Greta Thunberg:


Greta Thunberg during her press conference at La Casa Encendida

Greta Thunberg during her press conference at La Casa Encendida

“Some want everything to continue as before, they fear change . Change is what we young people bring and it is what they are trying to silence. That is proof that we are making an impact, that politicians are desperately trying to silence us. They need to stop being so greedy: it is crucial that they understand that life is more important than money " Greta Thunberg has said in La Casa Encendida.

They have been her first statements in Spain, after appearing this morning in Madrid by night train from Lisbon. The resounding arrival, covered by dozens of journalists and onlookers, It has taken place after the activist culminated a long journey in sustainable means of transport from Los Angeles, where she was a few weeks ago, ready to enter Santiago de Chile these days. However, the social unrest in the country caused the 16-year-old girl to return to Europe in order to be present at COP25, where she will give a conference supported by Unicef.

The change of scenery has also been taken into account in the round of questions, in which, after a question from a Chilean media outlet, Thunberg has stated that “When we talk about social justice, it is key that we also talk about environmental justice” , thus linking two realities that are better understood together.

In addition, the Swedish woman has also asked that the media story -and the press conference itself- not focus on her, as has undoubtedly been happening until now: "I'm just a climate activist, a part of a larger movement. We must be more activists. And they shouldn't listen to me, they should listen to all of us," she said.

Three of those other activists were also on stage: Shari Crespi, from Youth for Climate–Fridays for Future Spain; the international coordinator of Youth for Climate – Fridays For Future Spain Alejandro Martínez and Vanessa Nakate, from FFF Uganda. "Let's look at the countries already suffering from the consequences of climate change, like Uganda and Kenya. There are already people dying from the floods, it is not a question of the future. It is present", has defended the latter.

"I am going to ask the political leaders not to let a price be put on life. That they listen to us", insisted Shari Chaspi, who, along with the young woman and her companions, have agreed to highlight the state of climatic emergency of an environmental situation that she can't wait another minute to be tackled.

In fact, Thunberg herself has recognized that, although social awareness is growing, it does not translate into impactful political measures. So much so that not only are emissions not being reduced, but, in her words, they have increased by 0.6% this year. “The only thing we want to see is real action. So, if we look at this from a certain point of view... it is true that we have not achieved anything ", the famous activist has conceded. But none of that stops her:" We will continue to protest ", she has announced.

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