Save traveling: yes, you can


Though it may be painful to realize what we spend our money on It is essential to plan our finances every month, detailing income and expenses planned in an Excel. The holidays they are no exception.

“The main questions we need to ask ourselves when organizing this moment are: 1. How much money do we want to allocate to them? and 2. Can we afford it?” invites Rachel Quelart, creator of the Pocket podcast.

In case we have achieved Our savings goal it will be easier to balance the budget for the summer break. But if we haven't, we're lucky that There are quite cheap alternatives. to spend a few fun days without having to stretch your arm more than your sleeve.

Raquelt Quelart journalist at the head of the Pocket podcast

Raquelt Quelart, journalist in charge of the podcast Pocket.

A first and forceful advice from Raquel: "Never you fall into the error of to finance your vacations because they will end up leaving you very expensive".

Now, is it possible to save traveling? “From the point of view of comparing prices and choosing the most beneficial, yes. The Internet has opened up our range thanks to the emergence of platforms that promote collaborative consumption, such as home exchange – an example is HomeExchange–, couchsurfing –which allows you to stay in the houses of locals– or carsharing, ideal for escapades weekend and that offer platforms such as Sharenow (Car2Go), Free2Move (Emov) and Zity”, the expert recommends.

And she continues: “In addition, we have comparators of hotel prices and flights –Google Flights, Kayak, Kiwi, Skyscanner…– which can be very useful to find the cheapest.

On the other hand, if it is true that there are places where lodging, communities and leisure activities are much cheaper than in Spain -for instance, Morocco, Cuban or Portugal –, it must always be taken into account that the cost of travel can make an affordable destination ends up costing us expensive, especially at a time like the current increase in flight prices and fuels.


Before you travel, compare the cost of living between countries.

This is the reason that makes important don't forget the amount that we will allocate to this game to finish opting for one choice or another. It will also be very useful for us to track platforms that allow compare the cost of living between countries, such as Preciosmundi or Expatistan.

Is going to a second residence cheaper? "Depends. If we have the house mortgaged and each month we have to allocate a percentage of our income to repay the loan installments and pay the rest of expenses associated with the property –community, IBI, rubbish, insurance and supplies–, most likely this option come out more expensive than to travel But in the event that the house is already paid for, it will be cheaper to stay in our second residence. In addition, it must be taken into account that we can even get a return on it by renting it during the periods in which we do not use it”.


1 .First of all, to avoid deviating from our savings objective, it is essential set a budget and opt for those alternatives that allow us to comply with it. For this, it will be very important organize the trip well in advance, comparing prices and choosing, as far as possible, those that include the FREE Cancelation or accept to book in advance only a small percentage of the total amount of the stay.

Cala D'Hort

Cala d'Hort. Why not go to Ibiza in low season?

two. When we organize a trip it is common to hesitate between choosing bed and breakfast only or opt for half board or full board. Opting for one of these last two proposals will allow us to better plan our spending even if it means more disbursement at the start of the trip.

3. In cases where we have flexibility when choosing the date of our vacation, travel in low season it can represent a saving of 30% or more compared to the months of greatest demand. Most accommodations usually lower their rates from the end of August or September (and it will also be easier to find tickets at good prices).

4. Take advantage of the night to travel by train, bus or plane is another way to save money during our vacations. Also, bring light luggage –a backpack or a cabin suitcase– will avoid paying supplements or having to check luggage at airports, as well as being more comfortable. oh! and move on public transport or walking instead of doing it with a taxi or rental car.

5. As for diets, it is recommended get away from the most touristic establishments and choose to eat in places mostly frequented by locals. In addition to being a healthier selection for the pocket, it will allow the traveler to try typical local dishes.

6. Find information about tourist attractions free or open days of museums that once a month allow visit their exhibitions and carry out some activities without any cost.

7. Finally, it is smart to check health coverage available at the place of destination. In the event that the European sanitary card – which is free – does not cover us because we travel outside the EU, it is essential hire a good policy to receive medical assistance abroad.

Guide to Senegal... with Khadjou Sambe

Khadjou Sambe, Senegal's first professional surfer, is part of The World Made Local, a destination guide created by locals and launched by Condé Nast Traveler.

Consumer organizations often suggest carrying assistance insurance that covers the transfers, although it is necessary to review beforehand the coverage that we already have included in our car, home and health insurance.

Nor should we forget that some credit cards incorporate a Travel assistance insurance, although in general the coverage is usually scarce and limited to the fact that the payment for the flight has been made with this financial product.


Pocket are small pills in which those are treated money related topics that people care about. For example: how to eliminate debt, how much to save and how to invest well to make grow our savings.

“But the most important thing for me is guide the listener to choose Always make financial decisions that are consistent with your values ​​and life goals. As Warren Buffett said, never invest in a business that you can't understand', and I would add: 'with which you can't sleep peacefully', says Quelart.

When he was approached with the idea of ​​developing a podcast: “I was very excited (and more with Salva Coromina as sound designer), since it combined two things that I love: personal finance and radio. Because, yes, from my point of view, podcasts are radio on demand, programs or series by episodes that the listener can listen where and when you want”, acknowledges as he bids farewell.

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