The Sierra de Gredos turns yellow: it is the moment of the broom in bloom


brooms in bloom

During the months that the confinement has lasted, we were consoled to know that, at least, nature was living a great moment . Mind you, during that time, we missed some of the most beautiful blooms in Spain ...but there is one we still got to on time.

This is the piorno, a one-meter-high thicket characteristic of the Sierra de Gredos. Its flowers give off a strong smell similar to that of vanilla, they are yellow and give rise to a fruit in the form of a hairy legume that forms a tapestry of the same color as the covers entire valleys of the sierra, creating an amazing visual spectacle . The natural show, this year, has already begun, and it is estimated that it will last until the end of June, so it is more than likely that we will be able to enjoy it in situ.

However, since there are many of us who still cannot travel to the area, from the festival Broom in Bloom They make it easy for us with their 9.0 edition. This is the online format of the event, which has been celebrating the hubbub of the fields with cultural activities and active tourism for a decade.

"Nature is so strong that it asks us to celebrate the Piorno en Flor Festival. It will be a very special edition and a way to contribute to the spirit of respect for nature, which we believe should mark the future ”, explains Isabel Sánchez Tejada, president of ASENORG (Association of Tourism Entrepreneurs of the North of Gredos).

In this way, using images from other years, as well as this one, the association has created a series of videos that allow us to enjoy the event from home. The neighbors have turned to the initiative, decorating their facades and participating in the virtual exhibition of crafts. Likewise, the call for Tapas in yellow is maintained, now renamed Tapas from your kitchen . In it, the bars and restaurants in the area offer recipes with this color as the protagonist.

There will also be the virtual concert between piornos of the Musical Group in Clave de Gredos Norte, nor will the virtual observations of the night sky, which will be carried out Starlight monitors.

To be aware of all the activities programmed by the festival, it is best to pay attention to your social networks , although, without a doubt, what many of us hope for is to soon be able to enjoy the warm tapestry of the beautiful mountains of Gredos live.

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