A walk through the Magical Towns of Mexico


It is a difficult task to get into all the nooks and crannies of a territory as extensive as Mexico , but the Pueblos Mágicos project gives us a hand to know where to start.

What is a Magic Town? This name is assigned to those Mexican towns that maintain their essence throughout history.

The communities in which cultural, historical, architectural and gastronomic heritage has transpired, they receive the title of Magical Town for being some of the most representative locations in the country. This fidelity over the years has made them a fundamental piece in the history of Mexico.

The result of bringing them together under the same designation has resulted in a list of 132 in which travelers will find dreamlike natural enclaves, baroque constructions or civilizations that have crafts as their main driving force. In short, The Magical Towns of Mexico are a little piece of paradise.

Bacalar Quintana Roo

Bacalar, Quintana Roo.


The Pueblos Mágicos de México website is that travel companion that we have always wanted to have, someone who We organize the best plans, visits and routes.

Just one click! to the people we choose will take us to a complete guide to recommendations : attractive places, activities, parties, restaurants, tours, hotels... and everything essential that we cannot miss.

If we are one of the undecided, we will find our destination according to their lists of Recommended towns, most viewed or possible experiences . Although they also have prepared an inspiration tool for us in which they group according to theme : seductive, natural, authentic, homely, poetic, dynamic, delicious, mysterious, musical…

There is no excuse to make a bad choice. The most unknown Mexico awaits us in any format and any corner. If magic exists is in these Magical Towns.

Atlixco Puebla

Atlixco, Puebla.


This past April, Spain was able to enjoy a small sample of what awaits us on the other side of the pond. From April 22 to 24 it was held in Barcelona the First International Tianguis of Magical Towns , with the intention of promoting new destinations that go beyond the mythical Cancun and make known corners through which the Mexican DNA runs.

The event was launched in a hybrid format, encompassing face-to-face and digital, and presented craft exhibitions , experiences that encompassed the culture, tradition and gastronomy of the towns, as well as the opportunity to allow visitors to purchase trips to Mexico, routes and hotels.

This dynamic landed in Barcelona at the end of April, but plans to continue touring cities in America, Asia and Europe.

Taxco Guerrero

Taxco, Guerrero.

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