Why New York is the best city to travel alone


girl with bicycle in front of skyscrapers new york

An ocean of possibilities opens before you

To speak of New York is to speak of topics. And of songs, like the mythical one by Frank Sinatra, like Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys and like many others that accumulate in the mind like in a Spotify list. Also of scenes from movies or series – let each one add the first one that comes to mind – although Home Alone 2 would be, and it goes without saying, the movie that most represented us. New York is for many to capital of the world; for others, their favorite city, and for all of them, that city that hugs you when you arrive, making you feel like just another New Yorker.

Thus, possibly, New York is one of the cities in which one feels less alone, despite having, only in Manhattan, with more than a million and a half inhabitants of the eight that live in the state… In this way, feeling like an ant and the opposite will be an antagonistic sensation that will accompany you during the days.

new york skyscraper

One and a half million people live in Manjattan alone...

One of the reasons that would invite you to come alone may seem silly, but it is a factor that does not take place in other places where people do not have such a close character: in New York it's easy to talk to strangers and it will happen to you even if you don't feel like it. Because, in the end, it is a meeting point for travelers, Americans passing through, hopefuls seeking to achieve a dream and lovers of this chaotic city.

You are in the famous Shake Shack eating a hamburger, and the person in front of you can perfectly well ask you where you are from, with total normality and courtesy. And tell you that in Spain there are the best wines in the world. Or sitting in another Little Italy restaurant, the waiter may politely ask if you're in the city that never sleeps for pleasure or work, to keep you company.

This is something that is appreciated, especially if it is the first time you travel alone. Because, speaking in the first person, I had never traveled without companions. And it is an experience to meet people, that going with someone, you would not know. is also a opportunity to get to know yourself something that has even greater value than the crossing.

shake shack madison square garden

You'll make friends even at the Shake Shack

Eating alone in New York is easy: there are plenty of places to choose from and you will feel welcome no matter what you choose. And above all, something to keep in mind is that you will be able to sit more easily in fashionable places. Some recommendations? ** Jack's Wife Freda ** for brunch; the wonderfull chinese tuxedo or ** La Esquina **, in the heart of SoHo. Take the opportunity to eat at the bar Grand Central Oyster Bag or give yourself the whim of going, by yourself, to the The Blue Box Café at the Tiffany & Co. store and feel a little Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

One of the best recommendations, if you travel unaccompanied to the city, is to take the opportunity to walk. But above all, to walk wherever you want. It is enough to agree with oneself. You will be able to take long walks from north to south or from east to west - which can exceed 20 kilometers - without having anyone by your side to tell you that they are tired. Take a walk, for example, high-line , an elevated urban park on an old railway line that will keep you entertained, even still, on any bench along its three-kilometre route.

Sitting down to watch the city go by is an experience that is best enjoyed alone. The same happens to the wander down Fifth Avenue. Enjoying, without pressure, the stores you want to visit is something that can be done on rare occasions. And try on a thousand jeans on sale at Macy's without anyone complaining? Pure pleasure! You can also get lost Central Park recreating a scene from Annie Hall.

woman climbing stairs in central park

Get lost in Central Park and you'll feel like you're in a movie

Another option to enjoy New York if you travel alone is to visit one of the interesting exhibitions that are around the city. The MET , the Guggenheim , the Whitney Museum , the MoMA , the highly recommended Frick Collection , the Natural History Museum , the Neue Galerie , the Fashion Institute of Technology museum , the obligatory Public Library… The cultural offer of the city is so immense that it is impossible not to want to see everything. And, in the end, on a solo trip, soaking up each one of them is easy, because you manage your time better. Of course, a piece of advice: better enjoy the unusual museums , because, if you return accompanied, the most famous art galleries are usually regular stops.

Also take the opportunity to carry out other activities that, perhaps in the city where you live, you do not usually carry out: go to the Bryant Park cinema or go ice skating there, if it is already cold; sign up for a tour to visit different corners of the city; join some class you meet; **see a musical on Broadway** –take advantage of the last tickets available hours before the performance, which is easier being one- or even dare to go to a basketball game at Madison Square Garden. There are a thousand activities to never get bored.

broadway streets

Impossible to resist Broadway

Precisely because of this endless offer, it is sometimes easy to feel overwhelmed by all the possibilities that the city offers. The feeling can increase when on the other side of the pond everyone is already asleep and you don't know what to do, nor do you have anyone to discuss it with. But you have to think about all the positive things that this city offers you: no one judges you, no one looks at you, freedom is absolute.

Because New York is a metropolis of lonely people . You just have to stop and look, because there are hundreds of people in the same situation as you. Go to Times Square and you will see how you feel accompanied and alone in equal parts -feeling completely alone is impossible-. On the way back, after the experience, you will hum Sinatra's song with more enthusiasm than ever every time it plays: "I want to be a part of it, New York, New York...".

woman between skyscrapers

You will end up in love with the city

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