The most surreal airplane stories told by their flight attendants


My best friend's wedding plane scene

That drunk passenger who wants to go first class...

They say good morning in several languages, they explain to you - ** while you look at your mobile - how to save your life in an emergency **, and they make sure you stay hydrated and happy throughout the trip. Flight attendants are an essential part of any vacation plan, and as such, they have many colorful stories about things that happen in the air. Some of them have tipped us off...


I remember a domestic low-cost flight in which a lady asked me when we were going to take off... we had already an hour flying.


On the way to a German city, a passenger armed with a ukulele asks us please if we let him sing a song to his girlfriend to ask her to marry him. We say yes, come with us in front; we draw the curtain, he kneels down and begins to sing a song in German that was horror. She said no.


Once, in a Dubai-Jakarta, a passenger died on the seat, I don't know what; we found it like this. We had to move it aside and cover it up. He was the only one who went to that extreme, but medical moves are super frequent. In fact, there are several types of medicine cabinets with all kinds of medicines (in Norwegian, where I am now, we have three) . The longer the flight, the worse, it's like a time bomb. It's rare when there isn't a story, especially in winter, when old Scandinavians come to Spain to play golf and get fancy with everything. There are flights where the average age can be 70/80 years. Imagine, between how old they are and what they pimplan... that seems like an emergency room. But look, a topic that is almost always fulfilled is that of the doctor on board, or if not, at least paramedics, nurses...


In the middle of a shoot - the moment we glided over the ground - a female passenger frantically asked us to come back because she had left her ring in the security control.


I remember how a pilot of a Spanish charter company in which he worked received the passengers greeting them one by one, throughout the entire plane -an ATR 72-500, with 68 seats-. It was an attitude that surprised and pleased everyone, but at the same time, it had a double purpose: evaluate the possible suspicious attitude of a passenger and therefore take action in this regard.

plane scene from home alone

That moment when you realize you've left "something" behind...


I remember a passenger who, within an hour of arriving in Oslo, realized that he had taken the wrong plane. How did that man get there with all the 'security measures' in place? Nobody knows.


I have met passengers on a low-cost flight from Manchester to Palma, in the last row, covered with a blanket, doing his 'things of love'.


Many times, it happens that passengers ask us: what is that island?, or what country do these mountains belong to? Sometimes, we can answer them delighted, but not always, since we are carrying out other tasks that do not allow us to be waiting at the windows to analyze the route. That, the people, do not understand; they think we have a GPS inside us.


On Emirates flights it is not uncommon to see the following scene: a whole cabin full of Arabs in their white robes, each with a hawk on the arm . The reason? The falcon is a sacred animal, there are families that have hundreds. In that airline, in fact, animals cannot be taken in the cabin... but falcons can.

snakes on the plane scene

Falcons, yes. Snakes...better not


Recently, at cruising altitude, a passenger decided to Cutting the nails, also leaving them in the aisle, without picking up, to the amazement of the passengers who were around. We had to give him a sea sickness bag to pick them up...


Walking down the aisle, I inadvertently brushed against a passenger and he gave me a monumental scolding; we flew to Jeddah (from there they then go to Mecca) and the pilgrims must land washed and purified. if you touch them, they should be washed again.


There are a thousand crazy things that happen on a day-to-day basis, from the passenger who believes that the plane is a bar and asks you for tube glasses for the drink, soy milk for the coffee or freshly squeezed lemon, to having to face fights over having to put down my carry-on bags because they literally don't fit any more. In fact, if we run out of cabin space, it's practically the end of the world. There are also those who touch you in a bad way to claim your attention, those who call you with the typical "tssss" as if they were a sprinkler, those who, when you are eating, interrupt you and leave their garbage right next to your food without They don't care that you can't pick it up at that time... I've flown with various companies, both in Spain and abroad. In low cost and in airlines where EVERYTHING is included, in which you call the passenger by his name, and after a few years dedicating myself to this I can tell you that ** the glamor of the 60s/70s **, has long since it vanished...

flight attendant scared of snakes on the plane

Flight attendant hyperventilating when seeing that no more suitcases fit in the cabin

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