CoronaCrisisKruk, a bank to forget about social distance without skipping it


CoronaCrisisKruk bank social distance Object Studio Amsterdam

The bench to forget about social distance without skipping it

Two stools joined by a 1.5 meter long bar, with a handle in the middle. This simple structure shapes the CoronaCrisisKruk, a bank designed to make life easier for us in times of pandemic, so that we can easily visualize the social distance to respect and we comply with it but without constantly conditioning our movements.

We have had to learn to behave differently, to be constantly aware of each step we take so as not to get too close, where we stand so (again) we don't get too close, where we sit so (once again) we don't get too close. … And in those we were, paying more attention to every move we made than to what we were experiencing and in those it was seen Björn van den Broek of Object Studio when he decided to create the CoronaCrisisKruk in Amsterdam.

CoronaCrisisKruk bank social distance Object Studio Amsterdam

“With distance, the park is more beautiful”

This bank was created with the intention of create an environment where the safety distance ceases to be a source of burden that captures all our attention because it allows visualize and know without margin of error that you are complying with it. In fact, some incorporate messages such as “With a distance, the park is more beautiful”.

Made of birch plywood and very light, CoronaCrisisKruk can be easily moved using the handle on its bar. So far they have been installed six benches in the Noorderpark in Amsterdam, another in the courtyard of the Amsterdam Museum and Utrecht, The Hague and Breda also have their own.

Björn van den Broek explains to that the response he has received has been very positive and that people want to see them everywhere. Object Studio sends from banks to companies in other countries and has confirmed that All profits from its sale will be donated to Doctors Without Borders.

CoronaCrisisKruk bank social distance Object Studio Amsterdam

Made of birch plywood and very light, the CoronaCrisisKruk can be easily moved

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