
In the future no one will go behind the wheel

In the future, no one will drive

Throughout history, our way of traveling has been conditioned by technology of the moment. Our grandparents did not do it the same as us, and it is most likely that, for the future generations , these experiences are not similar to what we have now. In fact, and according to expert predictions ), in the next 30 years there will be great progress both in the means of transport and in other technological fields, that will mean that in 2050 we will live very different escapades.

The autonomous car, electric plane, supersonic train or humanoid robots will be responsible for the changes of our future vacations. From the moment of planning and pack up, the whole process will have a component much more digital and efficient.

In Yotel all tasks are already automated

At Yotel (New York), all tasks are already automated


Hire a trip it may be one of the tasks least desired of the vacations. Beyond the illusion for your rest days, spend hours and hours squaring dates and comparing destinations, offers and services is not something passionate most people

In the future you won't have to; a virtual assistant in the style of Siri (Apple) or Cortana (Microsoft) will take care of planning your vacation. It could be on your computer or mobile, but also on your watch or on a necklace thanks to the development of wearable technology. Be that as it may, you just tell him where you would like to go and he prepares everything . He may even suggest a destination himself by being connected with all your personal data.

And before you know it, you'll be preparing your smart suitcase . This will feature USB port to charge the mobile, GPS location not to get lost and sensors to know the weight of it. Also, will follow you alone no need to carry it.

Forget dragging your suitcase again

Forget dragging your suitcase again


With only a voice command to our virtual assistant, in less than two minutes, a car without a driver He will wait for us at the door. Inside you will not have steering wheel or pedals ; only seats and the occasional button. They will be the autonomous vehicles , in which Tesla, Ford, BMW, Apple or Google work so that, according to estimates, in 2021 let's stop driving.

In 2050 these cars will already be totally silent , they will work with electricity and will be charged as they go thanks to the magnetic induction present in the road . In addition, during the journey we can distract ourselves thanks to the screens installed in its windows.

To gain efficiency, the vehicle will join a chain of cars on the same heading and in half the time it would cost us today, we will already be at our destination. By then, there will be few traffic lights and most intersections will be roundabouts allowing continuous movement of vehicles, while pedestrians will walk on footbridges.

At the Masdar Institute in Abu Dhabi they are already testing electric and driverless cars

At the Masdar Institute in Abu Dhabi, they are already testing electric and driverless cars


As soon as you arrive at the airport, a robot will greet us and will take our suitcase. You will then enter it into an artificial intelligence system that will transport her to the plane. The luggage will be recognizable thanks to a 3D printed electronic identification in our house. This same chip that we will carry in our luggage will connect to our mobile device for a robot to deliver our suitcase at the arrival airport while, for example, we have a coffee.

Controls won't be a problem either. The facial recognition and machine-readable passports will get you through customs less than a minute . Meanwhile, the high speed laser scanners They will check your hand luggage in seconds.

Airlines like Air Canada already have an automated check-in service

Airlines such as Air Canada already have an automated check-in service


the aircraft manufacturer Airbus predicted that, by 2050, it would have a plane almost straight out of a science fiction movie: built with natural fibers , with transparent ceilings and with different spaces for leisure. Although the main objective is to achieve a self sufficient plane and with a complete structure of carbon fiber.

Of course, in the future, the planes will not have pilots either ; instead, they will be guided by an air traffic control system. Although this is nothing new, since 90% of commercial flights were made with autopilot based on Federal Aviation Administration estimates. Now if something goes wrong, he will take command from remote stations.


By air will not be the only way of the future of travel great distances. By 2050, the project Hyperloop One by Elon Musk could be fully operational. Thanks to him, you will travel in a car inside a vacuum tube powered by magnetic levitation that will nearly break the sound barrier: up to 1,223 kilometers per hour.

According to the company, travel for passengers will be possible between 2020 and 2021, and the latest news seems to indicate that They are on the right path . On July 20, Musk himself announced on Twitter that he already had "verbal permission" to build the first line between New York to Washington: a route of more than 300 kilometers that would be done in just 29 minutes. Other possible routes of the Hyperloop would allow, for example, to go from Madrid to Tangier (629 kilometres) in 47 minutes.


Also hotel workers they will be different in 2050, although they will perform the same functions. A bellman will help you with your bags, a receptionist will check you in and a waiter will bring your dinner up to the room. yes, all of them They will be robots.

to see something like that, Nor is it necessary to wait three decades. In the yotel of New York and the ** Henn-na ** of Nagasaki (Japan), the automata They are already part of the template. For example, in Henn-na, the first hotel attended entirely by automatons, three work multilingual robots at the reception, a non-humanoid luggage cart and a personal assistant that awaits you on the nightstand.

What will not change will be ours possible oversights , although we will have extra help. If in 2050, for example, you forget your handbag in the airport, a drone will be able to pick it up and take it to you to your hotel. Does it seem unreal? Nothing further. Designers and engineers have already developed these technologies , it only remains to perfect them. Matter of time.

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