Condé Nast Traveler Conversations brings together industry experts to discuss the future of travel


Cond Nast Traveler Conversations brings together industry experts to discuss the future of tourism

Condé Nast Traveler Conversations brings together industry experts to discuss the future of tourism

Condé Nast Traveler Spain, Condé Nast's travel and lifestyle magazine, virtually hosts between June 15 and 18 the Condé Nast Traveler Conversations . There will be four days in which professionals and experts from the sector will reflect about the immediate future of the tourism industry in a new context, addressing the economic, technological and cultural derivatives of the phenomenon of traveling as an expression of our identity and lifestyle.

How, when and where will we travel again? Will virtual experiences be a new way of doing it? Will hotels become a kind of golden cages? Is empty Spain an opportunity? What trips will transform us from now on? Has the low cost airline model expired? Dining at home, the new dining out?

questions to which Condé Nast Traveler Conversations will try to respond during the four days organized in four thematic blocks in which travel will be discussed, but this sphere will also be transcended to reflect on the present and future of our post-Covid lifestyle.

The virtual meetings will take place from 09:30 to 12:30 in Dynamic formats of half an hour in duration and access will be free with prior registration until full capacity is reached in

Thus, the June, 15 conversations will revolve around the reinvention of travel. We will reflect on when, how and where we will travel again; and on the role of technology, data and efforts in innovation and sustainability as levers of change after Covid-19.

under the title of Welcome to the hotel of the future, on June 16 The speakers will talk about the new challenges of luxury, the user experience and the reinvention of destinations and how all this causes a paradigm shift in the hospitality industry.

The June 17 we will look at our new way of traveling and we will ask ourselves questions such as why not devise a Spanish route 66 for an electric and inland present, if the sea will be a safer destination than land or if the airlines are prepared to change their model.

The end of the party will come on June 18 with Back to the Future, with talks that will revolve around the journeys that transform us, storytelling and communication tools. a way of understanding nostalgia as an element to learn from the successes of the past. And, ultimately, of everything that remains because it is immutable.


JUNE 15 - Reinventing travel

9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. From social distance to virtual experiences: an overview of the world of travel from now and from technology

Technology works at a dizzying pace to provide solutions to the travel industry. Fran Romero will talk about the latest developments and some that will be implemented in the near future. These include social distancing, automated health checks, enhanced digital identity, tracking, virtual experiences, robotic services and sanitation. They will all be part of our everyday travel.

Participates: Fran Romero, Head of Open Innovation Programs in Amadeus IT Group

**10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. When, how and where will we travel again? How will data help us get it right? **

If Big Data was already considered a fundamental tool to analyze and predict the present and future of travel, now, when uncertainties are much more than certainties, data can be that yellow brick road that guides us in the good address. They shed the first clues of traveler behavior and will help the industry prepare for this "new normal".


  • Immaculate Galician, Head of the Statistical and Market Research Area of ​​the Andalusia Tourism and associate professor at the University of Malaga
  • Sarah Pastor, General Director of Destinations of ADARA

Moderator: Natalia Bayona, Senior Expert on Innovation and Digital transformation of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Innovation and sustainability, levers and new opportunities for post-Covid-19 recovery

Pedro Moneo, CEO of the innovation consulting firm Opinno, is used to seeing projects being born and growing, startups sinking and succeeding, and entrepreneurs rising and falling and getting back on their feet. To get out of this crisis, in a scenario that will surely be totally different, he is mainly committed to two tools: innovation and sustainability. He predicts that "success will not be for those who manage the crisis properly, but for those who anticipate the opportunities that will come later". He knows what he's talking about: he founded his company in Silicon Valley in 2008, while Lehman Brothers was going bankrupt and the economic crisis was beginning.

Participates: Pedro Moneo, CEO of Opinno

11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Covid-19, Brexit, Thomas Cook, overtourism... Spain's challenges to maintain leadership

Spanish tourism faces great challenges. The exit of Great Britain from the European Union, the bankruptcy of the giant Thomas Cook, the ravages of overtourism, the need to digitize the sector and how to transmit confidence to travelers again are some of the most important. But what are its strengths and, above all, the new opportunities that are opening up in this new stage?


  • Manuel Muniz Villa, Secretary of State for Global Spain, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation
  • Gabriel Escarrer, President of Melia Hotels International

Moderator: David Moralejo, Director of Condé Nast Traveler

JUNE 16 - Welcome to the hotel of the future

9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Hotels: Cages of gold? Reinventing luxury without losing the touch

The hotel's transformation process after Covid-19 will begin from the very arrival of the guest: with check-in. It will continue with the way of requesting room service, visiting the spa or, without going any further, having breakfast. The spaces and services of the hotel will have to adapt to our new ways of socializing. Creativity and technology will be key in differentiation.


  • Eduardo Sixfingers, hotel deputy manager Anantara Villapadierna
  • Alvaro Carrillo de Albornoz, CEO of ith
  • Diego Ortega, president and owner of Fontecruz Hotels
  • Xavier Rocas, counselor of Relais & Châteaux

Moderator: Arantxa Neyra, travel journalist, Condé Nast Traveler

10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. - User experience. Smile with a mask. Transmit warmth from the new distance. Rocío Abellá, partner at Deloitte Digital, analyzes the here and now of the hotel sector after COVID-19, a reflection that will offer companies keys to manage their recovery, cushion the consequences and even draw up a roadmap with immediate measures, to short and long term.

Participates: Rocío Abellá, partner of DeloitteDigital.

11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Spain full? A reinvention opportunity for the rural destination

It was already a trend before the virus appeared in our lives. Providing a solution to the emptied Spain while combating the problem of overtourism represented one of the great hopes of national tourism. The current situation puts on the board even more reasons to bet on rural destinations, without crowds and in contact with nature, and promote their tourism development from quality and responsibility.


  • Jose Carlos Campos Commercial director of inns
  • Sarah Sanchez, CEO of rusticae
  • Luis Alberto Lera, chef and owner Lera restaurant

Moderator: David Moralejo, Director of Condé Nast Traveler

11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. What happened to sustainability?

Although during confinement the planet has breathed, the return implies great challenges that now have to be faced. When, until a few months ago, hotel chains made titanic efforts to update their strategies to eliminate plastics, promote renewable energies and combat food waste, single-dose bags, bags and the craze for disposables are back. Is there a way to combine safety with sustainability?


Rebeca Avila Alvarez, VP Communication & CSR Southern Europe in AccorHotelsRodrigo Moscardó, chief operating officer of Iberostar Hotels & ResortsCarlos Cabanillas, Head of Public Relations at Hostel Spa Empuries

Moderator: Gema Monroy, editor-in-chief of Condé Nast Traveler

JUNE 17 - This is how we will travel

9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Road trips: in search of Spanish routes 66

Cars and even caravans are once again that extension of our own home, the place that makes us feel safe and with which, in some way, we return to the essence of the trip. Recover the pleasure of driving, of traveling secondary roads, of planning on the map... Books, movies, songs or thematic routes will serve as a common thread or a source of inspiration. This will be the new (old) way of traveling to a destination.


  • Miryam Tejada Segovia, Communication Executive at
  • Daniel Gates, General Director of Business in PANGEA The Travel Store
  • Alberto Gomez Borrero traveler

Moderator: María Fernández, Editor-in-Chief of

10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Ten days at sea. The reinvention of a high profitability model

Social distancing will test some mobility and travel models. Cruise ships face their greatest challenge: providing their clients with the greatest security and confidence in the middle of the ocean. How has the coronavirus crisis affected the sector? What awaits this industry that moves more than 150 million dollars a year in the world? Will we continue traveling by sea? Are we facing the birth of a new cruise concept?

Participate:John Rodero, CEO of star-classPaul Ruibal, COO and founding partner of boatjump

Moderator: Quico Taronjí, journalist and sailor

11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Airlines. Sustainability and security. Has the low cost model expired? Towards a new premium tourist

The proliferation of low cost meant a true revolution in the world of travel, democratizing flights under the formula of cheap tickets and extra luggage and services. Today, life has dealt a great setback to aviation in general and to these airlines in particular. Without certainties yet, it seems that the obligation to leave empty seats and the prohibition of carrying hand luggage and service on board will end up being imposed. If so, their prices will end up being very similar to those of regular airlines, thus losing their competitive advantage. Does this model have continuity?

Moderator: Lorena G Díaz, journalist specialized in travel

11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Cities, even smarter (and for everyone).

Data and technology applied to the service of citizens and visitors. This will be another of the upward trends in the coming years in the so-called smart destinations. Areas such as mobility, health, leisure and, of course, tourism, will benefit from projects such as the one that will map the movements of the inhabitants of the Community of Madrid over the next few years to create useful solutions for companies and citizens.


Carlos Gonzalez Louis, by Citizenlab

  • Miguel Sanchez, Director of the Tourism Area of Madrid Destination, City of Madrid

Moderator: Clara Laguna, Head of Fashion and Beauty at Condé Nast Traveler

**JUNE 18 - Back to the Future **

9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Transformative journeys. In search of the trip of your life

Experience is no longer enough. We want more. More action, more knowledge, more personal growth. More fullness. For this reason, in recent times we have seen how the so-called "transformation trips" have been attracting more and more those restless and insatiable spirits. Push yourself to the limit physically, collaborate with a cause, promote self-improvement, reconnect… trips that leave a legacy beyond photos.


  • Alessandra Girardi, Product Director of nuba
  • Anabel Vázquez, journalist specializing in travel and lifestyle.

Moderator: Gema Monroy, editor-in-chief of Condé Nast Traveler

10:15 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Let the destinations speak

Telling stories when we return from the trip, that is the reason why we travel. But it is also those stories that destinations tell us before that make us decide on one or the other. Today, more than ever, it is essential that destinations have a speech. And not one that is faked and stitched together with the keywords of the moment, but authentic and emotional.


nacho padilla, creative director at Barcelona's town hallPainted Pelayo, CEO of Ideal Blanca Perez Sauquillo, Associate Deputy Director of Marketing at Turespaña

Moderator: Arantxa Neyra, travel journalist, Condé Nast Traveler

11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. The challenges of gastronomy. Dining at home, the new dining out?

Getting a table in the best restaurants in the cities had become an impossible mission in recent months. The virus put an end to it, but it caused many of them to start developing other projects that were either kept in a drawer or had never been considered. With the arrival of the famous new normality and all the health restrictions, things will change again, but where? Will we prefer to meet at home and ask for a delivery or, despite everything, will the endless waiting lists return?


  • Alexandra Anson, gastronomic consultant and CEO of Anson&Bonet
  • Robert Ruiz, chef of Max Point
  • Paco Morales, chef of Noor
  • Safe Cross, chef of gofio

Moderator: Jorge Guitián, gastronomic journalist

11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. the immutable

The virus will change many of our customs, it will change some of our habits and bring us new ones. But there will also be things that will continue to be the same, that will not change, because they are eternal and imperishable and will continue to mark our journeys. Good service, the art of receiving, a room with a view, a building with history, a mohair blanket or a good whiskey.


  • Sea Soau, owner of Son Brull
  • DanielFiguero, Fragrance Ambassador by Dior
  • David Moralejo, director of Conde Nast Traveler

Moderate: Jesus Terres, writer, contributor to Conde Nast Traveler

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