Asturias: the best restaurants to enjoy the Principality


Homemade bean stew from Casa Gerardo

Homemade bean stew from Casa Gerardo


martial house _(La Salgar, s/n Parres tel. 985 84 09 91) _ €€€€€

Contemporary kitchen. Asturian gastronomic tradition elevated to its maximum expression in this restaurant between mountains.

Nacho Manzano is one of the Asturian chefs with the greatest projection. Here, in the village of La Salgar, in his family home, he offers cuisine of rare delicacy that does not renounce all the power of his culinary roots. Nacho and his team break prejudices and flee from the cliché.

Everything has an Asturian aftertaste, but never evident: his personality prevails. Enoki mushrooms, squid, ground ink and milk veil; cauliflower, almond and caviar; Astur-Celtic gochu with fermented cabbage and corn gnocchi.

Juan Luís García's work with wines is of a very high level.

Martial House Crab

Martial House Crab

The corral of the Indian _(Avda. de Europa, 14 tel. 985 84 10 72) _ €€€€-€€€€€

Contemporary kitchen. José Antonio Campoviejo manages to transfer here the flavors of the regional tradition to current elaborations of enormous personality.

It is impossible to understand contemporary Asturian cuisine without José Antonio Campoviejo and his Corral del Indianu that, after two decades of history, has managed to carve out its own style in which the local is reinvented in each menu, and in which the flavors of memory find unprecedented ways of unusual delicacy.

Among the dishes, creamy Gamoneu, smoked eel, truffle and wild arugula; roasted and stewed squid with infusion of its interiors; pork feather, almond mole and roots.

Some of their starters are worth trying: the creamy croquettes or the corn and sabadiego macaron, a local sausage.

The Indianu corral

The barnyard squid


ROUND 14 _(Alfonso VII, 20 tel. 985 56 94 09) _ €€€

Nikki cuisine. Ronda 14 inverts the terms so that where the majority offers local cuisine with foreign winks, they design an imported proposal with allusions to the local.

Ahead of the trends that would spread years later, the Asturian Conchi Álvarez and the Peruvian Mario Céspedes opened this house in 2011 in which the Peruvian tradition – with special attention to Nikkei cuisine – goes hand in hand with the Japanese and the Asturian , in an inimitable hybrid that works in the kitchen and that has won the favor of the public.

Anticucho gyozas with picada and cilantro; causa tuna and chili; scallop tartar gunkan with yellow pepper.

Explore without prejudice its unorthodox sushi menu: wagyu and blue cheese niguiri, California crab roll, soft shell crab roll with curry…

yume _(The Station, 27 tel. 984 29 70 37) _ €€

Contemporary kitchen. Nice little place where Iratxe Miranda and Adrian San Julian they propose a casual and traveling cuisine.

After working together at the D'Miranda restaurant, the chef Koldo Miranda (Iratxe's brother), both she and he, who was head chef at that stage, decided to embark on a more personal project, on a smaller scale, in the heart of Avilés. In it, Iratxe is in charge of the living room and Adrián of the kitchen.

Here they offer gastronomy without prejudice, with Asian influences and very reasonable prices. Robata sweetbreads with citrus; Iberian pork feather saam and octopus with black mole; pitu meatball stew and tubers.

The gyozas, made entirely in the restaurant itself, are usually very interesting: pig trotters and sea urchins; octopus and kimchi and cod in miso pilpil.


Don't leave without trying their pig trotters


Royal Spa of Salinas _(Avda. de Juan Sitges, 3 Salinas tel. 985 51 86 13) _ €€€€€

Asturian cuisine. One of the great restaurants in the region, with spectacular views of the Cantabrian Sea, which is also its main pantry.

There are few houses with the solidity maintained over time like this authentic legend of Asturian cuisine. The Royal Spa of Salinas, on the seafront, It was born in the 50s of the last century and in the 90s it became the emblem that it is today, thanks to Isaac Loya.

The key to its success has been its ability, throughout this time, to correctly combine the dose update fair with academicism , in the form of a heterogeneous menu that ranges from hake in its pilpil sauce to sardines confit on white and black garlic, or from red mullet sashimi with citrus orange and crispy garlic to grilled pigeon with friction-free vegetables.

On a first visit it is highly recommended to try classics such as the Félix Loya champagne sea bass


Boom _(Claudio Alvargonzález, s/n tel. 985 16 81 86) _ €€€€-€€€€€

Contemporary kitchen. Inaugurated six years ago, it has become, in its own right, the benchmark for haute cuisine in Gijón.

After more than a decade at the helm of another business, Gonzalo Paneda and Antonio Perez They moved to the city center in 2011 to develop a more ambitious proposal. Today they occupy a space with a large dining room and a terrace with enviable views of the port.

Updated Asturian cuisine, dominated by local fish and shellfish, together with selected meats, both Asturian and Iberian.

Oyster with seaweed, pink pepper and bergamot; red mullet in a pilpil of its bones, codium and pickled onion; skewered hake with potato, citrus and cardamom soup.

Although they send fish and shellfish on the menu, you have to try dishes such as suckling lamb with veal snout and soybeans or tripe in the traditional style.

The Salgar (Ethnographic Museum of the People of Asturias. Paseo Dr. Fleming, 887 tel. 985 33 11 55) €€€€-€€€€€

Contemporary kitchen. The Manzano family has a showcase in this restaurant in Gijón in which Esther's personal vision sets the standards.

The urban version of the cuisine of the Manzano brothers is found in this place with its own identity.

Esther Manzano is a cook with a solid traditional base, She is capable of transferring the familiar taste memory to modern, tasty, brave and attractive dishes, in this beautiful place in the Museum of the People of Asturias.

Sea urchins, parsley juice and dashi vinaigrette; Beef tongue with lentil mole, herbs from the marshes and pickled gel. The views from here make you soon forget about the urban environment.

The Salgar

Manzano family house


Bertin's Belly (San José, s/n Ctra. AS-257 tel. 985 85 04 45) €€€

Contemporary kitchen. It has been more than a decade since El Barrigón de Bertín opened its doors to become the best representative of up-to-date seafood cuisine in the coastal town of Lastres.

Alberto Asensio, Bertin, He passed through houses as important as that of Ferran Adrià before taking over this place, an old winch with an enormous tradition in the town.

In it, once renovated, he has dedicated himself, along with his partner, Itziar Salamanca , to give its particular version of local seafood cuisine updated and without fanfare, in which the product is the undisputed king.

During all this time the rice of him, of which is a good example the spider crab creamy, They have been made with a large group of unconditional diners, as well as other outstanding dishes such as grilled tuna with foie or hake with spider crab.

The place also offers a selection of very interesting tapas, such as cod fritters; razor clams with garlic sauce or anchovies with Afuega'l Pitu and hazelnuts.

Bertin's Belly

Razors, delicious razors


Castru El Gaiteru (Eria la Vega. Celorio tel. 985 40 20 25) €€€

Asturian cuisine. This restaurant, close to the beach of Celorio , is today one of the temples of the grill in Asturias, applied to both meat and fish.

Trained with Pedro Martino (Naguar) and José Antonio Campoviejo (El Corral del Indianu), Pedro Noriega combines in Celorio the essence of a traditional eating house (in which, of course, there is no lack of tripe, fried squid, salad or croquettes solved with solvency), with his passion for cooking on the grill.

Selected meats pass through them for the Txogitxu house and fish from the local rulas –sea bream, sea bass, red mullet, viceroy or sole–, which are cooked to the precise point over the fire.

In addition to the traditional dishes, other more contemporary suggestions can also be found on the menu, such as the corn profiterole with anchovy cream or the puff pastry with roasted aubergine, black olive and egg.

Retirement (Pancar, s/n tel. 985 40 02 40) €€€€

contemporary kitchen . El Retiro is the materialization of the solid and personal philosophy of Ricardo González Sotres, one of the most brilliant Asturian chefs of his generation.

formed together with Nacho Manzano (Casa Marcial), Raúl Aleixandre (Ca Sento) and Manolo de la Osa (Las Rejas), Ricardo González Sotres he returns to his native Asturias to apply everything he has learned to the local pantry, in a difficult balance of avant-garde and tradition to which he manages to imprint his own character, within a concept that is unlike any other known to date.

Oyster tempered on the grill with a pitu broth with lemon grass; cod with tripe, chickpeas and saffron; Grilled pigeon with roasted foie, smoked eel and black garlic.

Do not miss the opportunity to try their sea and mountain dishes, such as the pork ear stew with red shrimp in two services, or the broth of beans, octopus, pitu crests and asparagus.


Regueiro (Tox, s/n Puerto de Vega tel. 985 64 85 94) €€€-€€€€

Contemporary cuisine with traveling roots in one of the most interesting restaurants in western Asturias. Diego Fernández opened this dining room in 2011 after training, among others, in Gerardo House, in La Salgar, and to be part of the Casa Marcial team.

Since then, he has developed a cuisine based on local products and traditions in this place near Puerto de Vega, but he has no qualms about integrating Southeast Asian influences with common sense.

Red curry of cod tripe with grilled stripe in its juice and lime; gizzard marinated with yogurt, black garlic, coconut, chipotle and panang curry ice cream.

Together with these dishes, other more traditional ones coexist, such as its famous croquettes, fried hake and rice with pitu de caleya.

The famous croquettes of the Regueiro restaurant

The famous croquettes of the Regueiro restaurant


Ca'Suso (Marquis of Gastañaga, 10 tel. 985 22 82 32) €€€-€€€€

Contemporary kitchen. The one from Ca'Suso is a current recipe book with Asturian essence and reasonable prices.

Despite already having a long history, Ca'Suso still does not have the classic aura that other restaurants in the city have, and yet it still maintains a certain character of novelty; which shows that things are still happening in your kitchen.

Some are not missing from the menu Asturian dishes updated – their croquettes are famous – along with others from a personal kitchen, with more surprising winks. Mullet with pesto, tomato and black olives; pedreru octopus in its juice; chosco cocotte from Tineo; andaricas cream with seafood.

Its desserts must be highlighted, especially the casadiella coulant and the cheesecake, very creamy.

Fermin House (San Francisco, 8 tel. 985 21 64 52) €€€€-€€€€€

Contemporary kitchen. One of those responsible for the renewal of Asturian cuisine. In as good shape as ever and true to his style.

Founded in 1924 in the heart of Ovied or, it was at the hands of Luis Alberto Martínez and María Jesús Gil when it reached the status of a reference restaurant that it still retains today; a dining room that has managed to update itself and whose offer is based on updated local cuisine and a well-selected wine cellar in a spacious and comfortable space.

On the menu: mussels with green garlic, apple and citrus foam; hake with octopus; Veal tendons with white chocolate bearnaise and its juice.

The tasting menu is the best way to get to know the most modern side.

Lefty's Tavern (Cervantes, 27 tel. 985 96 30 96) €€€

Contemporary kitchen. Rodrigo Roza is already a veteran of this type of cuisine in its Asturian version, which he poses here with ease and contained prices.

After passing through Arzak and Talaia, from the El Bulli team, and being the soul of the disappeared Barbacana, Roza was able not only to shape La Taberna del Zurdo, but of renovating it, knowing how to read the trends, and turning it into what it is today: a current, casual, affordable and with no more pretensions than the diner's enjoyment.

This pragmatic philosophy has earned him prizes in pinchos competitions and a place among the Oviedo classics.

The menu combines both the usual dishes, such as fried monkfish or mini potatoes stuffed with meat, with other dishes such as lobster, prawn and apple salad.

mixture _(Jovellanos, 2 tel. 984 03 40 14) _ €€€

Contemporary kitchen. Project by Javier Loya, belonging to an emblematic saga of Asturian restoration, in the heart of Oviedo.

Loya is responsible for Deloya Gastronomy , a company that is behind, among others, the Avant Garde (Gijón) or El Bistró del Hotel Ayre (Oviedo). Located in the Gran Hotel España, Mestura offers signature, technical cuisine with an unusual sensitivity based on the product of the Bay of Biscay and the Asturian orchard.

Squid tartare with aniseed and snow peas salad; steamed sea bass, infusion of its bones, turnip and aubergine noodles; Araiz pigeon with plum juice, chocolate flakes and celeriac.

In addition to the tasting menu, there is an executive menu and an intermediate menu (Essences menu), all at very reasonable prices.

Squid tart with rhubarb mangetout salad and broth infused with tarragon in Mestura

Squid tart with rhubarb mangetout salad and broth infused with tarragon

Naguar (Avda. de Galicia, 14 tel. 984 28 50 80) €€€-€€€€

Signature cuisine. Asturian and contemporary dishes that travel from the informal to preparations closer to haute cuisine by the chef Peter Martin.

Martino is, without a doubt, one of the essential characters in Asturian gastronomic history of the last two decades. In his restaurant, in the heart of Oviedo, he has found accommodation in a restless kitchen, whose dishes range from the most informal to others with more ambition.

His is a markedly local offer, both in the product and in the treatment he makes of it, but at the same time open, dynamic and inclusive.

Martino is a curious character, capable of combining nonconformity and large doses of cuisine in each dish. He can be seen in recipes such as oricio with apple in cider, Glazed turnips in saffron chicken broth with barnacles and collard greens.

It is very interesting to dive into the less serious section of the menu and Try the cod pilpil croquettes or the Asturian cocido coulant.

Lamparas in juice with cauliflower impregnated in stick cut.

Llámparas in juice with cauliflower impregnated in stick cut.


Gerard House (Ctra. AS-19, km 9 tel. 985 88 77 97) €€€€€

Signature cuisine. The well of 135 years of history makes this restaurant one of the fundamental houses of current Asturian gastronomy.

Pedro and Marcos Morán are the fourth and fifth generation , respectively, from the same family at the head of this mythical Asturian house in which both the updated ancestral recipe book is worshiped, as well as a radical, profound and future-oriented vision of the local gastronomic tradition.

Casa Gerardo's is a kitchen that manages to look at the past and the future simultaneously and without losing an iota of his admired personality.

Stewed oyster in pitu juice, cornbread and red onion; scallop, lobster, leek and jowl in an Iberian juice; grapefruit, walnut and white chocolate.

Unmissable house classics are the hake with apple vinaigrette, the lobster and monkfish salad and, of course, its famous bean stew and its rice pudding, a bane for those with a sweet tooth.

Eels egg and truffle at Casa Gerardo

Eels, egg and truffle at Casa Gerardo


Arbidel _(Dark, 1 tel. 985 86 14 40) _ €€€-€€€€

Contemporary kitchen. Ribadesella is one of the hot spots of Asturian gastronomy and, within it, Arbidel stands out as one of the most solid options.

small place where Jaime Ouz For some years now, he has been proposing a very personal cuisine, in which the local product is worked with elegance, discovering new possibilities and exploring innovative facets in the traditional flavors, to which he adds acid, citrus and vegetable nuances that lighten and stimulate.

Uz's proposal adds a calculated point of risk to the current Asturian cuisine and successfully achieves it in dishes such as xarda as a pot with dashi, noodles and ajada or in the Roasted monkfish with couscous, Norway lobster caramel and squid noodles.

The menu includes a small selection of rice dishes, mainly seafood, very interesting.

Gueyu Sea (Playa de Vega, 84 tel. 985 86 08 63) €€€€-€€€€€

Asturian cuisine. The radical commitment to the environment and its pantry makes it an essential part of seafood cuisine.

What Abel Alvarez proposed in this beautiful corner of the Asturian coast is a militant cuisine of the product and the territory, essential, without disguises. The best fish from the local fish market and an absolute mastery of the grill and its possibilities give shape to a simple and solid menu, without unnecessary concessions.

Gueyu Sea it is salt, it is grilled and it is Asturias; and that is reflected in each dish. Grilled King, Sea Bass, Mullet, or Turbot; grilled oyster with caviar, grilled razor clams with black garlic pilpil... PS . Not everything is fish, its cheesecake is also famous. Attention to the wine list.

the orchard _(Ctra. de La Piconera, s/n tel. 985 86 05 53) _ €€€€

Asturian cuisine. Almost a quarter of a century endorses the work of this house, whose proposal is “the simplicity of the primitive”.

La Huertona's cuisine is unapologetically rooted in local tradition and served in a room with pleasant views. More devoted to the sea, although with good meats, it proposes dishes without artifice, recognizable elaborations, slightly adapted when necessary , in which the territory always commands.

Grilled or grilled fish, salpicón de bugre (lobster) or special selection old beef entrecote. They have a gastrobar, Casa Luz.

Their apple croquettes and fresh duck liver are unmissable.

€ Less than €10

€€ Up to €20

€€€ Up to €50

€€€€ More than 50 €

*You can find the 2018 Gastronomic and Wine Guide in a digital version for your devices, at Manzana , Zinium Y google play .

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