Why you shouldn't be afraid of flying


Any plane is safe in any weather condition

The truth of the turbulence is not so terrible


An accelerated day to day, the pressures of daily, professional, family life... Stress is one of the great stigmas of our society , and what is worse, we have adopted it as a lifestyle. Without measuring the consequences that this entails, stress causes big changes in our body and is one of the main triggers of critical situations of anxiety , What fears or phobias, and among them one of the most common, ** the fear of flying .**

And yes, while we know the theory by heart, in practice at least one in three people is afraid of flying , which is almost a 25% of the population.

The democratization of aviation is directly proportional to the fear of airplanes despite the fact that these are, by far, the safest means of transport.

Final destination

Who hasn't felt Davon Sawa once in a while...

Recognizing the fear of flying is the first step to overcome it ", bill alfonso bertodano , commander and psychologist, who adds: “Imagination plays a determining role in phobias because to activate the limbic system (where physiological responses to emotional stimuli are managed), we must perceive a danger or imagine it. When you give free rein to your imagination, starts to activate , and in the world of aviation, due to their own ignorance, the imagination is triggered”.

The reality is that now that flying is much easier and cheaper We all fly more. If we add to the growing volume of passengers the ignorance that exists on the aviation field and all the sensationalism that surrounds any air incident, because we already have the fear created.

The good news is that the fear of flying, “like any other fear”, clarifies Bertodano, It can be cured.

Land as you can

Don't let fear dominate you

well you know this pilot with more than 10,000 flight hours , since in addition to flying, he also teaches the courses 'Losing the fear of flying' with a 98% success among the hundreds of patients who have gone through them.


For Bertodanus, “ understanding aviation is the key to not being afraid of it ”, That is why in his courses it is explained, during a first day of almost 12 hours of theory the entire value chain what makes it possible for an airplane to fly , with the participation of a mechanic and an air traffic controller.

In addition, it examines hot spots that tend to frighten staff, such as the turbulence . To know how aviation works it can be the key to emotional control, since a phobia can develop, for example, due to poor learning.

Nightmare at 20,000 feet

Nightmare at 20,000 feet

Bertodano explains it well: “there are two types of learning: direct, when you yourself experience something, you live it first hand and it affects you in a certain way; Y the indirect , when you see, you read... but you don't experience it. Nevertheless, affects you the same and you can develop that phobia in the same way”, and he adds: “to overcome the fear of flying you have to relearn but this time in a correct and controlled way”.

In line with this statement, the expert created the slogan that accompanies his courses: my way of thinking affects my way of feeling.

And more good news: to overcome the fear of flying You don't have to leave your comfort zone , hallelujah!, but, well... it has to be expanded. “Beyond the comfort zone is the learning zone ; when you learn, you expand your comfort zone because you apply, internalize, what you have learned. my comfort zone it's my plane, the cockpit , where I control everything”, adds the expert.

Looking to the past and focusing on past experiences does not help this learning, and looking to the future based on past experiences creates more anxiety, “ so the ideal is to focus on the present and learn to manage that anxiety that, in this case, generates flying”.

with Air

Follow our recommendations and you will get out of the plane with flying colours.

But how to achieve it? Identify negative thoughts, stop them, self-instruct yourself, take a deep breath, chill out , redirecting those thoughts and anchoring them are the seven key points to overcome anxiety, something that can be achieved, and is achieved, after rationalizing our fear and understanding that it is an unfounded feeling.


The situational phobias they are very high loads of anxiety that are triggered when you face a situation. At that moment, you are not able to rationalize it You only think about running away.

A life with greater load of stress, increases fear . Factors such as the crisis, unemployment, a recent maternity or uncertainty in general, do not help either. Phobias are enemies of rational thought , when you are afraid of something irrational, you should make it rational, in this case, why does an airplane fly.

“The lift of the aircraft is what causes the most concern in patients with fear of flying, although that an airplane flies is as simple as that we have air, speed and wings ”. There is always air, the speed is achieved with an engine or the like and the wings are those of the plane which, designed to change shape during different phases of flight, “they never break, not even in the most extreme conditions ”, confirms Bertodano.


Thermal, orographic, in clear air… But what is this? Well, together with three other classifications, they are the six types of turbulence that can occur on a flight and that also respond to one of the most frightening phenomena for passengers with aerophobia.

Did you know that all planes have an established flight procedure if turbulence occurs which is nothing more than reduce speed to maximum structural strength ?

A 'Wing Walker' doing aerobatics on the wing of an airplane

Well, no need to exaggerate

Something that, put into practice in the words of the expert, means: “turn on the seatbelt signal and **get rid of the coffee** that is in the cockpit in case we end up throwing it at ourselves; that's all our concern if we go through turbulence ”, And he continues:“ flights are safe in any type of weather ”.

"Let's be macho: let's talk about the fear of the plane" , and how even Gabriel Garcia Marquez He wrote about his fear of flying on October 26, 1980, despite having "around the world in 82 hours, aboard all kinds of planes, and at least ten times." Happy flight.

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