Twenty centuries later, Rome opens the Mausoleum dedicated to Augustus


The Mausoleum of Augustus will open to the public in March.

The Mausoleum of Augustus will open to the public in March.

The Emperor Augustus Mausoleum it has gone through practically all the historical stages of Rome and Italy without exception. Since its creation, in 26 BC, when Augustus had it built, it has lived through a thousand and one stories. During the Middle Ages it was looted, it has been a hanging garden, an amphitheater, a castle and even the scene of bullfights.

During fascism, the Mausoleum was restored again , but the war caused it to finally fall into oblivion. In 2007 new archaeological excavations of the sepulcher and the surrounding square began, but **it was not until 2016 when a deep restoration for cultural and tourist purposes began. **

It will be this 2021 when, finally, the Mausoleum opens its doors revealing one of the most important architectural jewels of the Roman Empire . Augustus, Julius Caesar's successor, had it built 30 years before his death, and he was buried there with other members of his dynasty.

the same word Mausoleum (Mausolus, ancient Eastern king, Satrap of Caria) already has a history intertwined with that of power. The Mausoleum of Mausolus , in Halicarnassus, was considered one of the 7 wonders of the world. That of Augustus is considered special because of its circular shape, which is more reminiscent of ancient Etruscan tombs than Greek tombs.

Restorations started in 2016 and are not finished yet.

Restorations started in 2016 and are not finished yet.

Also, It is the largest circular tomb in the world, whose diameter measures 87 meters . According to historians and archaeologists, it consisted of a cylindrical body, in the center of which a door opened to the south preceded by a small staircase. Once inside, there was the sepulchral cell that housed the urns with the ashes of Augusto's relatives. The Emperor's urn was probably located in the central cylinder, corresponding to the statue at the top.

Near the entrance, perhaps on pillars, the bronze tablets engraved with the Res Gestae , the history of the political exploits of Augustus written by himself.

As history has punished her so much, currently cannot be seen in its real state , but archaeologists are pretty sure it was covered in white marble and rich decorations when it was first built, with a bronze statue of Augustus atop it.

In this new restoration, which has cost some 20 million euros, the tomb and the square that houses it have been rehabilitated . The first part focused on the archaeological excavation, while the second has focused on making the Mausoleum suitable for tourist visits.

When can you visit? March 1 is the scheduled date for its official opening. Tickets will be free until April 21, and after that, only Romans will be able to access it for free. Tickets can be purchased here.

As of April, tickets will be paid for foreign tourists.

As of April, tickets will be paid for foreign tourists.

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