The detox program that has it all


Pasta dish included in the Clinique La Prairie Master Detox.

Pasta dish included in the Clinique La Prairie Master Detox.

take a good look at the Lavaux landscape, in addition to being a World Heritage Site, because you are going to miss him a lot and even idealize him during the week that the Clinique La Prairie Detox Master lasts, in Switzerland. The image of the extensive vineyard plantations that descend in terraces by the slopes of the Jura to Lake Geneva –and what you will see out the car window on the way to Montreux– will be the closest you will get to wine during the seven days that this natural detoxification program lasts that combines the latest technology with treatments holistic and wellness

You knew what you were coming for discover your current health status, to take action on the matter and try to change your life habits, so now it's time to be applied and let you try and instruct. And if you have to eliminate alcohol, coffee, meat and gluten from your diet, so be it. Since the objective is to eliminate toxins and purify the body, slow down the negative effects of aging, reduce levels of oxidative stress and strengthen your immune system.

The Lavaux vineyards one hour from Geneva are a World Heritage Site.

The Lavaux vineyards, one hour from Geneva, are a World Heritage Site.


Start the program with a full evaluation by specialist doctors in different disciplines. Like Neo, in the Matrix, you may not be ready to find out what medical technology is about to reveal you.

With a VISIA test they will analyze quantitatively and qualitatively the characteristics of your face (spots, wrinkles, UV damage, pores...). A photographic analysis will identify the health of your facial skin and will serve as a guide when proposing future facial treatments in a personalized way. You will be shocked to see full size on a big screen your face in 3D while the computer collects and analyzes all the information, but much more checking –printed on paper on eight of your photographs– the results of damage to your skin: 50% wrinkles, 36% pores, 5% red areas...

General view of Clinique La Prairie.

General view of Clinique La Prairie.

The OligoScan serves to detect –in the palm of your hand– physiological imbalances in the body. A spectrophotometer will instantly reveal the bioavailability of minerals, trace elements and heavy metals in living tissue. That you receive for dessert the next day a vegan chocolate mousse It will not be a coincidence, but a attempt to compensate for the lack of magnesium in your body.

It's TANITA a body composition analyzer with which they will evaluate and quantify from the state of your metabolic age to your muscle mass. Thus they will know how to correct, adapt and personalize your training plan, as well as the number of daily kilocalories necessary to keep your body in perfect working order. In my personal case, since everything was quite in order, the exercise consisted of aerial yoga and pilates classes and in a long, agile and pleasant walk along the lake promenade until you reach the center of Montreaux, with its statue of Freddy Mercury, its terraces overlooking the lake and its historic Fairmont Le Montreux Palace hotel.

Breakfast overlooking Lake Geneva at Clinique La Prairie.

Breakfast overlooking Lake Geneva at Clinique La Prairie.


The work of the clinic founded in 1931 by Professor Niehans –pioneer in the development of cell therapy– has always been based on life sciences and, since diet is fundamental in the prevention of diseases, nutrition has acquired a relevant role in all your programs. More if possible in the Master Detox.

After a consultation with the nutritionist, to whom you will tell your habits and your type of diet, she will explain in detail in a private masterclass the Changes you will need to make to your eating routines to be healthier. For example, what do you take? protein in the morning to maintain attention or that you leave the legumes for the night. Yes, you read that right, some contain melatonin that will help you sleep.

Although during the week that you will be staying at Clinique La Prairie – in any of its 38 rooms and suites distributed in the three buildings that surround the garden– many foods will be suppressed for it to start the natural detoxification of the body, some (see animal protein from eggs, meat and fish, lactose or gluten) may become added to your diet (if you wanted) gradually when you return home.

The Residence at Clinique La Prairie.

The Residence, at Clinique La Prairie.

In a generic way, the healthy equation is summarized in 50% vegetables and fruits, 25% carbohydrates and 25% protein (much better if they are vegetables). And water, lots of water, too much water for people like me who don't like water. How to solve this lack of appetite (vital)? With infusions, which will be supplied to you from time to time to keep you hydrated.

Regarding the food that you will find on your plate, it goes without saying that it is delicious, stimulating and satisfying. An avocado toast on gluten-free bread for breakfast, a salad with tofu for lunch or a green chickpea curry for dinner. You will not miss quantity, much less quality.

the chef Sara Bussetti bets on a kitchen of the future where organic and locally sourced ingredients stop being mistreated in cooking to look appetizing and healthy on the plate. Which culinary works of art of vibrant colors.

The desserts are a culinary fantasy.

The desserts are a culinary fantasy.


I lost count of the rich beauty products they used on my face in the facial detoxifying massage; also of the sense of time and space during the Ayurvedic hydro-contrast experience: two hours of treatment in which you combine cold showers with steam saunas, you continue with the Ayurvedic Shirodhara (which slowly drops a hot oily fluid on the forehead) and you end up with a vibrational therapy based on Tibetan bowls.

eye! That there was also time to suffer... but in a comforting way. At last a real Thai massage, of those that you don't know whether to laugh or cry, but that leave your body like new (for weeks). In any case, he would not be the only one, he was still waiting for me another one of 90 minutes called Detox Signature Massage or, what is the same, absolute relaxation.

Treatment room at Clinique La Prairie.

Treatment room at Clinique La Prairie.


Once the program is finished, the ideal –to carry out a follow-up– is go to his clinic in Madrid, the first city in the world to have a Clinique La Prairie outside of Switzerland (there is another one in Bangkok). There they will evaluate the result and you can complement it with new beauty and wellness treatments and protocols.

You should also take for a few days the Food supplements what will they give you for complete your passage through Switzerland. Because this is a new avenue recently opened by the clinic: an offer of four vegan supplements (Age-Defy, Balance, Purity and Energy) called Holistic Health that combines micronutrients and plant extracts and that you can buy through their website.

Address: Rue du Lac 142, 1815 Clarens, Switzerland View map

Telephone: +41 21 989 34 07

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