How to be a vegetarian in the land of the Iberian? Cáceres 'veg'


Lentil meatballs with Brotes Verdes pepper sauce

Lentil meatballs with pepper sauce

We propose a gastronomic route suitable for vegetarians, vegans and anyone who wants to rest from the ham, the test and the black pudding. We started our tour as it could not be otherwise in Green shoots , perhaps the most vegetarian restaurant famous of Cáceres , located at number 5 of the Brown Square ( five minutes walk from the Plaza Mayor ) . Here they offer a daily menu of the day **(10.90 euros) ** with two starters and three main courses to choose from, also including bread, drink and dessert.

Among its suggestions we will see dishes as original as cold orange and carrot soup, salad with caramelized leek, walnuts, honey and apple, sautéed rice with byessar (cream of broad beans) or spicy red lentils. Besides they have a wide letter (with specialties such as golden courgette or grilled vegetables with tofu and chutney), and if we want to try a bit of everything or are undecided, we can order the tasting menu , consisting of various croquettes and meatballs. They also have a vegan menu (only at night) and gluten free menu

Green Sprouts veggie croquettes

veggie croquettes

At his side, in the number 7 of the same square , is located the Perhaps Tapestry , an intimate and cozy place in which it is advisable to book in advance if we want to ensure a place at one of its tables. Avant-garde cuisine with products from Extremadura , although among its menu we will only see three non-meat options: the green sprout salad (with candied peanuts, gorgonzola and pear), the warm spinach salad (with garlic, pine nuts, raisins, ricotta cheese and balsamic Modena cream) and the black pasta with mushrooms and pumpkin cream. It is the law to finish off the task with one of its homemade desserts , with delicacies such as tiramisu with almond liqueur, raspberry and mango ice cream (100% vegetable) or lemon mousse.

Perhaps Tapestry

Perhaps Tapestry

The ideal place to cañear is the El Rincon Tavern , with its perpetual terrace on the northeast corner of the Plaza Mayor. In addition to his extensive letter of craft beers, with the native Cerex as a jewel in the crown, they have their own mead: odin . And among its very correct cuisine we have the spinach croquettes, the tomato soup with Almoharin figs (only in season), the Hurdana salad with goat cheese, the scrambled eggs with local mushrooms and the grilled vegetables from the garden for two.

In the outskirts of the Plaza Mayor there are also interesting options. The recently opened ** Hamburguesería Ripley ** _(C/ Gabriel y Galán, 4) _ has given its vegan hamburger its name, accompanied by organic bread, tomato, lettuce, grilled onion, homemade chips and a delicious sweet mustard . And yes, it refers to the protagonist of Alien, and the fact is that the place is a complete eighties revival: posters of mythical films (from the goonies until The endless story ), vhs tapes, TVs broadcasting genre movies and even an arcade machine where you can play classic arcade video games.

In the parallel street we have the Alboroque Taperia _(Plaza del Duque, 10) _, one of the most avant-garde and original places in the city, with an unbeatable presentation on a plate. One of its most demanded tapas is that of fried aubergines with honey and crocanti , which we can well accompany with a transparent tomato gazpacho with its suspended garnish.

We will also see among the letter the thin pardina lentil cream (with torta del Casar foam, pickles and garlic sauce) and the vegetable wok with soy and sesame. And if we have a sweet tooth, sweet tapas they will delight us: tiramisu with Bailey's cream, orange juice and curdled saffron with flower salad and cardamom caramel, crème brûlée with apple and puff pastry...

And if the time has passed and the rest of the places have closed the kitchen (and if not, also) the restaurant 8th art _(General Ezponda, 7) _ will meet our demands without any problem. We will have to choose between its variety of cheeses (sheep, goat, torta del Casar and tabla), the vegetable blood sausage dumplings with feta cheese and salsiki , tomato soup with figs and croutons or grilled tomato and boletus au gratin with Casar cake. Once again, we can complete with their desserts: cheesecake and chocolate mousse, cheesecake with red fruit coulis, mango flan and a glass of cookies and whiskey cream. Bon appétit.

Tomato soup with figs and 8th Art croutons

Tomato soup with figs and croutons

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