Not just coffee: New York vibes cafes


Not only coffee in New York the peculiar coffee shops of the city

Not just coffee in New York: the city's quirky coffee shops


Housing Works Bookstore could and should also be on any list of the best New York bookstores. In fact, belongs to the genre ‘Library to dip the cupcake’ . And also for a good cause. It is the café-bookstore of Housing Works, an association that helps AIDS patients. All books are donations and all benefits are for the association. Upon entering this two-story Soho venue, the smell of old books and fresh coffee will catch you at one of its back tables. It's addictive.

Housing Works Bookstore

Coffee and old books: paradise

BRING OUT THE LADY YOU CARRY INSIDE Museum cafes would also deserve their own list, and Café Sabarsky of the Neue Galerie , the beautiful museum of German and Austrian art from the early 20th century, would be in the top 3 . And above all, if you consider yourself a 'Lady who... ’ goes for coffee and cake or you enjoy mingling with them, ladies from the Upper East Side of New York with lots of free time and no problem eating an apple strudel or a delicious Sacher cake at any time of the day. And if it can be several days a week.


Bring out the lady inside you


** Black Gold Records is coffee and vintage vinyl, what more could you ask for?** More vintage? Well too. Coffee & Antiques reads in its vintage window. Only music on vinyl and only good coffee is the motto of Sommer Foster-Santoro and Jeff Ogiba , two friends who left everything to set up the shop/cafe of their dreams... and yours. It is a meeting place in the Carrol Gardens neighborhood in Brooklyn.


ground coffee It is one of those cafes to spend hours. It is perhaps the closest to Central Perk , for that velvet sofa presiding over its bright living room where it is rare for someone not to accompany their coffee, tea or their sweets and sandwiches with their computer. Since it has so much direct light that enters through huge skylights, it is full of plants, very large plants, that you will even have to move aside to talk to your neighbors on the sofa. But that patio air that it gives is what makes it so cozy.


Grounded: the closest atmosphere to Central Perk


And without wheels, of course. Abraço is not much bigger than a food truck, but it is one of the best coffees in the city, also in crystal glasses, a bit Spanish. during good weather It has a bar outside to savor it at ease , with the cold you will have to order it to go and look for a place to stand and dip some of the incredible biscuits they have in it.


Tiny but tough


Saturdays Surf NYC: Caffeine and waves are not at odds here. This combination you did not expect. Them neither. Saturdays Surf first opened in 2009 as a surf shop only (boards, bathing suits…) on Crosby Street (Soho) . In 2012 they opened in Tokyo already with a cafeteria and a much larger and more modern space. Shortly after, in the summer of 2012, they opened the West Village location that has made them famous in New York. Upon entering: on one side you find La Colombe's coffee bar (one of the best in town) ; and to the other surfboards and clothes. In summer, they open the patio to drink coffee while others shop or to celebrate the purchase.

Saturdays Surf NYC

Caffeine and waves


In the Coffee Shop cafe at the Swedish Seaman's Church. You have read well. This is the Swedish church cafeteria near 5th Avenue . And the only faith they ask of you is the one you have for a hot coffee and a cinnamon bun that Ikea would already like. Of course, it is the The freakiest coffee shop on this list. It looks like being in your kitchen at home, only in the living room/library the ladies speak Swedish.


Of his six locations in New York alone (he has another eight in the San Francisco area where he was born) perhaps the nicest and largest is Williamsburg . Well, and the high line kiosk It is also appreciated on a walk. ** Blue Bottle as a coffee shop, as a local, is nothing special**. Here the special thing, for a change, is the coffee: “I will only sell coffee to my customers roasted in less than 48 hours , so that they can enjoy coffee at the peak of its flavor. I will only use the best, most delicious and responsibly grown beans.” That was the promise James Freeman made to himself when he opened the first Blue Bottle in a tribute to the first cafe he opened in Vienna. They offer up to nine different ways to brew coffee and tell you what type of bean goes well with each way. Drip is one of the most popular and of course later. But the good is expected.

For those who enjoy coffee sip by sip

For those who enjoy coffee sip by sip


** The Brooklyn Strategist with more than 300 boards from different games**. And it may not seem like enough to some, which is why this cafe, almost a social club, lets you bring your own games. It is the perfect place to go with children . They play, you drink coffee.

The Brooklyn Strategist

Games and more games


** Café Grumpy, ** although with the upcoming opening of a Café Grumpy in Grand Central Station, it's going to become one of the most powerful franchises in the city, it's still worth it. Above all, if you are a fan of Hannah (Lena Dunham) to go to the original that came out in the series Girls, located in Greenpoint, where she worked with Ray. Seriefilias apart have very good coffee, a good variety of teas, sweets and a policy that is appreciated: no computers, just paper or good conversations.


No internet: just coffee and conversation


Joe at Columbia University is another of the coffee chains that, betting on its quality, has become strong in the city. So much so that it has gone from opening small premises to an impressive glass-enclosed café in the building that the Spanish architect Rafael Moneo built for the Faculty of Sciences of Columbia . The bar and the floor are made of marble from Portugal and the huge window faces Broadway. Of course, his huge hall is full of students. Y, infected by the environment In this Joe they teach coffee preparation classes, tastings...


Students, classes and lots of coffee

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