Malapascua: The Philippine Island You'll Never Want To Return From


Malapascua, the island in the Philippines from which you will never want to return

Malapascua: The Philippine Island You'll Never Want To Return From

Choosing a single island in the Philippines is complicated. Each of them has something special that makes it unique: exotic beaches in Palawan; rice terraces that are a marvel in Luzon; or some mountains that look like chocolate bonbons in Cebu. We could name many more. make a huge list of the most visited and, even so, maybe in it we would not find the name of Malapascua . Although in recent years more and more travelers decide to visit it, luckily mass tourism, that of the bracelet, deckchair, cocktail and sleep, has not yet arrived. The reason? Accessing it is still a bit of an adventure, although the reward is well worth it.


Reason why the island is full of divers: a huge shark whose hook-shaped tail makes it one of the most beautiful sharks in the world . In few places can they be seen and, much less, dive among them with total freedom and with some regularity. Although we know that the word shark is a bit scary, don't worry! They only eat plankton.


The best time to swim with the thresher shark is early in the morning, just before sunrise. That's when they come up from the depths for their usual morning wash. An image that the film the shark scarers was in charge of showing us in his day and that, in Malapascua, we can watch live.

thresher shark

thresher shark


At least more than in Spain. The best thing of all is that if you plan to get the title of Open Water, Advance or a more professional one, the internships will be carried out in one of the best marine environments in the world. Seeing an octopus in the Mediterranean is not the same as diving among whale sharks, mantas, rays and with colorful corals in the background. Yes indeed, if this is the first thing you see on your dives then never dive again. No other sea will measure up.


An island with hardly any tourism has nothing but advantages: you will have the beach just for you. try to avoid Bounty Beach Well, although that is where you will have your diving friends, the truth is that it is the most touristic (some of the local hotels are located there). If you cross the island to the north, on the opposite coast, you will find more white sand beaches where you will be practically alone. Note: Bamboos Beach.

Dear diver, arriving in Malapascua can mean... never coming back

Dear diver, arriving in Malapascua can mean... never coming back


A small town in which, while travelers walk along its coast, bathe or dive, they have life inside the island. Along its unpaved dirt roads, you will see that the locals are settled in different communities. Some of them are Logon, Bool or Kabatangan, among other. That is where its small wooden cabins are located, where entire families live, where you can enjoy the most authentic restaurants, where you will walk among churches, schools and farms. Yes, get used to it because there the animals camp freely and, when night comes, you better be careful not to run into a pig or a rooster, the most common on the island, and that they will always be in the middle.


Almost all Filipinos have a karaoke at home, "What fun!"... Well, at this point we will say that it is not as wonderful as it seems. Some venues can spend the day singing, with a fairly powerful microphone and a voice that leaves much to be desired. Luck! If it falls on a Saturday at least you can run away from the screaming of the neighbor in the verbena of the town. It is the best party on the island, where all the locals gather on sports courts to dance, drink and have a good time. Be careful because it hooks!

Malapascua island of karaoke and families

Malapascua, island of karaoke and families


Although this is extensible to the whole country, Malapascua has the best Filipino spaghetti . A dish that, although nobody gives it much importance until they try it, is quite a delicacy. Contrary to what we are used to in Europe, in the Philippines they have sausages, meat, eggs and the sauce is sweet. In the end, you won't want to eat anything else but wait! make room for him piglet, its most typical dish that is simply delicious.


Despite the humility of the place, and the fact that many children do not even wear shoes and the roads are unpaved, there you will see the latest generation smartphones, so how could they not have Wi-Fi! You can be connected at all times , upload a photo of your feet in the sand or fill your Instagram with spaghetti. If you see that the net does not catch well, you just have to go to any diving center.

Who wants wifi in paradise

Who wants wifi in paradise?


As a self-respecting town, Malapascua is one of the most family-friendly islands in the Philippines. People will welcome you with open arms, with a smile and will invite you to stay. Hence, many have not yet returned and that the island is inhabited by young people from all over the world who, one day, came to see the thresher shark, and fell in love with its people.


They say that the best thing about a trip is the road. In Malapascua this phrase makes more sense than ever. The almost five hours of travel from the center of Cebu to Maya will allow you to get to know the authentic Filipino, with street vendors that get on and off the bus to offer you their food along the way, the life that runs on the roadsides or the conversations that will popping up with the locals. Once in Maya, the northernmost point of the island , the final stretch to Malapascua is done in banking, the traditional Filipino boat. Welcome to paradise, traveler.

You will arrive in paradise in 'banking'

You will arrive in paradise in 'banking'

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