Small great pleasures of coming home


couple looking at laptop

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To say in a travel magazine that we love to travel It is so obvious that it is practically absurd. Now, have we already said how much we like it, too, back home ? The pleasures of travel are multiplied to infinity thanks to the perspective of the return , and when we set foot on familiar ground, there are many delights which some hedonists like us enjoy. Do they match yours?

1. Say hello to our animals

Although more and more are they travel with their pets , it is not always possible to do so. And is there anything more adorable than coming home to being greeted by licking and your dog's feverish tail wags? Is there anything more wonderful than being jumped on 25 kilos of hair and emotion ?

The only thing that resembles it is to receive love/disdain of your cat: at first, he will look at you with eyes of "Why have you abandoned me, miserable" ; then, he will rub against you to show that you are still his property; then it will mew at you in disgust and when you want hug him with all your might -what are we going to do to him, we catlovers are a bit masocas-, she will get away to show his disagreement for having left him alone. Anyway: we love.

two. put on our worst pajamas

Because the torn shirt of our favorite group, the sweatpants three sizes bigger and the furry sweatshirt with adorable animal hood -clearly excessive, unless you live in Siberia-, we would never take them out of the house. But we wouldn't throw them away either , although a certain sense of aesthetics pushes us to do so every time we change our wardrobe. is that they are soooo comfortable...

3. Put on our house slippers

It is a detail that hotels dress our bare feet with their slippers , but let's face it: they are cold and impersonal gadgets. There is nothing like our sneakers homemade , warm, probably pierced at some point, more than likely, decorated with fried tomato dumplings.

girl greeting her dog

Hello, hello, ball of fur full of love

Four. Back to the familiarity of our bathroom

Unless you live in a flatshare with trolls, you can expect to develop some intimate relationship with your bathroom. And jolin, look how ** there are wonderful ** in the hotels we go to, but yours has a je ne sais quoi, yours offers you a degree of confidence carved after months, maybe years of use, that no other can provide.

5. Do nothing

Travel tip: whenever possible, indulge a day off before returning to the routine. Because travel is tiring , and to recover, there is nothing better than throwing yourself on the sofa to spend facebook or swallow one whole season Whatever. netflix and chill Like post-holiday therapy, oh yeah.

6. eat something simple

gargantuan hotel breakfasts, six-course tasting menus -because how are we going to leave without trying everything-, dinners with foods that we are not used to digesting... On the fifth day of the trip, all we want is A TORTILLA. Nothing else, for God's sake. A damn French omelette, if anything, with a little bit of salad on the side (a regular salad, no sauces, no conga-dancing nuts, no grilled cheese, no go-you-know-what reductions). And this wish won't come true until we meet in the heat of our kitchen.

Girl resting at home

Oh, the pleasure of doing NOTHING

7. speak in our native language

It's easy to forget how wonderful it is to communicate with someone without having to do More effort than opening your mouth. However, going on a trip to countries where your language is not spoken -although you can defend yourself with English- makes you appreciate this miracle of human culture; for a few days after your return, you realize that you are excited until joke with the supermarket cashier.

8. Guard down

When we are traveling, we try to be sponges that absorb everything, and our eyes almost hurt to open them enough so that we do not miss any detail of the landscape: we are on a train and we cling to the window as if it were the last thing we are going to see in life; we take a tour and pay the same attention to the guide that we would to a bomb disposal device.

This, which constitutes one of the most fascinating processes of the trip, also It is somewhat exhausting. So when we land and the taxi takes us home from the airport, we can finally breathe easy , or what is the same: ignore what happens behind the glass or see it without seeing, check the mobile, doze... Put ourselves in mode stand by.

9. return to the familiar

go down the street and understand the posters It relieves, why are we going to fool ourselves. And let's not say go back to ride on the side you've been doing it for 20 years. When one returns from a trip, the usual landscapes are seen under the light of a happy simplicity just opened , and they seem more friendly than ever. You don't have to make an effort to find the way ; we know where our favorite snack is served; we move like a fish in water, because we know the cultural codes dominant... and enough tour three neighborhoods (and not three countries) to visit our friends or our family. Home Sweet Home.

girl in taxi

The tranquility of which the landscape already knows by heart

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