94 things to do in Galicia at least once in your life


Castro de Baroña millennia of history on the edge of the Atlantic

Castro de Baroña, millennia of history on the edge of the Atlantic

1. flip on the rapa das bestas of Sabucedo . An atavistic show that returns you to a state of mind in which you never remembered having been. Animal, man, the gigs, the dust, the neighing in the air, the mane cut and the held breath.

two. discuss if Rodas, in Cíes, is the best beach in the world or not . End up arguing about the existence of rankings in general, concluding that they are absurd and ending up creating your own favorite beaches. And let the Rhodes come out, naturally.

3. May the Camino de Santiago change your life. Be it the French, the North or the Portuguese, we all know that this is the only way.

4 . be terrified in the entroido (carnival) by Laza. The Peliqueiros they are something unique, ancestral, exciting from an anthropological point of view… and terrifying.

5. Dye the tips of your fingers black by peeling chestnuts in a popular wizard.

6. Go up to Curota viewpoint and squinting to distinguish even the most distant estuaries.

7. Soak up maritime life in the fishing ports that remain, alive and useful, resisting being ethnographic museum pieces. Malpica, Cariño, Burela or Bueu , in different sizes and importance, are good examples of this reality.

8.**Visit the monasteries of the Ribeira Sacra ** being fascinated with nature, the Romanesque and wine.

9. Have a mystical abduction in ** San Pedro de Rocas ,** one of those inescapable magical places in Galicia.

10. Sometimes García Barbón street in Vigo is confused with Madrid's Gran Vía.

Rapa das bestas

A rapa das bestas

eleven. Bask in old-school Battle Creek glamor at the belle-epoque facility (survivors of a fire that turned them into foxes) at the Mondariz spa.

12. Give it all with orchestras of one of the countless popular verbenas and end up screaming with “Galicia every day more beautiful more beautiful every day better and better”.

13. Be overwhelmed by the processions of Holy Week in Ferrol.

14. Leaving cufflinks and clutches on the slopes of Vigo.

fifteen. Do the wild in the Viking landing at Catoira.

16. Eat (and especially drink) in a furancho .

17. think that the cliffs of A Capelada they are more dizzying than any you have seen in Ireland.

18. Realizing that life never ceases to amaze you by finding the place where Leslie Howard's (Ashley Wilkes in Gone with the Wind) plane crashed during World War II, off the coast of Cedeira.

19. Sit on that stony point next to the Fisterra lighthouse and feel that you are literally at the end of the world.

twenty. Mount a few literary routes: visit the manor Otero Pedrayo in Trasalba, well-off fidalguía. And do the route of A Esmorga reading To Esmorga , in Ourense. With alcohol overdoses but without violations. And visit the house museum of Emilia Pardo Bazan in A Coruna.


Fisterra: death, sunset, end of the world and rebirth

twenty-one. No, the Pazo de Meirás cannot be visited.

22 . And pay tribute to Rosalía de Castro by dedicating a Goodbye rivers, goodbye fountains; goodbye little streams” (or perhaps some lesser-known but more combative verse) in her house in Padrón de ella.

23. And continuing in Padrón, evoke Camilo José Cela, genius and figure, in its foundation.

24. And in Santiago, visit "The House of Troy" , the real nineteenth-century pension that inspired a student novel portraying the city and its time.

25. And in Vilanova de Arousa, tour the stages of the life and work of the unredeemed Valle Inclán.

26. And already in Vilanova, don't forget to Julius Camba , journalist of the Luciferian pen capable of being hypercosmopolitan and very local at the same time without disheveled.

27. get overwhelmed with Castelao's drawings of the Civil War , direct heirs of the disasters of war of Goya, in the Museum of Pontevedra.

28. pilgrimage to San Andres de Teixido because you're afraid you'll have to do it three times dead if you don't do it in life, and once you're there you'll hallucinate with the situation at the edge of the cliff of the sanctuary.

29. Buy right there the most folkie, most authentic and colorful souvenir: the bread figurines.

30. Look for Daniel's smile in the Portico de la Gloria of the Cathedral of Santiago.

San Andrés de Teixido

San Andrés de Teixido: reincarnations, Catholicism and figures of bread

31. Inhale the incense emanating from the Botafumeiro to distract us from the smell of humanity of the pilgrims. The Botafumeiro, today as a thousand years ago, always necessary.

32. Applaud the tiraboleiros when they stop their course in their tracks with an accurate jump.

33. Become infected by the emotion of generations of pilgrims who for a thousand years have walked the path to see the towers of the Cathedral of Santiago from Monte do Gozo.

3. 4. Skiing (as little as possible) in Cabeza de Manzaneda.

35 . contemplate the tui cathedral illuminated at night

36. Cross the Miño from Tui to Valença (Portugal) by the old bridge. The new one doesn't have the same charm.

37. Try the Cea bread.

38. Try the Betanzos potato omelette.

39. Try the octopus from the island of Ons… …and the pulpeiras from Carballiño. Not knowing which one to stay with.

40. Give yourself, from time to time, **the tribute of a seafood platter** and think that for things like that, life is worth it despite everything. Addresses in the Rías Altas here and in the Rías Baixas here.


The ritual of the botafumeiro of the Cathedral of Santiago

41. Go out for tapas in Lugo and have constant joy while blessing the concept of free tapas. And delicious.

42. take lamprey , that surviving animal of evolution that could be in the group of the dodo, in the form of a pie or cooked in its own blood (much more prehistoric) in Arbo.

43 . Take the pulse of Galician avant-garde cuisine . Starting here, for example.

44. Explore Illa de Arousa by bicycle.

Four. Five. Find a day (essential outside of summer) on which the beach of the Cathedrals is not crowded.

46. Walk around barefoot (if possible) thinking that it was worth waiting for the tide to go out.

47. Spend a night camping in Ons or Cies and be envious of the Robinsons.

48. Tour the Roman wall of Lugo.

49. find everywhere examples of ugliness in Galicia . And end up finding it endearing.

fifty. Identify the stone drawings of the Campolameiro petroglyphs.

Rhodes Beach Cies Islands

Playa de Rodas, Cíes Islands: this paradise does deserve a legacy do Tibu

51. participate in some religious holiday in which Catholicism mixes with animism and the most ancient beliefs, as Santa Marta de Ribarteme , with people leaving in procession inside coffins.

52. Bounce as if there were no tomorrow listening to the bagpipes of the Ortigueira Festival.

53. Get to know Viveiro during Holy Week . Outside of it, it's also worth it.

54. Fall in love with Allariz , a town so cared for, so clean and flirty that it provokes applause and international awards.

55. get under the skin of Pedro Madruga at Soutomaior Castle , with its views and its medieval arches.

56. Navigate the Sil River among the impressive canyons that its winding draws on the earth.

57. Get romantic Alexandre Dumas level son attending the blossoming of the camellia, that delicate and fragile flower like a consumptive prostitute, for example in the Pazo Quiñones de Leon de Vigo or in the avenue of Santiago.

58. Tour the gardens of Pazo de Oca and to think that, with its hedges, its bridges and its flowers, it does deserve the name of “The Galician Versailles”.

59. To praise the talent for localization that the inhabitants of pre-Roman Galicia had in the Castro de Santa Tecla or in that of Baroña.

60. Mute before the contemplation of the barnacles that work under the waves on the coast of death.

Pulpeira creating

Pulpeira, creating

61. remember all the time The animated forest going through some of the most beautiful forests, those in which magic seems possible, such as As Fragas do Eume or A Marronda.

62. spend a night of San Juan giving it all on the beaches of Coruña , seeing how the bonfires are reflected in the white galleries of their typical homes.

63. Do not forget on the route through Galician lighthouses , always in spectacular situations (Illa de Arousa, Fisterra, Ons), the tower of hercules , legendary construction symbol of the city of Coruña.

64. Verify that, indeed, in Galicia there is water everywhere by bathing in a natural pool as da Chavasqueira in Ourense or Mougas in Oia.

65. Verify that, indeed, in Galicia there is water everywhere contemplating a natural fervenza (waterfall) such as Silleda, Belelle in Neda or Vieiros.

66. Verify that, indeed, in Galicia there is water everywhere following some of the routes through mills , almost all of which are no longer in use, such as those of Barosa, O Folón or Guitiriz.

67. Verify that, indeed, in Galicia there is water everywhere enjoying the more comforting, relaxing and healing spas, such as A Toxa, Lobios or Lugo.

68. feel the concept deserted paradise beach is much closer than we think when we find places like the beaches of Valdoviño, Cape Udra and Cape Home, Carnota, Ortigueira or Muros.

69. Yes, the weather will not always be Caribbean and the temperature of the water will not invite you to swim, but wow, they are really amazing places.

70. Live a grape harvest in the Albariño area.

Tower of Hercules

Tower of Hercules

71 . Or taste it the rest of the year in any of its cellars or in the Plaza de Fefiñáns from Cambados.

72. Navigate the estuaries dodging rafts, crags and cliffs and suffer astonishment of beauty when contemplating the landscapes from a perspective opposite to the usual one.

73. Witness a conxuro da queimada, with its invocation to all invisible beings and its ball of fire in the form of brandy that makes its way to your stomach.

74. experience the delights and horrors of coffee liquor . Homemade, if possible.

75. Approach the so-called “most beautiful bench in the world” in Loiba.

76. To think that these types of bombastic titles are fine if they manage to draw our attention to places as special as that.

77. experience why the Mount Pindus (despite the fires) it was considered a sacred place.

78. Have a reminiscence of Asterix before the pallozas of Piornedo or O Cebreiro.

79. Get medieval at the festa da Historia de Ribadavia. Finding yourself while taking a walk in the bush (for any mountain) horses, cows and even deer and foxes that live in freedom. Encounters that cannot be planned and that are always remembered.

80. Observe the cultural and religious syncretism that "Christianizes" rocks, fountains and elements prior to Romanization, heirs of ancestral beliefs. The sanctuary of A Lanzada or Virxe da barca of Muxía are good examples.

Queimada the pagan drink

Queimada, the pagan drink

81. Dying to climb and slide down the dunes of Corrubedo . No it can not be done.

82. To locate to the saint with glasses on the façade of the basilica of Santa María, in Pontevedra.

83. Take a break from the Romanesque monasteries and complete the vision of Galicia with the eyes of an architect in the Panxón church, designed by Antonio Palacios , unique in its style.

84. Follow in the footsteps of the most successful indianos in the form of their spectacular houses in Ribadeo or in the unclassifiable, kitsch and charming Betanzos Hobby Park.

85. Make the typical path of the military past of the castle of San Felipe de Ferrol.

86. Count hórreos, rafts and tourists in Combarro.

87. Do the Paris-Dakar route from Santiago. A route through the bars of the Rúa do Franco, already converted into a mythical itinerary that tests the resistance of the most recalcitrant drinkers.

88. Go down to the Cova do Rei Cintolo, in Mondoñedo , the largest cave in Galicia, evoking its legends and its reminiscences of returning to the mother's womb.

89. Parador in style in the center of a city in the elegant Hostal dos Reis Católicos de Santiago.

90. Paradoring in a big way in a unique maritime environment in the Bayonne Parador.

Dunes of Corrubedo

Dunes of Corrubedo

91. Parador in a big way in an inland town full of flavor in the Inn of Monforte de Lemos.

92. Admire the views of Verín from the castle of Monterrei.

93. Recite the homonymous song on the island of San Simón , in the heart of the Vigo estuary.

94. soak up the concept enxere touring any of the towns on the coast or inland of Galicia. Find a unique and special place for you that does not appear on any list of essential to visit. It always shows up.

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