Switzerland lifts quarantine for visitors from Spain


Switzerland lifts quarantine

Switzerland lifts quarantine

Last August, Switzerland announced a list of countries whose inhabitants should undergo a quarantine, and Spain -except Baleras and Canarias- was among them.

Well, as of yesterday, Thursday March 11, the rules have changed: the seven days of confinement have been eliminated for Spanish travellers.

Instead, as in other destinations, it will be necessary present a negative PCR test before taking the flight. On the other hand, passengers must also fill out an electronic access form, regardless of the means of transport chosen for the trip.

girl drinking coffee in switzerland

Swiss hotels are open

All the information about the entry procedure in the country, and the corresponding official recommendations and restrictions, is published on MySwitzerland.com. Here are some of them:

1. It must be presented a negative PCR test both when entering Switzerland and when leaving the country, including transit passengers. In turn, it is recommended to carry medical insurance or the European sanitary card.

2.Hotels open follow a defined protection protocol. Nevertheless, the restoration (except for the accommodation itself) remains closed.

Zurich Switzerland

Zurich, Switzerland

3. The use of a mask is mandatory in public transport and in closed public spaces. Also outside, as long as physical distancing cannot be guaranteed.

Four. Although the public transport operates normally, security measures such as the physical distance of two meters on the platforms. On the other hand, **buying tickets online is recommended. **

5. Museums and shops remain open , applying strict security protocols.

6.Mountain ski lifts and panoramic trains they function normally. As with public transport, it is recommended online purchase of tickets. As for the ski resorts , with few exceptions, are active.

4. Lucerne Switzerland

Lucerne, Switzerland

On the other hand, the Swiss tourist office provides us with the addresses where we can make a PCR test before returning to Spain -or to your respective country of origin-, being hospitals, doctors' offices, pharmacies and airports (Zurich and Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg) the main venues.

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