Seven cabin treatments to receive the summer


7 cabin treatments to welcome summer

Receive summer with your best version.

Welcome summer! It's time to go on vacation or, at least, to enjoy the weekends and long summer afternoons more vigorously. Before packing your bags, make an appointment at one of these health and beauty centers to start your free time in a good mood and showing your best version to yourself and to others.

7 cabin treatments to welcome summer

Natural tan in cabin? It's possible.


Years ago we decided that It is not necessary to spend that first bad drink of putting on the swimsuit with paler and sadder skin than Nosferatu's. Luckily, the firms have gotten their act together with this and there are an interesting range of options for tanning without the need to sunbathe or expose yourself to harmful rays. We recently tasted a real discovery. This is Tannity, a Spanish project of Marta Porcel (CEO and founding partner) and Isabel Delgado (partner and director of communication). Its formula adapts to the specific tone of your skin in the intensity you want and you get natural results (forget orange) in just 15 minutes, which can last up to 10 or 12 days.

In addition to aesthetics, Tannity has a health motivation: in Spain approximately 6,000 cases of melanoma are detected each year. The technique, which does not have the characteristic smell of self-tanners (although it does contain DHA) and is vegan friendly, comes from the United States, where Jennifer López, Shakira or Kylie Jenner use it.

The process is simple: outside clothes and prepare to be sprayed by a professional airbrush mist that absorbs in just a few minutes. The best? You can take their products to do it at home. Of course, if you want an appointment to be ready before an event or celebration, ask for it in time, this 'secret' is highly requested and celebrities parade there at all hours.

We love: They have centers in Madrid and Valencia and offer Free sessions for people undergoing chemotherapy.

7 cabin treatments to welcome summer

Entrance to the Clinique La Prairie in Madrid.

2) A 'wiggle' to cellulite

We do not believe that it can be completely removed, nor do we have as much mania for it as they want us to have... but it is true that there is cellulite and cellulite. That is to say, we will not be able to make it disappear completely, but we can see the skin more uniform, toned and, above all, feel better with our body.

We like the holistic approach that they take at the prestigious La Prairie clinic in Madrid. His therapy Dermatofunctional Therapy works the muscle through massages beyond the skin. Usually used on the face, it can also be done on the abdomen, holsters, buttocks... Helps treat cellulite, localized and generalized fat, stretch marks, flaccidity, as well as scars, keloids, burns and lymphedema.

The process includes application of electrosonothermal techniques (ultrasound, radiofrequency and currents of biological action), manual and instrumental therapy, motor control of movement and postural correction. Also, improves body contours in case of localized fat, which appears more easily as a result of the new habit of teleworking which makes us spend more hours sitting at home (first session, €160/follow-up, €110).

We love: Helps in postpartum recovery, by corrective postural self-awareness and improves self-esteem and quality of life.

7 cabin treatments to welcome summer

Do you dare with a draining and remodeling massage?


The Brazilian Fernanda Silva, who has almost two decades of experience in the sector, she has revolutionized the world of massage in Madrid and Barcelona with Royal Touch. Go ahead, we are not exactly talking about the classic massage, but of a revolutionary molding technique that has made it a benchmark in these two cities. In her centers, we warn you, it is not easy to get an appointment. And neither is the process itself 'easy', which, however, becomes a bit addictive. We explain: the protocol is not a relaxing ritual of caresses and pampering, but an authentic shaping and draining massage (with the hands and instruments), lasting one hour, which will reduce measurements, deflate and tone up, all from the first session (€80).

The treatment requires round and round, so it goes through legs, back, belly, arms (these hurt a bit on the inside, really), and can cause stiffness the next day. You leave a little sore, yes, but very relaxed and with the mission of drink plenty of water to expel toxins and with palpable results (the photos they take of you before and after, for your personal use, say it all).

We love: The results in terms of volume loss are immediate and you leave the cabin as if you were floating...

7 cabin treatments to welcome summer

The Mandarin Oriental Ritz's wellness area includes a luxury treatment cabin.


The hotel sensation of the season is the Mandarin Oriental Ritz in Madrid, so its long-awaited wellness area could not be less. It is signed by the prestigious Paz Torralba, CEO of The Beauty Concept centers, a benchmark in the capital, which has also designed a specific protocol for the only cabin in the hotel (beware of exclusivity, there is only one). It's called Sublime Mandarin Oriental Ritz, adapts to the needs of each person, respecting the hormonal identity, and is made with products from the Swiss brand Valmont.

The ritual, which lasts an hour and a half, begins with a double and deep cleaning so that the skin is more receptive to the active ingredients. It is then exfoliated to remove dead cells and applied a personalized mask to oxygenate, repair and hydrate. After it, a second mask with a tightening effect is applied to the face, neck and décolleté. To end, the skin is hydrated with a serum concentrate, also personalized. The applied collagen veil heals, balances, rejuvenates and restores luminosity. Finally, face, neck and neckline are worked with a treatment cream (€350).

We love: The natural tightening it provides and the calming effect on dehydrated skin. Hedonistic advice? Come 30 minutes before to enjoy the facilities of the water area.

7 cabin treatments to welcome summer

The Beauty Concept Hair, in Ortega y Gasset, 47 (Madrid).


And we continue with The Beauty Concept, because if you still haven't seen her new hair space in Madrid, you have an appointment pending. The hair suffers a lot in summer and it is not necessary to spend a lot of time to keep it healthy. For this reason, we like the TBC Collagen Hair treatment, to give it strength, resistance and shine. in just 15 minutes. “This is an intensive protocol that performs deep hydration while reversing hair damage, nourishes, it provides silkiness, fills the fiber and makes it much shinier”, explains Paz Torralba.

First of all, the hair is washed with a specific shampoo. Then the moisture is removed with the towel and a spray is sprayed all over the mane to prepare before applying the collagen. Next, this is distributed from the middle to the ends and massaged until it penetrates correctly; the head is covered with a turban and heat is applied for 15 to 20 minutes. To finish, it is rinsed and styling is carried out (90 minutes, €80 treatment / €45 hairstyle).

We love: It has the endorsement of none other than Eugenia Silva, who has recommended it on her networks and is ideal for women with little patience.


You may not have heard of Lipoled, but you may be interested in what this device from the Spanish firm Medilux can do for your body. It is a technique that emits athermal infrared light (that is, it does not heat) at 850 nm, through a head of 64 LED diodes, that allow a penetration of up to 8 cm in depth in a non-invasive way and without any secondary effect. To what end? Increase collagen production, stimulate the immune system... In short, it helps to firm tissues, eliminate cellulite and scars, tone and drain. You can find this equipment in clinics and centers throughout Spain.

We love: In addition to all that has been said, its use generates endorphins!

7 cabin treatments to welcome summer

Cabins of the Assari health and beauty center.


Reflexology, wood therapy, meditation, nutrition... in the Assari center in Madrid they have all these disciplines, guided by excellent therapists. His shiatsu massage, therapeutic and very relaxing, of Japanese origin and also known as acupressure, is a blessing (we know it first hand). Digestive discomfort? Neck strain? Difficulty to sleep? Tell it to the therapist, who will gently press with her thumbs and palms of the hands points and specific areas of the body, achieving a therapeutic effect both at the muscular level and the central nervous system.

This is one of the star protocols of this center specialized in health care, physical exercise, wellness and beauty. Its benefits range from relieving stress and muscle pain to improving blood circulation or balancing the body, acting at the osteo-muscular level and in the different systems of the organism: nervous, blood, lymphatic and hormonal (€60).

We love: In addition to all of the above, it strengthens the immune system and the body's self-healing ability.

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