Siargao: A Complete Guide to the Philippines Surf Paradise


you want to stay to live

you want to stay to live

Siargao is a surf paradise where they mingle tables, yoga, culture, music and nature. There, tourists arrive attracted above all by the famous wave Cloud 9 -especially between July and November-, giving rise to a peaceful coexistence between foreigners and locals in General Moon , the most developed area in the area.

However, if you explore the northeast of the island you can find very good points almost deserted in Burgos or Pacific , which, thanks to their difficult access and slow growth, are some of Asia's best-kept gems. A Eden still almost untapped.


Siargao, the island with teardrop shape southwest of the Philippines, was discovered in the century XVI by the Spanish navigator Bernard of the Tower , and in the 80s, by the surfing guild. These pioneers discovered its potential and its famous wave 'pipe' , which breaks on a coral reef, and which they named Cloud 9 . The reason? Was the brand of a chocolate bar , and the number '9' inverted gives the form of this fabulous wave.

Little by little, they came more travelers, more boards, and the locals began to practice this sport tirelessly until in 1992 he rose to fame after the first International Surfing Championship was held here, where international and local riders They measure their level every September.

Cloud 9 the true queen of the show

Cloud 9, the true queen of the show

In addition to the famous spot that every good surfer wants to ride, there are more than thirty surf spots all over the island -near the shore or taking a boat and surfing in the middle of the sea- for both experts and beginners. Cemetery, Quiksilver, Rock Island or Tuason are some of them.

The best thing is to let yourself be advised by its people, who know the place and the perfect moment depending on the conditions and the level you have. For those who want to get started in this sport, it is a good place, since it offers good prices and many instructors places that will teach you with commitment and joy . Its basic principle, which you will be continually reminded of, is "Look forward and make a beautiful smile."

In Oh wow surfing! or in ally Store you can have one hour of class with board and instructor for ten euros ; and surf-camps like Kermit offer weekly packages and on-site trainings so that you master the technique before returning home. Both the Cloud 9 instructors as the 'Team of the Gwapitos' they will make you learn and enjoy big. When you have some notions, you can escape to other areas without people, such as Salvation or Pacific.


Siargao is much more than surfing, and for those who want to explore other wonders of the island, there are many plans with which you can enjoy nature at its finest. It's a pleasure get lost on a motorcycle along the highways that flow between infinite palm groves, charming villages, mangroves and landscapes where you will discover to the most virgin and authentic Philippines.

The largest mangroves in the Philippines They are located in the municipality of Carmen , a forest of 4,200 hectares where they coexist endemic species -some, in danger of extinction - marine flora and fauna.

You can make a paddle surf excursion by the rivers or delve into ' bank' -the local wooden boat- until you reach the impressive Sugba Lagoon, an immense lagoon of aquamarine color with karst formations that will leave you breathless. The aerial view before landing in the area is indescribable.

Mangroves of El Carmen a sensational view

Mangroves of El Carmen, a sensational view

Another very peculiar attraction and different from what you have seen before are the Magpupungko Rockpools, nail spectacular natural pools that form in the hollows of the rocks when the tide goes out, looking at the ocean and with the waves breaking almost at your feet. It's a real infinity pool , a wonder of nature where you can cool off in the lowtide hours. the area of sohoton , a little further away, is also worth a visit, especially if you want to go into caves Y swim with hundreds of harmless jellyfish.

And if what you want is disconnect completely , the neighboring white-sand islands are a must-see and delight fans of relax, swim and bask in the sun. We talk about Guyam , a paradisiacal island that can be explored in five minutes on foot; of Dakku, which is ideal for eating, bathing and playing volleyball; and of Naked Island where you will meet a desert tongue of sand in the middle of the sea, perfect for snorkel and watch the sunset.

Companies like My Siargao Guide , run by a Filipino-Spanish couple, take you to all these places and take care of organizing your stay so that you don't have to worry about anything. Javi and Dom prepare the transport, the ticket management, the boat rental, the stand up paddle and the elaboration of a succulent food based on grilled fish and meat, accompanied by vegetables, rice, soy and tropical fruits. For the liveliest groups, there will be no lack of music, San Miguel beer and the local rum, Tanduay.

Naked Island another of the excursions you can do from Siargao

Naked Island, another of the excursions you can do from Siargao


The municipality of General Luna is the nerve center of the island due to its proximity to the most accessible and frequented surfing areas, but if you need get money or a pharmacy you will have to travel 30 minutes to Dapa (the most important port municipality in the area).

The hotels, surf camps, bars and restaurants are located in G.L., encompassing from the jetty and the market to the Cloud 9 area . The offer of accommodations is very varied, for all kinds of styles and budgets: from surf camps and dormitories with bunk beds where you share everything, to mega-exclusive luxury hotels.

Bravo Beach Resort is one of the accommodations more cool of the island and offers from quality shared rooms , in which you can meet people if you travel alone, until private bungalows at a fair price. The decoration is taken care of in detail and the bar-restaurant, with basque chef and with a swimming pool included, it is located in a very large area with tables and sofas facing the sea where you can relax during the day and have dinner and drinks some ointments or a sangria in the evening

Bravo Beach Resort looking out to sea

Bravo Beach Resort, facing the sea

As for the surf camps, Kermit is the best place if you want to live an environment surfer 100% and taste the best baked pizza , while Turtle Surf Camp is more welcoming and has very good roll.

For a calmer environment and with a point more exclusive, Greenhouse , with garden and sea views, is ideal . And for those with a war economy, there is a wide range of accommodation basic, clean and comfortable in which to make friends, like The Hangout either footprints . There you will find shared bedrooms with mosquito net, bathroom and lockers to leave your things. Even hanging beds!

You can also rest in homestays carried by very welcoming local people where you will learn more about your culture and in which you breathe Very good atmosphere.

Furthermore, the town of Moon General , which crosses a main road, hides many charms, As the mainstream market , where you can to buy fresh fish and have them cook it for you on the Boulevard ; the Church of the Immaculate Conception and some villages hidden among palm groves. An example of the latter is Pang Pang and Catangnan , where local people live together in **nippa (a type of palm tree) wood houses** in a quiet environment surrounded by flowers, roosters, goats, pigs and nature.

Here, the local people, always friendly, will be willing to help you and make you smile . It is spoken in Cebuano (the second language of the Philippines after Tagalog , typical of the Visayas area) and also in the local dialect, called Surigaonon , but most people defend themselves very well n in english . Don't be surprised to hear words like handsome, important, damn, but or problem ; his tongue hides 3,000 words in Spanish !

Another fact: people get around by **motorcycle (with a rail, to carry the board)**, by bike, by tricycle and, above all, by habal-habal, some motorcycles with a roof who do the function of cab and where up to five people fit.

Through General Luna

Through General Luna


The gastronomic offer in General Luna is inexhaustible , with restaurants of all kinds of styles and prices They offer different cooking classes. In Kawili you can taste sushi; in Kermit and The Carindery , Italian cuisine; spanish in Bravo ; indonesian in Warung and the best tacos and burritos, you will try them on Miguel's Taqueria , a small stall run by a Filipino who will transfer you to Mexico in a flash.

Mama's Grill It is an institution on the island where to eat delicious grilled meat and fish for two euros -in fact, in every restaurant you will find fresh fish in different forms-. In harana, professional baristas they will offer you the best coffee of the island; in shake you will taste delicious fruit bowls with granola to pick up energy from the first hour, and in Hanigad you can eat looking at the Cloud9 tower between hammocks and palm trees.

Mexico in the Philippines

Mexico in the Philippines

However, if you want to taste the authentic filipino food you have to approach the karenderias , small stalls with saucepans or dishes where to choose different small plates or tapas for one euro and try the "fried" pork, the marinated chicken , the tortoang talong (eggplant omelette), pumpkin soup or stews , some stews that will remind you of your grandmother's.

In addition, the kinilao It is one of the most outstanding dishes among its specialties, it is Filipino ceviche : raw fish cooked with coconut vinegar , ginger and kalamansi (the delicious local lemon), and accompanied with cucumber and onion.

When you see smoke out of some stalls in the street, is that they are preparing coconut bread, an essential delicacy of the island. And if you are lucky and in one of the villages they celebrate parties or birthdays , will be the ideal place to try all these local delicacies and hopefully the succulent sucker (pork with rosemary roasted for hours, richer even than Segovia ) .

Coconut bread a local delicacy

Coconut bread, a local delicacy


The march, which is never lacking in the Philippines, is held every day of the week in one place, bringing everyone together in one place. On Mondays and Wednesdays, concert at Rum Bar ; Tuesdays and Fridays, local revelry in Jungle Disc; on Thursdays, I dance in hot-spot ; Trivial and great party on Fridays in Sea Wind , and on Sundays, after surfing in Bravo and acoustic concert in Kityas .

So depending on the tide and surf hours you will always have time for one very fun getaway . And if your thing is to sing, you will find karaoke everywhere and, above all, on the Boulevard; it is one of the favorite activities of the Filipinos.

In Kityas they know how to have a good time...

In Kityas they know how to have a good time...

For the quietest, the Yoga classes are present in most Hotels , although you can also practice them on the islands or on the table ; are even made yogi retreats that combine this practice with surfing and island getaways.

Also, people are very aware of the environment and they organize beach cleanups through the platform SEA Movement, that informs people about the controlled use of plastics to keep the environment clean. Also, products such as coconut oil of Why not coconut? collaborate with the local community and support the 100% natural beauty products.

are also sold non-polluting sun creams the ocean, natural insect repellants and many organic products are distributed around the island to take care of a idyllic setting for many more years. With these efforts, Siargao is intended to remain that relaxed community of locals and foreigners. whose passion is surfing what is today a paradise where think of staying to live forever.

Where are you going to find 'rockpools' like this...

Where are you going to find 'rockpools' like this...?

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