Wand in hand and spell in mind: this Halloween we spent it at Hogwarts!


dumbledore harry potter

This Halloween, Dumbledore opens the doors of his house for us.

A little magic here, a few dementors there and all the charm that Hogwarts can give off, This is how it will be this Halloween: death . And not caused by an Avada Kedavra, but for Hogwarts After Dark, an event that will be responsible for sending everyone their corresponding letter to the cupboard under the stairs of number 4 Privet Drive.

On October 6, 7 and 8 , Harry Potter stands aside to make you the protagonist. However, the gates of the school of magic this time open to give way to a dinner and a route with dark airs . To be a good wizard, you need courage, and not because we're going to meet Dolores Umbridge, but because Warner Bros studios in London have prepared a night full of mysteries.

The film sets become stages to celebrate between cocktails and canapés. Specifically, behind the red carpet that guides us, the Great Hall awaits us with a hundred floating pumpkins (perhaps the product of Hermione's Wingardium Leviosa). And it will be after the welcome when the most awaited moment arrives, dining between sets such as the potions classroom or Dumbledore's office.


First of all, chicken liver parfait with fig chutney , pickles and traditional beets, crispy chicken skin and toast. Y for vegetarians or vegans, fresh pea risotto and mint with crispy onion, pea shoots and crispy kale.

Big dining room

A scary dinner under the floating pumpkins of the Great Hall

Second, beef tenderloin, fondant potatoes, parsley purée, baked vegetables with crispy bacon and chicken broth . The vegetarian and vegan option in this case, consists of Grilled Mediterranean vegetables with tomato fondue and an aubergine and arugula dressing.

With the honors done, it's time to cast another spell: Lumos! As the lights begin to dim, the Death Eaters begin their night patrol. Grab your flashlight and follow the trail of spiders to the Forbidden Forest . Just outside the school, the icing on the cake awaits you. Apple cream, cheesecake, coffee mousse, gingerbread... These and other ingredients make up the three delicious desserts on offer.


Between meals and at the end, you will have time to lose yourself in the studio scenarios and analyze all the details from so many years of adventures with Harry, Ron and Hermione. You can drink a butterbeer at the Backlot Cafe, even rehearse movements with your wand , choreographed by Paul Harris. Not forgetting a visit to Diagon Alley, this time darker than usual.

If there is a better place than Hogwarts, It's Hogwarts on Halloween . And yes, we already know that this party is not exactly a deep-rooted tradition in our country, but is there something more ours than that of signing up for everything? We don't know if there will be many fans of the scariest night of the year, but yes there are Harry Potter . For one reason or another, you deserve to stop being a muggle for one night . (Tickets and full program here)

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