Tell me what you want and I will tell you which ice cream parlor you will like the most in Madrid


The Alps

Probably the most classic ice cream in Madrid.

Passionate ice cream makers know very well what their temples are in the city. Or maybe not. Authentic ice cream makers not only drink ice cream in summer , but even on the also frosty Sunday afternoons. Or any afternoon. It's been a while since we started extend the life of these delicacies of happiness, they are probably not so seasonal anymore; And yet, we continue to associate them with a moment of complete happiness in the hot months: a popsicle that melts while sitting on the beach, two balls of chocolate that alleviate the dog days almost at midnight...

Whether you are into different flavors or artisan ice creams, if you can only eat gluten-free or lactose-free, if you are looking for vegan options, in Madrid there is an ice cream parlor for every ice cream maker . These are some of the best ice creams in Madrid:

crazy pole

Loco Polo, the new and modern.


If you are looking for the new ice creams from Madrid, the latest to arrive, the ones that are in trend, your option this summer is crazy pole (Calle Mesonero Romanos, 10; or in its pop-up in the store La Huerta de Almería). They land in Madrid after triumphing in San Sebastian. More than 900 references of flavors they have in their menu that rotate throughout the year, each month they offer between 20 and 35, all artisans, all prepared in their workshop, all 100% natural and going far beyond fruit popsicles.

among the infallible the double chocolate one filled with dark chocolate, the Ferrero one with hazelnut filling and chocolate or cheesecake with raspberry jam inside. There are more unexpected ones like Idiázabal cheese with quince and then, cooler, are the cocktails: Baileys, mojito, gin and tonic, sangria... They have up to a hot lolly covered in puff pastry.

Other options: Fishbowl, the world of fish ice cream or those waffle cones in the shape of an aquatic animal with creamy ice cream and countless toppings that came directly from Japan ( taiyakis they are called) and that continue to arouse passions.

And of course, Rocambolesc, the Madrid branch of the ice cream parlor created by jordi rock (the Roca brothers' pastry chef) and his wife, Alejandra Rivas. This summer, in addition, they have added a stall in the San Miguel Market.

The Alps

The most classic ice cream parlor in Madrid.


Namely, artisan ice cream. The ones that don't fail: The Alps, in its usual place, in Chamberí (Calle Arcipreste de Hita, 6) it has been in the hands of the same family since 1950, distributing happiness in the form of ice cream. The founder was Italian, Pedro Marchi from Bagni di Lucca, and he and his wife passed on their artisan ice cream recipe until today. They have almost fifty flavors, being the one of ice cream the most recognized. They are also famous for their shakes based on those same ice creams that they make in their own workshop.

Bico of Xeado

Real milk, Galician, gluten-free.


Do not despair, celiacs, there are more and more options to go out to eat and have a snack in Madrid, now gluten-free ice creams are also a reality. For example in Bico of Xeado and his "farm ice cream" This ice cream parlor from A Coruña moved to Chamberí three years ago and already has staunch fans: they make their ice creams from fresh milk from the cows from the farms of Granxa or Concelo and combine it with other fresh and local ingredients, if possible: such as mint, strawberry, vanilla... cones are gluten free and there is also no trace in its natural flavors.

Mom Elba

Handmade and for vegans.


Vegans don't have to despair either, Madrid's ice cream parlors have begun to get their act together by offering more and more flavors without a trace of ingredients of animal origin. One of the pioneers was Mama Elbe. In her two ice cream parlors in the city (Cea Bermúdez, 29, Calle de la Ruda, 15), she has an entire section of vegan and gluten free ice cream , with equally original and fresh flavors.

the comedy

Italian gelati.


More creamy, with intensity of flavor. Paola Panzini, from Milan and from an ice cream family, always lacked “a good ice cream” in Madrid, so two summers ago she decided to create her own. The result is the comedy (Calle General Pardiñas, 7), where they could not miss, of course, the flavors of Hell, Purgatory or Paradise, the reference to The Divine Comedy.

And other unmissable Italians are: Gelateria La Romana, that smell that comes out of each of her stores almost forces you to enter. Once inside, you don't know if it's a crepe or one of the twenty or so flavors they have on the counter, the dark chocolate ones never fail.

It's also irresistible Zuccaru, which, in addition, has opened a store on Calle Palafox, near Plaza de Olavide, we owe them the discovery of brioche ice cream.


Without sugar and very neighborhood.


Some will think that an ice cream without sugar is like a day without bread, but sometimes there is no other choice and sometimes it is not such a bad option. In Kalua, Probably the busiest ice cream parlor in Chamberí (Calle Fuencarral 131 y 149), between the overwhelming offer that melts your eyes behind its winding counter, they have sugar free options. Just remember, don't stuff it in a waffle.

And, while not completely sugar-free, we suggest another option here: mixture, where all their ice creams are low in fats and sugars, they are organic, of natural ingredients that are prepared and combined in front of you on a granite slab at -20ºC.


The very Madrilenian Valencian.


A classic already in Madrid, where you might go for the **horchata (with fartons) ** and repeat for their ice creams: Alboraya (Alcalá Street, 125). Representative of the Valencian ice cream and horchata tradition in the capital since 1980. They can have more than 30 flavors that change and update from time to time, like this one from Violetas, so from Madrid, so from La Paloma.

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