Hanoi's train street already has a substitute on Instagram: the Long Bien Bridge


Long Bien Bridge in Hanoi.

Long Bien Bridge in Hanoi.

Hanoi is living this month two conflicting realities. The first happened a few weeks ago when local authorities decided to put an end to tourism in the street of the train, one of the most popular in the city. Daily, and increasingly called by Instagram , hundreds of tourists blocked the passage of the tracks to take photos or see the passage of the train a few meters from the cafeterias.

The danger of an accident on the tracks forced to close his visit permanently. And what have the tourists done? Find a new location.

Called again by Instagram and the new "fashionable" locations they have found the perfect substitute, although yes, just as dangerous.

The new trending localization for Instagram.

The new trendy (dangerous) location for Instagram.

The Long Well Bridge, that rises above red river , is the new location to take the best snapshot for Instagram. Just type the magic words in the search engine, Cầu Long Biên , and hundreds of selfies and photos appear.

long good with 2.4km , was built between 1899 and 1902 by Gustave Eiffel , the father of the Eiffel Tower. It was originally built under the name Paul Doumer , after the Governor General of French Indochina and later President of France, but later changed its name to the district where it is located.

His goal was to control North Vietnam. Therefore, its position joining the north and south of the city has always been considered strategic. During the Vietnam War it was partially bombed, but it always resisted as the Vietnamese quickly repaired it. Today it is considered a monument that extols the tenacity and resistance of the people of Hanoi.

All for a photo.

All for a photo.

His day to day is like that of any other bridge in the world that is still active: Mopeds and trains pass through here . And now many people risk their lives climbing on its structures to reach the tracks and take some photos.

As stated vietnamnews , some of these people are unaware of the danger they are in, but many others are and still want to take the risk. " Long Bien Bridge It is a bridge with hundreds of years of history, so on my wedding day I want to take photos to bring back a hundred years of happiness," says one of the people interviewed by the Vietnamese newspaper.

Some tourists ask for more information to know the hours when trains do not pass, or that be the authorities themselves who regulate in transit so that security is guaranteed.

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