48 hours in Milan


48 hours in Milan

Milan in two days. It's possible!



The Piazza del Duomo is one of those aesthetic slaps that every human being has to receive at some time in life. The most exaggerated will call him Stendhal, while the common homo sapiens, at least, will know how to recognize the beauty of this location with some typical and empty comment. It is what touches. Then comes discovering the impressive temple inside, understand that, deep down, all the luxury and fashion of this city is inspired by this impressive building , the third largest Christian temple in all of Europe. Of course, the route between naves and chapels cannot be completed without climbing to the top. On the roof a terrace is improvised from which you can see Milan with your eyes and in which pinnacles and other gothic features accompany this heavenly ecstasy.

48 hours in Milan

Il Duomo, a bit of Gothic

But the Piazza does not end here, as much as it may seem. Not even in the crowded arcades or in the cafeterias that spring from them. On its south side, the Royal Palace calls for a little attention, even if it's for his neoclassical rationality and its unexpected magnificence. A necessary counterpoint to the gothic empacho that is usually undervalued by the common tourist. In addition to greeting the good Vittorio Emanuelle on the back of his horse in the center of this agora, the other essential is to sneak into the Gallery that bears his name , sigh at its finishes and shop windows and, given the lack of budget, settle for a couple of backlit photos among the maelstrom of bags, heels and Japanese that their day to day entails.

48 hours in Milan

Contemplating the interior of the Gallery will be more than enough

On the other side is the Scala Theater , a space that has to be enjoyed with the ear, although the mere fact of being so mythical is u A small obligatory stop for the cultural traveler . The transit to Piazza Mercanti It is usually accompanied with an **ice cream from the famous Grom house**, one of those street pleasures that make the Italian streets from another world. And already in the square everything becomes a palace due to its surprising delicacy in the open air. Here sends the Palace of the Ragione , who still resists medieval in the midst of so much stylistic chaos throughout the city.

The last point of this central walk has its culmination in the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie . Here is the magnificent mural of The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci . In addition to feeding best sellers, this work is one of the greats, one of those that you have to see at some point to believe that it is real. Its considerable size (880 cm x 460 cm) and all the legends, symbols and details that are hidden here give cause for a few paranoia, mental movies and for enjoy another form of art , which is not bad either. to visit her it is mandatory to reserve the ticket in advance through its Web .

48 hours in Milan

The Last Supper, by Leonardo


The very universality of Italian food makes the line between fast food for tourists and good gastronomy is difficult to distinguish. However, it is not impossible to eat decently in the heart of the city without having to resort to the best tablecloths. tables like those of Nerino Ten , Fratelli La Bufala , Tandem Bistrot, Yokohama and its decent sushi o risoelatte They offer dishes with care, effective and tasty.


The resumption of the most classic tour of this city has the castle as its horizon. No, it's not a mighty fortress, not even an iconic gate to pose in memory of, but it's Milanese and that's saying a lot. And it is that the Castello Sforzesco has more than five centuries of history to its credit , a few attempts to be demolished by popular subscription as well as a considerable palatial area. Here, in its long corridors, he has found his new fate: host different collections of local museums that give it a lot of substance. From the paintings in the art gallery (with Tintoretto, Canaletto or Titian as main authors) to the sculptures of the Museum of Ancient Art, where shines the last Michelangelo with the Rondanini Pietà without forgetting the Roman and Egyptian pieces of the Archaeological Museum. And at the end, a little walk through the coquettish sempione park , the most remarkable green extension of the city.

48 hours in Milan

Five centuries of history before you


Milan without fashion would be insipid. Therefore, escape to Quadrilatero della Moda, with the Corso Venezia as epicenter and Via Monteleone like Parnassus, is trying to innocently take advantage of this status as fashion capital. Beyond buying or not, browsing through its ordered streets, browse prices while avoiding the fuss and getting infected by its baroque and neoclassical sumptuousness is a good way to 'late'. The essentials? The mother houses of brands such as Valentino, Armani, Roberto Cavalli or Prada (beyond the Galleria Vittorio Emmanuelle) .

48 hours in Milan

The paradise of a 'fashion victim'


A Milanese evening without an aperitif is blasphemy. In addition to being an entertaining way to unite the afternoon with the night, it is also an easy way to mutate into Milanese without exaggerating the accent or inventing the language. Its most chic version can be enjoyed at the Armani Lounge in namesake hotel , in the Bulgari Hotel or in the Radetzki Cafe . The classics are served at mythical tables like those of the Bass Bar , the mag coffee or at the Cantine Isola. Finally, the most daring indulge in sushi at the Bento Bar, in the swimming pool Ceresium 7 or to the impossible concoctions of the Rita & Cocktails .



There is no more truth in a name than in the Monumental Cemetery of Milan . His adjective fits like a glove to this cemetery that never gives a bad vibe. In fact, its tombstones, mausoleums and pantheons are a waste of creativity which, on many occasions, makes the visitor forget where he is. In addition to finding the grave of illustrious Italians like Verdi, the main incentive is to avoid the magnificent constructions that the wealthiest families of the 19th century raised for all eternity , in a show that shows that the Milanese take care of aesthetics until the last moment.

48 hours in Milan

Monumental until the last moment


Having a good coffee is the best way to return to the world of the living and endure its hustle and bustle. And in Milan they know that and they cultivate it like a religion, making an Espresso is an ecstasy of nuances and singularities. If you add to this the innate posture of this city, the result is historical and essential places such as the **Sforzesco, the Bastianello, the Pasticceria Marchesi ** or the total summit: the cave (whose owners are the LVMH group).


The city offers two less crowded alternatives to enjoy Italian art and good taste in two capsules frozen in time. The first is the pinacoteca Ambrosiana, a man reviewed the best Italian painters of the Renaissance and Baroque where the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Tiziano or Caravaggio are not lacking. The second is the ** Palacio Brera **, an impressive building that reigns in the coquettish neighborhood of the same name that exhibits in its spacious rooms European works of all styles , with a certain Italian predominance, but that never becomes a ball or excessively intense.

48 hours in Milan

in vein please


The canals of Milan represent a kind of encounter with the most costumbrista and real version of the city. A beautiful backstage where everything seems more authentic. Though It is enjoyed both at night and during the day. , the fact of being able to walk along its banks until choosing a good restaurant makes the second option a little more appealing. In addition, it has become a kind of place to be for the average Milanese, which is why there are almost more restaurants than streetlights in the entire neighborhood. And it is usually right, although to be a little more on the safe side, the ** Cucina Fusetti ,** Il Principe dei Navigli e I Capatosta They are three safe, effective, successful and very indigenous options.


To the point: ** San Siro is a temple of football **. The shared stadium of Inter and Milan is living history, a cathedral on whose lawn many of the great moments of this sport have been lived. And that is why it is worth going to the outskirts and live an evening of goals and legends . The first stop must be made in front of your imposing image, in front of its circular concrete towers that have become another icon of the city. The second, in its entrails, on a tour in which its magnificence and the stage fright produced by its presence and silence are admired. The last one, the museum in which it is exhibited, in equal parts, the history of both teams, their trophies and their most legendary shirts.

48 hours in Milan

From here will come the champion of European football

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