Tell me with whom and where you are traveling and I will tell you which motorhome to rent


Mobile home

The destination and the type of trip to be made also play a crucial role.

When you ask lovers of motorhome adventures what makes them opt for this type of trip, a large majority point to the enormous sensation of freedom and independence that they experience.

By literally traveling with the house in tow, they can fall asleep watching shooting stars pass through the sky from the top of a fenced-in hill, after unconditional surrender, through a dense and unforgiving forest. They can wake up to the sound of the waves that beat the rocks of an abandoned beach, lonely, shipwrecked in the middle of a coast forgotten by all.

When traveling in a motorhome there are no check-out times from the room or breakfast , there is no disturbing noise from guests in the next room, and there is an intimate contact with nature.

This way of traveling, which is experiencing a worldwide boom, will probably even benefit from the inevitable consequences that covid-19 will have on the way of understanding tourism. The traveler in a motorhome can, if he wishes, have a minimum contact with other travelers, since he moves with everything he needs on board. That greater independence will translate, for some, into a greater sense of security.

But when traveling by motorhome, especially if it is the first time, you have to know that there is a wide variety of models and not all of them are optimal for any traveler, or for any destination.

mobile home

Tell me with whom and where you are traveling and I will tell you which motorhome to rent


Finding a partner for a motorhome trip is very important. Not everyone is made to live a few days, weeks, months or – why not – years, in a mobile home. All members of the adventure must know what the travel plan is and what pros and cons they will find. Once the ideal crew has been chosen, it is necessary to find the right vehicle for it.

The vast majority of motorhome trips are carried out by couples, although there are also lone wolves and families lovers of this type of adventures.


Motorhomes with the Mediterranean in the background in Torrevieja

For the lonely traveler the optimum vehicle to choose is, naturally, of smaller dimensions than for the rest. In this section there are convertible vans, with folding seats that convert into beds , a small fridge, drawers to store utensils and luggage, and some folding table on which to put the stove or fire to cook.

In its somewhat more expensive version, it usually includes a covered bed –like a tent– that unfolds, like an accordion, on the roof of the van.

The advantages of this type of van is that it is much more manageable, faster and consumes less fuel than a larger motorhome.

Mobile home

For the solo traveler, the optimal vehicle to choose is, of course, smaller in size.

Though an adventurous couple You may be perfectly comfortable with the aforementioned van (it usually includes double mattresses), perhaps you will feel more comfortable with a model with slightly more spacious dimensions. This is the case of Hi-Top calls.

This high roof motorhome usually includes a kitchen that has a couple of burners and a sink, a table with seats around it –by folding down the table and seats, the bed will appear– and, depending on the size of the Hi-Top, some beds for children in the part of the roof and a small sink and toilet.

definitely includes more amenities than the van and, although its fuel consumption is higher and you have to be aware of the height of the vehicle when passing under bridges, through tunnels or entering covered parking lots, usually provides a more pleasant travel experience.

Mobile home

Are you an adventurous couple? Discover your ideal motorhome!

Finally, More and more families are embarking on the adventure of exploring the world's roads in a motorhome. They – and also couples or lone wolves who do not want to deprive themselves of anything or undertake long trips of months or years – usually choose larger and better equipped models.

This family range is really wide and diverse, and ranges from Hi-Top in which you try to make the most of space, to authentic rolling palaces, with fold-out parts of the main body of the vehicle, that can even house small auxiliary cars or motorcycles.

The same goes for the quality of interior finishes, including hardwood floors, silk sheets, marble kitchens, and whirlpool tubs. It all depends on the type of trip that each one wants to make, as well as the budget and the love of adventure.

Mobile home

More and more families are exploring the roads of the world in a motorhome


Just as the type of traveler can determine the choice of a certain class of motorhome, the destination and the type of trip to be made also play a crucial role.

Although motorhome travelers are often nature lovers and seek adventures that include many kilometers through rather unpopulated areas and in the open air , is not always the case.

those who seek an urban trip , they will do well to opt for a small vehicle, being the convertible van the best option. The causes are clear: better maneuverability, lower fuel consumption in the city and less difficulty finding parking.

However, the truth is that there is nothing like traveling in a motorhome through magical forests, vast valleys crossed by rivers and dotted with lakes, barren tundras, virgin beaches, sharp mountain crags or endless deserts.

In places like Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Norway or South Africa, Motorhome travel is widespread, but not everyone demands the same type of vehicle.

when traveling to a cold area, such as Norway During much of the year, the motorhome must be equipped with a good heating system and have extra amenities. The same can be applied to destinations with intense heat, such as the Namibian desert or South Africa (during the austral summer), where larger internal spaces and a bomb-proof air conditioning system will be necessary.

to travel to temperate places the vehicle choice range includes all possible ranges.

Mobile home

Shall we hit the road?

In terms of infrastructure, there are countries that are much more prepared than others for this type of traveler, being New Zealand, France, Canada, the United States and Norway are some of the world's paradises for motorhome lovers. Also, Spain It is in a more than worthy place, very close to the top positions.

On its roads it is more common to see large motorhomes, which will always need more services in a campsite –power outlets, water replenishment, septic tanks, etc.– than a convertible van. Nevertheless, in wilder territories it will be better to drive a vehicle with few demands , returning to emerge victorious van.

Lastly, we must also consider The duration of the trip. When embarking on a long adventure –of months or years–, the normal thing is to look for a larger vehicle and with greater comforts, while a small one will be enough for a trip of two or three weeks.

What hardly admits of discussion is that travel in a motorhome allows the traveler to better adapt his adventure to the dream image that he conceived of the trip in his mind, with a connection with the landscape that goes beyond the usual. As the famous writer and lover of road trips said, Jack Kerouac: “my witness is the empty sky”.


There are countries that are much more prepared than others for motorhomes

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