan Sun

Under the Tuscan Sun


Tuscany is one of those trips in which it really does not matter where we choose to stop, because everything is worth seeing. Even the most lost dirt road will delight us with an incredible landscape . But, as in any trip, we will have to choose, and these are some of the best places to relax and enjoy. We travel through Tuscany from the Val d'Orcia to the coast.

Val d'Orcia

This valley, which has been a UNESCO heritage site since 2004, is the one that offers the most characteristic and well-known landscape of Tuscany . The 'culprits' of this are the hills that spread like gentle eruptions of terrain ; and the cypress , almost a registered trademark of the photographs of the area.

There is much to see in Val d'Orcia, but the best is do it with your own vehicle because its roads, which wind through the green and yellow tones of the landscape, are of a beauty that is hard to beat.

Chianciano Terme

Chianciano Terme

In Val d'Orcia there is also postcard stocks . On top of a hill, watching everyone who approaches, is Chianciano Terme . This town, also famous for its hot springs -like other nearby sites-, is wonderful for a walk. Their cobbled and labyrinthine streets -which are still home to a lot of local life-, churches and archaeological museums allow you to get an idea of ​​the historical evolution of the region.

As a curiosity, in Chianciano Terme lives Alfonso Lionelli , a great collector of Playmobil, the famous timeless toy. His store is a museum of the different life stages of these plastic figurines.

Montalcino , for its part, is a small town that makes the visitor return to the Italian medieval period almost without thinking. Proof of this is its fortress castle, and its wall, constructions that have been preserved amazingly well despite dating back to the 14th century. Another thing that few visitors forget to do when they visit Montalcino is to try its famous wine, Brunello di Montalcino .

Abbey of San Galgano

Abbey of San Galgano

Speaking of the Middle Ages and its stories, there are few things more legendary and that cause more expectation that surrounds the Excalibur sword . Although it seems strange, for many the real sword that the King Arthur had to extract from the stone found in this valley of Tuscany, specifically in the Abbey of San Galgano.

This roofless temple is impressive . Its history also explains that the sword ended up there as a symbol of peace after its owner decided to leave the battles and become a hermit. The sword can be seen in the hermitage of this sacred place.

And we cannot leave this area of ​​Tuscany without visiting its best-known jewel, ** Siena .** Although this is a more touristic place than the previous ones, it is impossible not to enjoy this city and its main square, the Piazza del Campo.

This semi-circular square is impressive, and its immensity, antiquity and beauty will leave anyone who steps on it breathless. If we want to see it from above we can go up to the Mangia Tower or, even better, have a snack in one of the small bars in the area, some of which allow you to go up to its terrace to enjoy the delicacy with fantastic views of the square.

The rest of the old part of the city is almost as worthwhile as its square. Siena is wonderful and has a lot to see, like the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, from the 13th century.

Piazza del Campo Siena

Piazza del Campo, Siena

**The heart of Tuscany, the Chianti Valley **

Among Siena and Florence lies the next most beautiful valley in Tuscany, that of Chianti. This area has even more vineyards than Orcia, fantastic connections to other parts of Italy - making it very easy to visit - and a number of worthwhile villages. Almost all of them have that touch of a story, typical of this area, but here we choose a few.

we start with Radda in Chianti. This town is small and seems to have little to offer, but don't be fooled by appearances. This ancient Etruscan settlement, which would later become one of the economic centers of the area, preserves very old churches and palaces. In addition, it offers a beautiful view of the region, almost from a bird's eye view. Castellina and Panzano , two other nearby villages, are similar to Radda.

Montefioralle It is one of those places so beautiful that they seem unbelievable. Is village , which rises on a hill -which blooms in spring, as its name indicates- is an idyllic place to stroll peacefully, as if you were one of the locals.

Next, it's Tavarnelle . This land is even more famous for being home of craftsmen , than for its vineyards. It is a perfect point to sleep in a rural house and enjoy the magnificent landscape.

Cat sleeping in Greve in Chianti

Cat sleeping in Greve in Chianti

Further north, almost in Florence, is Greve in Chianti . The best thing about this town is that it maintains many traditional shops -such as cafeterias, butchers, etc.- that make Greve maintain a very authentic atmosphere. Its central square, that of Verrazzano , has a triangular shape and is dedicated to the navigator Giovanni Verrazzano , the first European to set foot in present-day New York -although today, thanks to Christopher Columbus, he is hardly remembered outside of Italy.

Pisa area and the coast

We head to the coastal area of ​​Tuscany, and for this we take the opportunity to visit other fairytale places along the way. **San Gimignano** is known to some of the locals as 'the New York of Tuscany'. And, although it seems absurd, the comparison has its logic, since this medieval city It has a large number of towers that are considerably tall for a city built centuries ago.

The explanation lies in the rivalry between the families of the town, who raised them, each one higher than the previous one, to demonstrate their power. San Gimignano is a more than surprising visit.

We leave behind the high-rise buildings to go to Volterra, already in the province of ** Pisa **. This city, which maintains both Etruscan and medieval characteristics, looks like a fictional town.

San Gimignano

San Gimignano

So much for its constructions, some amazingly well cared for; as well as the ravines that can be seen from above, generated by the erosion of the clay soil. A true spectacle that is most likely one of a kind.

Finally, we make a stop in Pisa before entering the beautiful coastal town of Livorno and surroundings. Of Pisa its leaning tower and all the constructions that surround it are known. However, this student city has much more to offer than its most touristic area, which is often too crowded. Pisa is a perfect city to walk around, have a drink, visit some of its churches converted into pubs or theaters or simply chat over a good espresso.

We have reached the end of the journey. Thinking of Tuscany does not seem to allow us to think of the coast. But this region is bathed by the Tyrrhenian Sea, and has incredible villages and landscapes at its feet. Livorno, very close to Pisa, is one of them. This city, with buildings belle époque , and even a Piccola Venezia -because of the small canals that cross it- it is a perfect place to eat delicious seafood. In addition, it has a very well-kept coastal promenade, ideal for eat an ice cream by the sea.

Tuscany has it all, there is no doubt. But, if even with this we have not convinced the visitor, there is still another compelling reason why Tuscany is a perfect holiday destination: its incredible gastronomy.

Eating and drinking in Tuscany is a pleasure -you cannot leave without tasting their wines or their panini and pizzas-. This is an ideal destination to get carried away by the five senses. Do not hesitate and head to this beautiful place bathed in sunlight.

Livorno Italy

Livorno, Italy

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