The great traveling test (confined) of the year


Female traveler wearing face mask at Salvation Mountain United States

The great traveling test of the year

Every year we launch at Condé Nast Traveler a great traveling test . It is our way of turning the tables and, instead of opening up the channel with our recommendations, we ask you, readers, to tell us where you want to travel, how you usually do it and what you want from us. Yes. It is our forum to get to know each other, beyond the comments on social networks. It is taking your pulse and taking it ourselves. Will we be right?

But this past 2020 we have had to change a lot . We have had to change everything. For months our travel publication became (or so we pretended) in one more partner with whom to interact , from which to travel by click, and through which find out about the latest news on the pandemic in Spain and other countries . Every frontier it opened was a shared achievement. And every bad news, one more blow to the heart. We wanted to be part of your daily life, with recipes, virtual visits, music lists... we wanted to continue traveling hand in hand without moving.

So obviously our Traveler test of the year has become a confined test . But also in a possibility of the future: how do you consider the year 2021? What can we do to accompany you in the coming new year?

You can participate in the voting form that you have here below and, in addition, prize! (It could not be otherwise). After participating, you will opt to win a night for two people in the Suite category (Jupiter's Moons) of the hotel with the bubbles that look at the Miluna sky, in Toledo. ( You can vote from January 5 to January 25 at 11:59 p.m. and we will announce the winners on Tuesday, January 26. Check here the legal bases.

My moon

Miluna (Ants, Toledo)

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