Salamanca welcomes the optical illusion of Gonzalo Borondo


Non Plus Ultra Gonzalo Borondo

Non Plus Ultra: a game between reality and illusion

"If I do not see it, I do not believe it". Those are surely the first words of someone who reads about the work of Gonzalo Borondo . The Valladolid artist challenges reality with his new sculptural work Non Plus Ultra . His new installation arrives for the first time to Spain, to the Palacio de la Salina in Salamanca , to play with the limits of art and question our perspective.

The design is part of the programming of Facyl, the International Festival of Arts and Culture of Castilla y León and can be visited until October 31 . Gonzalo Borondo joins for this to 56 Fili, a screen printing project founded in 2008 by Arturo Amitrano, and STUDIO STUDIO STUDIO for the organization.


Non Plus Ultra claims break the rules of everything we know as art until now. As a first unusual aspect, the raison d'être of the work falls on the glass , a material that rarely plays a leading role in conventional projects. However, it will be via screen printing the way in which the artist explores all the possibilities of it.

Non Plus Ultra Gonzalo Borondo

Gonzalo Borondo explores art through glass and print.

Thus, in a game of transparencies and optical illusions , what looks like a single work of art, becomes two taking into account the gaze of its viewers. In two, or 56, the glass sheet modules that occupy the patio of the Palacio de la Salina, a stage that blends with the project through the beauty of both and providing a certain gloomy degree to the staging.

The sheets are two and a half meters high and are printed on both sides . In one of them you can see a column , and in the other, a figure from behind that seems to imitate the position of the crucifixion . Depending on the light, position, perspective and movement, visitors will be able to admire one or the other.


This perceptive confusion is part of Gonzalo Borondo's determination to work with the different creative possibilities of glass . Convinced of the art that emanates of its transparency and its relationship with light , the artist intends with this last impression bring painting to life and thus initiate an investigation that explores art in all its dimensions.

Non Plus Ultra Gonzalo Borondo

Gonzalo Borondo's work is a way of admiring the possibilities of light and perspective.

Borondo's purpose is that the painting stops being enjoyed simply through sight, so that it becomes an experience that explores the pleasure of the five senses . That is why he leaves the blank canvas aside and chooses the path of innovation using glass and serigraphy as tools , as it evolves into the practice of scratching glass (scratch glass).

Non Plus Ultra leaves none of those present indifferent prowling among its nooks and crannies. Those lucky enough to enter the experience will not only see more than one work of art, but will inquire about the infinity of its possibilities and the power it has to make us doubt reality.

Non Plus Ultra Gonzalo Borondo

Non Plus Ultra has the objective of playing with our five senses.

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