Traveling with Zahara: from Úbeda to San Francisco


Zahara Traveling is discovering, disconnecting, living and forgetting about the mobile of schedules

Zahara: "Traveling is discovering, disconnecting, living and forgetting about your mobile, about schedules"


“You are going to have breakfast at the Café Suizo, it is on Obispo Cobos street, although it is always called Nueva street: it is in a small passage (San Miguel) and it is one of the few places in Úbeda that takes great care of its lactose-free milk, soy milk, toast with amazing jams ...”, Zahara proposes to start the day.

“If it's August, then get into a closed place because you're going to burn, but if you go in spring you should go to the old town, because Úbeda is a World Heritage Site along with Baeza, it has the viewpoint walk, amazing! You will see all the olive trees... (at first they will impact you, then you may end up saturated), make sure and add “ you also have to see the chapel of El Salvador, it has an arch that, today, architects study to know how it was built ; so spend the morning strolling through the Plaza del Ayuntamiento”.


You're going to eat on Calle Real , there are a lot of tapas places: you start at La imprenta and go down... In Úbeda they give you a lid with the drink , now the gastro-bar is also very fashionable ”, he proposes.

Popular knowledge already says it: you are more from Úbeda than an Ochío. If discovering the local delicatessen is one of the motivations of your travels, Zahara recommends the Ochío with black pudding: “it is a bread with paprika, matalauva and oil... it comes from ancient times; there are many types of hard, dry buns... but the one I'm telling you about comes as a bun, split in half, stuffed with black pudding in a boiler, I go crazy, it's spectacular! On this street you will find it almost everywhere."

Can you resist an Ochío with black pudding?

Can you resist an Ochío with blood sausage?

“At the end of everything, on the left, is the Melancholy Street which is a Joaquín Sabina-themed bar that is very close to the house where he was born. They spend the whole day playing his songs, the tapas are cold, preserved but very good ( those with peppers or ventresca are incredible ) . There are photos of Sabina and there is also one of mine , from a day we played together in the bullring!”.

Do you have any relationship with him? “ I am third niece... ”, He clarifies.

“In the afternoon you are going to go to the Water Synagogue , the energy that is there is impressive. You can have a very good dinner in that area. At night you are going to The Beltraneja Y you're going to tell Juaniqui that you're on my side to have a gin and tonic with the Cool Gin , it is made in Granada and they have it there”, she explains satisfied, with the smile of one who does not change Paris for her village. “Then you can sleep in restored 16th-century mansions that are gorgeous,” she concludes.

If you are a fan of Sabina... the Calle Melancolía Tavern in Úbeda is your place

If you are a fan of Sabina... the Calle Melancolía Tavern in Úbeda is your place


“A trip that was incredible was San Francisco , I had never been to the United States, I went to run a half marathon -she remembers- I climbed those hellish climbs in an act of sheer bravery and personal satisfaction It is a city that seems European, the cradle of the homosexual movement, of freedom, the people are super healthy... I freaked out! ”.

The Golden Gate Bridge symbol of San Francisco

The Golden Gate Bridge, a symbol of San Francisco

It has not been the only trip that changed his way of being in the world. "The trip that changed my mind the most was when I went to the Sahara to the refugee camps in Tindouf," says Zahara. “It was very shocking because I went with a group of nurses , you are in the hospital, in those beds where hundreds of women have given birth before, It is no longer that they do not have resources, nobody teaches them that simply painting the walls with lime protects against bacteria... how far apart those families are... I came back very touched”, explains the singer.

He smiles when remembering the generosity of the Saharawis, “ families are wonderful, they give you everything they don't have for themselves , everything they have been able to save...”, and she adds“ I was scrupulous, I was afraid of bugs... and I slept on the floor with cockroaches, I didn't wash for a week and I saw that none of that was important ; all the important thing was to help and have a well-furnished head and know what you want, not everything you have”.

Did you go to the Film School? “Yes, there they are delighted with Bardem. In fact, I was in film school a lot because I updated a blog with everything that was going on there and it's the only place with the Internet, it's a culture that keeps going despite all the inconveniences that put them ”, she replies.

Cinema as a cultural epicenter

Cinema as a cultural epicenter


"This year is going to be the first summer in a long time that I am going to travel for vacation , I associate traveling to work "-he explains after giving a surprise concert in the Manzana Mahou 330 space - "We are going to take a car with some friends, towards the north without knowing where, traveling is discovering, disconnecting, living and forgetting about your mobile, about schedules ". And she adds smiling: "Is it very important to visit this...? I still miss it and I'll be back again."

What soundtrack will that _ road _ trip have? "Well we're doing it! Start with I owe you a dance from Nueva Vulcano, Pereza, The Killers... They are songs that put us in a good mood, optimistic, many are about love . What movie would you like to see in a summer cinema? "Grease, I never get tired of seeing it, it's one of my favorite movies, I'm no longer a teenager in love with Jon Travolta but I still love him ".

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