Gold List 2021: you choose the best of the trip


You choose the best of the best

You choose the best of the best

We have never crossed out the pages of the calendar so eagerly. Nor had we ever been so still, reflecting, realizing that all that maelstrom of activity and debauchery was meaningless. That is why we announce today, with more enthusiasm and strength than ever, the Gold List 2021 , the list of Condé Nast Traveler's favorites from the travel world . Here they are all : airlines, hotels, resorts, spas, destinations, cars, technology, beauty... but it's also the design, the groundbreaking and, of course, the green . We no longer understand the world without sustainability, without knowing how to do things calmly, slowly, and looking at a future planet that languishes with each blow. That is why we consider ourselves nomads for a new world. People who want to continue traveling but in an environment that, despite the fact that it was always there, we now see differently.

But, dear reader and traveler, as every year we ask for your help and your wisdom: you and only you have the voice, the one that represents us all. The vote to choose the best of the trip, to those "golden" of the sector, is open . We want to know what is that little corner of the world in which you would get lost, the flight of which airline managed to make you happy, that resort in which you lost track of time or that hotel that is at the top of your wish list.

And as a great power carries great responsibility... we want to reciprocate with a prize very of this era. Or better: with three, which come from the hand of Rusticae. You can participate until March 29 at 11:59 p.m. and you can consult here the legal bases. Vote on the platform at the end of the article.

Tio Pepe Winery Hotel

Tio Pepe Winery Hotel



Telecommuting allows us to take our backpack anywhere and take advantage of free time getting to know new destinations. Thus, this first prize consists of 2 nights of accommodation and breakfast , with a work space (for two people) at the Hotel Bodega Tío Pepe in Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz.

2.Agrotourism in Ibiza

The second prize consists of a stay at Hotel Can Lluc 2 nights (breakfast included) for two people. An orchard in the heart of Ibiza (in San Rafael) that was the estate of Lucas's great-grandfather. He will receive you together with Tina under centuries-old carob trees and surrounded by 20 rooms. One will be yours.

Hotel Can Lluc

Hotel Can Lluc

3. Rusticae Gift Key

That is, you will receive one of those keys that open the Rusticae accommodations. In this case, it is a Great Luxury Gift Key , for two nights with breakfast and for two people. Surprise, surprise!

Special Gold List 2021 already in your newsstand

Special Gold List 2021: already in your newsstand

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